Thanks to everyone who’s been asking about the Chaos Kitty. Here’s where things stand: Chaos is happy and active and is off antibiotics (for a skin infection – hence the shaved butt). He went back to the vet on Saturday and the consensus is that he’s having autoimmune issues. (Aw, he’s taking after me!) This last bout was triggered by him sneaking some of May’s food. May seems to be grain sensitive. (Aw, she’s taking after me, too!) She has trouble if she eats any of Chaos’ food. He has trouble if he eats any of her food. Ack. Cat feeding time around here is very intricate, let me tell you!
Brigitte is having a contest to name the sweater she’s working on. The contest deadline is 5 pm Eastern, Friday, October 20.
Rabbitch wants to put hats on as many of Vancouver’s 1300 homeless as she can and is offering prizes to those who knit hats. You can send your hats to this address. Deadline is December 1.
There’s still time to enter V’s contest by sending her some yarn for her blanket. She’ll draw for prizes on November 1.
Reading Update
The Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters. This was the very first Amelia Peabody mystery and interestingly enough, really the only one that I enjoy re-reading.
For Better, For Worse by Carole Matthews. Your basic chick lit – it was good enough that I finished reading it, but not good enough that I’ll recommend it or pass the book along to anyone. Your mileage may vary.
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton. After reading the Sookie Stackhouse books and thinking how much more I enjoyed them than I have the recent Anita Blake (Vampire Hunter) books, I decided to re-read the very first Anita Blake novel. It’s good. At what point did the series deteriorate? Guess I’ll have to re-read them in order to see if I can figure that out.
I have quite a few bibs to knit, since there’s a baby infestation bearing down upon us. You have been warned.
I’m so glad that Chaos has improved. I can only imagine how feeding time goes down, LOL! Yikes!
May – get used to it! She does that a lot! 😉
Poooooooor Mayhem! Her life is downhill from here……
Feeding must be tons of fun around there now! Whee!
Glad that you had a good outcome after visiting the kitty doctor.
Feeding time will be fun.
Is there any food that they can both eat?
May is a perfect bib model
I love the little white spot on her tummy.
Hope the butt hair grows back quickly.
OK, we hav been warned, but has anyone told Chaos?
Oh No May – this is only the terrible beginning! If you’re nice, you might get extra mousies 🙂
Yikes – it does sound difficult to separate feeding, especially when you’re gone! I’m glad Chaos is doing better, though, and you’ve found something that can help him out! Really, having to go around like that in front of his little sister must be damaging his ego ;o)
Thanks for the link to the Vancouver drive!
Anita ‘jumped the shark’ when she started spending more time in bed than on cases. I put that right about “Blue Moon”, but I can’t stand Richard, so don’t go by me.
Glad to hear Chaos is better.
I actually had a black cat cross my path on Friday!! So far the bad luck has remained at bay.
Feeding your kitties sounds like feeding my kiddos–always a challenge.
Just my two cents but I think Anita Blake started a very gradual slide downhill with Lunatic Cafe, leveled out a bit, then really jumped off the deep end. As long as she doesn’t kill Richard(or make him a completely different character), I’ll probably keep reading.
poor kitties and poor you. knitting looks great though!
Poor chaos…….i’m glad he’s happy, and I’ll send some good immuney thoughts his way.
PS – Bloglines is still not seeing your blog……
Hee hee… Poor Mae, we really aren’t lauging AT her…
Thanks for mentioning my contest!
Another cat wears the bib
Another cat wears the bib
And another one wears
And another one wears
Another cat wears the bib
Hey, gonna get you too
Another cat wears the bib!
Maybe they should just eat carrots and water – like bunnies. Cute bib…who’s having babies?
That is tooo funny! “The big cat warned me about this!”
I’m glad the big cat is doing better and it’s only “feeding issues.”
Poor May! At least she looks great in those colors.
Hehe – poor May – she’d better get used to it 🙂
They both take after you – how cute 🙂
Is that your bib pattern?? May looks adorable in those colors. I bet Chaos is relieved to have someone pick up the slack for a while, huh?
From the look on May’ face in the Hmpf photo, you’d better practice that sleeping with one eye open thing again.
Hey – my aunt and her cat are both Coeliac too… bizarre isn’t it? (Fortunately our cat isn’t – all she gets is cat biscuits – and the very occasional scraps of tuna – at which point she thinks she’s died and gone to heaven!)
All of you feel better soon! Great pix of the bib avec cat;-)
Seeing how big the bib is on May vs. Chaos really illustrated their size difference!
Too funny! I love the bib shots…saw a Chaos twin at my vets on Sunday…trying hard not to succumb. Glad Chaos is feeling better!! I’ve been feeding kitties separately for 15 years. We’ve managed and you will, too!
* giggles at Trek’s comment*
My cat totally would not stand for that bib action.
Too. Cute.
So if your cats are taking over you then that presents a curious question… do you have a jungle pouch too?
Taking AFTER you
They’re already taken you over.
Chaos and May –
We here at the Operation Feline World Domination East Coast Headquarters are appalled by the re-appearance of “the bib.” Although we have not seen a bib in our area yet, our experts assure us that bibs can, and often do, spring up spontaneously, and that we therefore must maintain a constant state of readiness on the anti-bib front. We have raised the “bib-alert” level to code tuna.
Our weekly conference call should address the re-appearance of the bib, and we should plan on brainstorming methods of (a) retaliation, and (b) bib destruction.
Meow –
Oh my! Is that a little tearstrip I see in those photos? Has Ms. Mayhem taken a cue from The Meezer? OH MY!
Oh kitties, I have a couple that are sneezing at the moment. Yikes! I really don’t want a nasty kitty cold at my house. I think it is good that your cats are taking after you. However, maybe it is time are a picture of you in a bib. Just Kidding!
They need to invent kitty food dispensers that work on thumb… er, paw printing.
Uh-oh May. I’m guessing Chaos let you take the fall on that bib.
Glad Chaos is feeling better, but yes–this could be interesting!
And, interestingly, “Crocodile” is my least favorite Amelia Peabody book (although they’ve gone downhill in recent years). My favorites are the ones with Ramses as a young boy . . . he’s one of my all-time favorite characters, but ESPECIALLY as his loquacious, diabolically logical younger self.
Glad he’s doing better! It stinks that their diets are so different! Ugh!
May is a little escape artist in training!! 🙂
Glad Chaos is doing better. And poor May–but she looks darn cute.
Wow, and I thought it was interesting feeding two kitties when one of them is actually part hoover! 😉
May looks SO cute, love the hula-hoop look.
Chaos to May: Check this out, mom made another one!
May: What is it big kitty?
Chaos: It’s a tuna dispenser. You put it on, tuna comes out.
May: cool!
Chaos: snicker
May: (in last picture) Tuna? Tuuuuuunnnnnnaaaaa? Where are you? Come out now…….
They are so sweet, those kitties of yours 🙂
Oh, Qwilleran and Koko and Yum Yum, that’s who I thought of! Hope feeding time gets easier/smoother… (Cute bib on the cat, too)
The bib pictures are priceless!! I’m grinning ear to ear over here :o)
I clicked on your blog and what started playing on the radio? Monday Monday!!!!
Glad to hear Chaos is doing better! Sorry about the autoimmune and grain sensitivities though. I can’t even seem to keep the cat and ferrets out of each others food, so I don’t even you with the feeding issues.
May is just too cute in the bib!
I have a challenge for you: a photo of Chaos AND May both wearing bibs at the same time. That should keep all three of you busy until Easter 🙂
woah… didn’t even know chaos was feelin under the weather!
i’m totally not up on my kitty news huh…
don’t feel too bad chaos!!! and may… hope she’s doing good too…
naps is finally on the mend (pics at blog)… and earl is enjoying terrorizing him to the max. he’s trouble. with a capital ouble.
love your sweater chris…
awww May not you too! Did Chaos tell you it was fun, just so you would be trapped. BAD CHAOS! or maybe bad MUM!!!
Glad Chaos is figured out, your dinner time sounds like poor Sock’s dinner time when there are dogs here. They are always running by and take a dive at her dish to get some, poor thing can’t even eat out of her own dish hehe
Cute baby bib. May doesn’t seemm to think she needs a bib at her age. 🙂
Oh, poor May. But I guess Chaos is glad he escaped modelling this time:) I’m glad he’s feeling a bit better.
ARg. We have the same problems at our house regarding kitty food. We have one who can’t do, we think, corn or she gets the rash, two need diet food, and one doesn’t need any expensive specialty food. We can’t really get them to eat their own food.
What we really need to do is feed them in different rooms, except our place only has 4 rooms and we can only shut one of those doors. So, we’ll have to work harder to find a solution.
We are starting to suspect that our cat who passed away at the beginning of August couldn’t have the grains but the vets kept changing the protein. She basically had heart failure from not getting enough nutrients–taurine–because she couldn’t keep any food in her. We went through maybe 6 vets and 30 different diagnoses, none of which was a problem with grains.
You guys are just one big fambly! Is meat a possibility?
I’m so glad Chaos is better. I have to say that I’m disturbed by the continuing bib abuse. Poor little May. At least she’s a fighter! (And skinny enough to get out of the bib!)
Glad Chaos is feeling better, May looks really cute in that bib – It looked like she was in a straight jacket!