Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40…

Yikes, it’s me!!! 🙂

Well, ok, such an event requires a contest – a contest that encompasses Chaos’ third birthday (since he was sick at the time), my 40th birthday, and my first blogiversary on November 22… Leave me a comment with the most useful piece of information/advice you’ve ever received. The information you wished you’d known when. The information that you think we’d all be better off knowing.

Leave your comment by 7 pm CST Wednesday, November 22, and I will use the magical random number generator to select the winners. There will be at least three prizes and possibly more: knitterly prizes for knitters and other prizes for non-knitters. Knitterly prizes will include the autumnal skein of laceweight I dyed at Deb’s on my vacation and skeins of Socks that Rock from the 2006 Rockin’ Socks Club.

“You guys can so do this – you have opposable thumbs!”

152 thoughts on “Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40…”

  1. Put your cats on senior diet food when they reach the right age. (I hadn’t because the youngest, Elmo, was still under 7).The older one was way way too heavy and still gaining. Even the younger one was starting to plump up.

    They both lost a pile of weight right away and are much healthier and energetic.

  2. Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    I think the best advice I’ve got is from my aunt: “Take time to laugh every day.”

    And the best advice from myself? Always make sure the toaster is unplugged before trying to get the toast unstuck.

  4. Haaaaaaappy Birthday!

    Okay, this is what my Gramma used to say to me “You can wish in one hand, and shit in the other, and see which fills up first…”

    I don’t know if that’s advice, but it helped get my head out of the clouds, and if I ever wanted something bad enough, I would MAKE it happen, instead of wishing for it to.

  5. Wow! Happy Birthday! That’s a huge deal.

    Best advice is a tough one! I guess some of the best advice that I always use is that whenever you have something overwhelming ahead of you (like some huge project at work) don’t think of the big picture – that only makes you more stressed out – instead, take it in small steps and just think about what you need TODAY to bring you closer to your goal.

    Happy Birthday again! Do something fabulous!

  6. OMG, just 40, you’re a kid!!

    My best advice was when I went into my own business. I was told, the highs will be higher and the lows will be lower than anything you’ve ever experienced before.

    He was right.

    If I win your prize, give it to Syd, she’s been so good to me for the past 13 years.

  7. Happy, happy birthday dear Chris. My grandmother always told me, “Travel while you’re young.” She was so right. A birthday calls for a road trip!

  8. Oh, and advice? Let’s think . . .

    The things we hate most in other people are usually our own worst weaknesses–whether we want to admit it or not! (“Man, I hate how sensitive her temper is, it just makes me so angry!”)

    And–happiness is a state of mind. Nobody else can make us happy, they can only encourage a state of mind that we create for ourselves.

  9. Happy birthday!

    Best advice? Always focus on the boulders of life!

    [“don’t sweat the small stuff”]

    If you think of your time as a jar, we often fill the jar with sand and pebbles. Often this doesn’t leave space for the rocks and boulders…
    sand/pebbles- much ado about nothing
    rocks/boulders- the truly important aspects of your life.

  10. Happy tri-celebration! To you and Chaos and your blog.

    I love the contest. What great guideposts your friends have left.

    My advice is: forgive. It benefits you and the one who hurt you.

  11. Happy birthday to you and belatedly to Chaos.

    Best advice: Stop talking about it and just do it already. (It is the best advice, but not necessarily one I follow often enough.)

  12. Happy Birthday and Anniversary and Chaos’ Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Live each day to its fullest. Every day. Live Life! Oh, and my 40s were awesome. Kinda hate to leave them behind, but 50’s not so bad so far. 😉

  13. Happy birthday to you and Chaos. Happy blogaversary. Advice, wow there are so many things that I’d wish I’d listen too or thought of at the time. But I think as I’m getting older, everyone so busy with what we think is important we forget to look around and enjoy and appreciate what we have. I think my advice would be “Take the Time to Really Enjoy Your Day”

  14. Atticus, Mae and Gandalf all send you the biggest Birthday hugs!

    Live, and let live; happiness follows. Congrats girl, you should be proud of every single year.

    Oh, the Little Dudes offer this sage advice – jump, sleep, eat, play, and love like the dickens! Because you don’t know what tomorrow brings. (Uh, ’cause they’re cats, and uh, have no concept of time. You know.)

    Glad I “met” you – thanks for all the celiac advice!

  15. Forty! 40! You don’t look a day over fifty. 🙂

    Happy Birthday.

    Umm, best bit of advice: Don’t go to bed on an arguement.

    What I wish I had known: That mrspao gets angry when she is hungry.

    What everyone should know: Don’t let mrspao get hungry.

  16. Happy Birthday!!!!

    This is the best advice of late: get your kids ready and in bed BEFORE they are tired and freaking out and take two hours to wind down and fall asleep. I’m embarrased to say we did not quite figure that one out on our own:-) Not that Chaos and May need to get their p.j.s on or anything….

  17. “Here’s to those who wish us well, and those who don’t can go to hell.” I guess this is not really a piece of advice, more of a toast! So here is to you, Happy Birthday!

  18. Good one Delia… but to expand upon that thought, the flowers who mired in the deepest shit tend to be strongest and prettiest!

    My most useful advice (nothing unusual and I seem to forget to follow it) is to keep my mouth shut in many situations. I just turned 39 and for some reason it doesn’t bother me… yet. We’ll see about 40.

  19. Happy Birthday, Chris!

    Umm, advice? I love giving advice! My dad’s wisdom is “never stare directly into the sun” (alternated with ‘don’t take any wooden nickels’).

    My mother says “The trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun”.

    But I like Just A Knit Wit’s. The only opinion of you that matters is your own. (And Chris’s knitting advice. So that’s how you do it!)

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! See my extra sentiment? It’s in all those capital letters. *Eye roll*

    Best advice ever hm?
    Don’t eat Chinese food in a one stop light town.

  21. Happy Birthday Chris, Happy Birthday Chaos, and Happy Blogiversary too 🙂

    Best advice (someone already said it): My mother always said not to leave the house or go to bed angry at someone you love. She used to tell the story of my Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandfather who went to bed angy and my Great-Grandfather died in his sleep. So their last words to each other were angy ones. How sad.

  22. Dance with the one what brung ya.

    Never draw to an inside straight.

    Remember that everyone is always doing the best they can.

    Happy birthday. The 40’s are great!

  23. Holy crap, 82 comments? You’re a CELEBRITY.

    I thought of another piece of advice…it’s probably already been mentioned somewhere in the comments but without reading them, I’m going to go ahead and tell you what it is anyway.

    Best advice ever given to me when Julia was born: SLEEP WHEN THE BABY SLEEPS.


    There is a Tears for Fears video on tv right now. Lordy, that makes me feel old.

    Hmm, advice…

    Life’s too short to do things you don’t want to do. If there’s something you’ve always been meaning to do, then there’s no time like the present.

    And my grandmother told me to moisturize my elbows every time I moisturized my face.

  25. Happy Birthday! Are you coming to Creative Fibers on Sunday, because if you are I’ll have to remember to bring you a birthday surprise 😉

    As far as the advice thing goes… Hmm… I can’t think of anything, honestly. Sheesh.

  26. Happy 40th! It’s a great time!

    My advice came from my dad… he said to live your life so that when you look back you have a life of memories (good and bad) rather than the regret of never having tried the adventures you dreamed about.
    Or: Don’t just live the length of your life, live the width of it as well.

  27. Happy birthday, Chris (and Chaos and blog)!

    I’m on the shady side of 50 so I have lots of advice:

    “Be careful who you pretend to be [because you will become that person]” from some Kurt Vonnegut book I read years ago.

    “Never walk on ice with your hands in your pockets.” From my dad, the absolute only advice he ever gave me (he invented “introvert”)

    “The object of life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, and shouting, “Holy shit, what a ride!” (from a e-mail, printed out prettily, and posted on my wall)

  28. Fabulous at Forty,
    Relax, Enjoy, Be Spoilt

    Advice, Hmmmmm????
    “Always buy yourself a fabulous gift
    for special occassions”

    I bought myself a string of multi-coloured tahitian pearls for my 40th birthday.
    Yes, I take my own advice!!
    I’m missing seeing the gorgeous Chaos,
    I love May, but, I need to see the birthday boy

  29. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 40-something club, where life is fun all the time. Or something like that.
    Advice, huh? Follow your heart. It’s been working pretty good for me.

  30. Happy Birthday!

    One year, I made a New Year’s resolution to only worry about things that were within my scope of responsibility. I spent the year saying “That’s too bad, but it’s not my problem.” It was the start of a new way of life for me. My own best advice to myself.

  31. I wish I’d known that forty is YOUNG, baby! Enjoy yourself while you’re young:
    LIVE – as though heaven were on earth
    LAUGH – as though no one can hear you
    LOVE – as though you’ve never been hurt before
    DANCE – as though no one was watching

    Happy Birthday to you both!

  32. Best advice I’ve had: crazy is NOT as crazy does.

    And a change of scenery is good for you.

    And don’t go to bed without a catchen or two or three or four or or or.

    Buying yarn is NEVER a bad idea.

    It’s normal to want to knit to the exclusion of all else.

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