Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40…

Yikes, it’s me!!! 🙂

Well, ok, such an event requires a contest – a contest that encompasses Chaos’ third birthday (since he was sick at the time), my 40th birthday, and my first blogiversary on November 22… Leave me a comment with the most useful piece of information/advice you’ve ever received. The information you wished you’d known when. The information that you think we’d all be better off knowing.

Leave your comment by 7 pm CST Wednesday, November 22, and I will use the magical random number generator to select the winners. There will be at least three prizes and possibly more: knitterly prizes for knitters and other prizes for non-knitters. Knitterly prizes will include the autumnal skein of laceweight I dyed at Deb’s on my vacation and skeins of Socks that Rock from the 2006 Rockin’ Socks Club.

“You guys can so do this – you have opposable thumbs!”

152 thoughts on “Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40…”

  1. Happy birthday! 40 is just the beginning of your life!

    Best advice…hmmm…well, I’ll go with “what I wished I’d known.” I wish I’d had more courage to seek out wider opportunities. I look back at my college days, and I bet I could have gotten scholarships to study abroad, something I was too chicken back then to investigate. That’s my biggest regret, not having lived in a foreign country for a while.

  2. Happy Birthday and I cannot believe you’re giving that beautiful laceweight away!!

    Lets see… best advice… I think the one thing I wish I’d known when I was younger that would have made my life so much happier, if not easier, is that the only opinion of you that matters is your own.

  3. I don’t think this is a particularly useful piece of advice, but it is the funniest: Don’t shit where you eat.

    One of mine: Excitement and Fear are very close, don’t mistake one for the other.

    happy, Happy, HAPPY Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

    I’m gonna have to think about the advice….I know there are some, but *best* requires some thought.

    My brother loves this informational tidbit though…”There are 3 kinds of people in this world: Those who can count and those who can’t.”

    I know it might be old…but it still give me the giggles, which is defintely in order on the 40! 🙂

    I’ll be back with grand advice!

  5. The information I think we’d all be better off knowing isn’t something that someone told me. It’s not advice that was given to me and I think it’s something that we all know, or most of us, anyway, but it’s something that, with the hustle and bustle of life and work and commitments, we tend to forget. And that is how important family is. How at the end of even the shittiest of days, it’s the love and strength of family that is what keeps us going. Keep us wanting to get up in the morning and do it again. Keeps us happy, smiling and thankful. Grounded. Loved.

    Happy Birthday, my friend. My life is truly richer with you (and Chaos and May) in it.

  6. I just re-read my comment and if you can get past my horrible grammer, it does make sense. A little.

    Sorry. I usually try not to leave comments that don’t make sense, but it’s been a long week and there’s just not enough coffee in my veins right now.

  7. Haha…ok I got one. Learn to say “ok”. Which basically was a plea from another woman to convince me that I didn’t need to try to solve everyone else’s problems. They have a problem, just say “ok…” It’s a good one. Tough, but good. 🙂

    And happy birthday again!! 🙂

  8. Hmmm, advice. Since I didn’t tend to listen to anyone as a young miss, I doubt I remember any advice I might have been given.
    I guess I would have to say: When finishing a bind off don’t pull the yarn tail through the last loop. Pull the loop with your needle, making it larger until the tail end comes out of the last bound off sts. DO NOT PULL ON THE TAIL END. Pull on the loop itself. Then secure your tail by weaving. This prevents that dog ear you get when pulling the tail THROUGH the loop.

  9. Best piece of advice: When faced with trying situations, remember, this too shall pass. Most things are temporary, and in 1 year or 5 years we will look back and see that we got through it, and we will be proud!

  10. Happy Birthday to you!!!!!

    Hmm something that I wish I’d known… I kind of think Mama Tulip has said it for me already. Make the most of every day – enjoy it as you only get to do it once 🙂

    You are truly do make our lives richer and thank you for all your support and kindness this year – you’re a great friend!

  11. It’s not so much advise as an observation about being 40. I wish I’d liked myself in my youth as much as I do now. I’ve never felt more grounded, more alive and more creative in my entire life. Revel in being 40. Happy Birthday ya sexy chick!

  12. Happy Birthday! Hard to believe how fast the years pass, isn’t it?

    The advice I often repeat to myself is “Don’t Borrow Trouble.” Everytime I want to worry and obsess about something that MIGHT happen, I remember that piece of advice and try not to worry about something until it actually does happen, if it does at all. Makes life much less stressful.

  13. wow, 40 huh? wouldn’t have guessed that.

    wish I had Chris’ advice yesterday when I was casting off the first mitten – now I’ll have to do the second one the old way so they match.

    advice. hmmm… how ’bout what my sister ‘heard’ at the end of a recent dream (commercial announcer style):

    and salesmen know – the whole truth will never fit in anyone’s ear.

    (why don’t I have announcer-style advice in my dreams? I’m jealous.)

  14. Chris- I never would have thought I’d hear myself saying something like this- but there are advantages to turning 40.
    It brings with it more self-assurance, and less worry about what other people think. Remember, if you don’t value someone’s opinion, then who cares?
    Oh, and you get to own as many black cats as you want!

  15. Happy birthday!

    The best piece of advice that was ever given to me, by a new boss on my first day on the job: you can be whatever you want to be. Don’t worry about anyone’s preconceived notions about you, don’t feel you have to suck up to anyone, and don’t listen to anyone who’s gonna tell you that you have to be a certain way.

  16. Never tell a kid that high school will be the best years of their lives – if it sucks what do they have to look forward too, and if it is great they’ll think its all down hill from there.

    Happy Birthday to you, Chaos, & the blog 😉

  17. Happy Birthday. Ok.. lets see. My father always said “Don’t Eat Yellow Snow” (ewwww..) when asked for advice. His other bit of advice (which is less silly) is “Don’t take it personally”… it works in a lot of situations.

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY – you’re only as old as you feel! 🙂

    I think the best advice I was ever given or could give is “everything in moderation.”

    Because excess of any kind truly isn’t good for us. (yes, even yarn…!)

    The second best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten was, when all else fails, take a nap. Rest is a curative…
    Have a great day!

  19. Well, it’s not exactly advice, but it’s a great quote & apropos especially today:

    Youth has no age.
    ~Pablo Picasso

    Happy Birthday, you youthful, wonderful woman!

  20. That whole “circle of control” and “circle of influence” thing was the best advice I ever got. Worry about what’s in your circle of control – not your circle of influence. I guess it’s a visual thing.

    Check my blog for a special message.

  21. Happy Birthday!!

    Hopefully this will be coherent. I wish someone had told me not to think so narrowly when I was younger. I was too quick to close off possibilities and think of life as too black and white. Now I realize that one choice does not necessarily exclude the other. Oh, and the piece of advice I still have trouble following, “It never hurts to try.”

    Happy Birthday again. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you (and Chaos and May).

  22. Happy 40th!! I loved being 40 way more than 30, if you can believe it (even in retrospect, now that I am 46.5).

    As for advice: don’t go to bed mad. either at yourself, your mate, or the pets 🙂 if you can’t fully resolve the issue before bedtime, at least agree to disagree for now so you can resolve it later when the morning sun comes up.

  23. Happy Birthday!!

    Advice: Don’t worry so much about what people think of you. I spent most of elementary and high school being an outcast and it affected how I felt about myself. Then, I realized in college that HS is in no way an accurate representation of the rest of the world. In the real world, you can actually seek out people with similar interests and they don’t have to be exactly the same age.

  24. At 8:00 PM at the office, after three sleepless nights answering pages and emergency calls, one of my bosses watched me melt into a puddle of tears. She said, “You know, I never lose sleep over work. You shouldn’t either. If the report doesn’t go out on time, or a letter is a day late, no one’s life depends on it so don’t sweat it.”

    Not long after, someone passed away who was close to my heart. From that day forward, I never “lost sleep” over work. The job almost put me in the loony bin and my boss rescued me.

  25. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an absolutely fabulous day. 🙂

    Best advice: take risks, make mistakes, let life surprise you, enjoy the ride instead of worrying about where you’ll end up.

  26. Happy celebrations!

    Advice: If it’s not true, don’t say it. If you wouldn’t tell something to someone directly, don’t talk about the same thing behind their back. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    The world would be a better place if more of us followed these simple rules 🙂

  27. Happy Birthday! I just turned 30 Nov. 12, and man, am I sweating it! Didn’t think I’d feel so old!

    I am a lurker, and just had to come out to say happy bday and to tell you I love your kitties! I have two black kitties myself, Raven and Mookie.

    On to the advice: don’t worry about what people in high school think of you, they’re just as insecure and “weird” as you think they think you are!

  28. Yay! Tons of birthday wishes! Serge says meow!

    On the advice front, I’m only in my young twenties, but I think my top two favorites would be

    -Temples are boring, let your body be an amusement park!
    -Don’t eat yellow snow

    Enjoy the bday/bloganniversary! (there should be cake involved, don’t you think?)

  29. Happy Happy Triple birthday! You, Chaos (belated) and the blog! But mostly you, lots and lots for you :o)

    advice… know thyself and also know that the self evolves, so you may have to get re-acquainted on a regular basis. Take time to do this and follow those insights accordingly. Results and methods may vary.

  30. Happy happy birthday wishes to you – the 40’s are great!!
    best advice?
    “when you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything at all.” this came to me from a friend I used to walk with, over 20 years ago. I still think of her and use it often, because the urgency that most of us feel is seldom real. 🙂

  31. “your life is how you spend your days.”
    i just heard that recently.
    maybe not the best advice for me right now, as i spend my days with diapers and cleaning up messes–but it gives perspective.
    if you spend your days being made at someone, your life will fly by with all that time wasted.
    if you spend your life “waiting” for something good to happen, you’ll spend your life waiting.
    if you knit a bit every day you can measure you life by your projects!!
    there–wisdom and knitting content.

  32. Happy birthday, girl! *smooch*

    Happy birthday, Chaos! *pets*

    Let’s see…good advice….

    “You don’t have to be the person you’ve become.”

    Some people find it a depressing sentiment, but I think it’s the most freeing idea in the world. 🙂

  33. Happiest of birthdays!

    I’d have to think about the best advice I’ve been given, but this tidbit popped into my head:

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance. (Lee Ann Womack)

  34. i think my best advice, at the least the advice i go back to over and over, is that most bad situations aren’t permanent, and that patience will get you through most of those bad things. is that even advice? i’m not sure. happy birthday anyway.

  35. Happy Birthday Chris! Happy Birthday Chaos! Happy Anniversary too!

    Everyone likes to be treated well, use please and thank yous and share. 🙂

  36. This is advice from ME, so it may not count. But one of my guiding principles is:

    If you’re upset/angry/stressed/freaking out, first ask yourself: Am I hungry? Is it after midnight? If it’s after midnight, just go to bed. Emotions when hungry, or after midnight, should never be taken seriously.

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