And linkity saw sunshine and it was good


Think, Do, Make, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Collage Lab: 52 Experiments, Investigations, and Exploratory Projects by Bee Shay. Pretty much what it says on the tin! I liked the examples of the various experiments – I’ll definitely refer back to this one when I want to do a photo transfer using gel medium, for example. What I didn’t like was the tacit art knowledge that seemed to be required throughout the book. Reread: OMG, why not put the instructions in the same place for every lab?!

I call this one “Drowsing Chaotic Cat with Ears of Annoyance”.

8 thoughts on “And linkity saw sunshine and it was good”

  1. “Ears of Annoyance.” LOL

    I saw that Harry Potter and the Battle for Gun Control link… very powerful. (Just don’t read the idiocy in the comments.) And that new organ is fascinating. I’m not sure what I think of that yet.

    Hmm. My BuJo has helped me stay on top of my to-do list (usually) but I’m curious about the not-to-do list, too. I’ll have to look for more examples of how people have incorporated that.

    Elfpunk! Yay, a name for the subgenre of books I adore! (Though the original poster forgot to include the Bedlam’s Bard series by Mercedes Lackey (and Ellen Guon) and Tinker by Wen Spencer. I saw a comment also mentioned Senan McGuire’s October Daye series. ALL BOOKS I LOVE! Yay!) I clicked a link from that article, though, and saw that Holly Black had surgery to get elf ears. Um, what? O.o

    Yay poetry! I plan to read a bunch next month for National Poetry Month.

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