Congrats to Zunni, who won Nothing Serious by Jessica Jarman!
- Blodeuedd’s giving away an ebook copy of You Think You Know Me by Clare Chase. Closes October 3.
- New releases: Fiction Vixen (romance) and (UF/H, genre benders, SF, fantasy)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Censorship quotes for Banned Books Week.
- On grown-up coloring books.
- Harry Potter whoa.
- Map of the “geography of reading”.
- Bookstore sleepovers.
- Unusual bookstores.
- Glass books. (via krisngoodthings)
- Clickbait novel titles.
- Cover snark from Smart Bitches.
Do, Make, Learn, Think
- Is God actually your brain shorting out?
- October’s unusual holidays.
- Make your own pumpkin spice.
- Tips for taking pictures of black cats. (Thanks, Cheryl!)
- NASA discovered liquid water on Mars.
- The US Republican Party is the only major conservative political party denying climate change – worldwide.
- “Playing Scrabble changes the way you use your brain“.
- 12 recipes using leafy greens.
- 14 eggplant recipes.
- 20 quick dinner recipes.
- Lentil “meatballs” with Indian fenugreek sauce.
- Chicken chile enchiladas.
- Tandoori chicken pizza.
- Fresh herb, potato, and goat cheese frittata.
- Pumpkin muffins.
- Funfetti Twinkies. (via The Kitchn)
Gluten Free
Artsy Crafty
- Photos of the super blood moon eclipse.
- The X-Files revival trailers.
- Animation about the ISS.
- Short film about sculptor who makes miniature art.
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens prequel.
- Japanese Rube Goldberg machines.
- Short film about a firefighter who’s drawn to flame.
- Hobbit-themed tree house.
- Linkity from kmkat.
Cool or Wha…?
- Caffeinated peanut butter.
- Peanut butter and jelly burger. (No idea if it’s made with caffeinated peanut butter.)
- Cinnamon bun Oreos.
- Giant inflatable Jabba the Hut for your lawn.
- Weird medical billing codes.
- Zombie apocalypse, so inconvenient.
- On making American recipes if you aren’t in/from America.
- Where 3d and 2d meet surreally in Google Earth. (via pipervaughn)
- “Irish people watch ice hockey for the first time“.
- Cat pun.
Teh Cute
Reading Update
The Elemental Journal: Composing Artful Expressions from Items Cast Aside by Tammy Kushnir. Didn’t make it very far in this one. While I’m intrigued by making journals (and have made a couple of duct tape journals), I’m not interested in making a journal covered in bark.
*randomly judging* -Mayhem
*side-eyeing* -Chaos
“Yer man flicks it away” – Irish on hockey. Cute. And I am very very pro eggplant. Especially the mountain in my garden, along with the miles of chard, so your linkity is perfect for my season!
A recent post from marylou..Spinning. If you can call it that.
Big fan of adult (no not that kind of “adult”) colouring in books…. perfect for the totally non artistic types like me. There are a few of us that post our colouring in on Twitter under the hashtag #rainbowcrusaders
Have a good weekend Chris & co
Those Japanese machines are immensely satisfying to watch. And the cover snark is always fun. 🙂
LOL, but yes American recipes and then me baking, no
A recent post from blodeuedd..3 romance reviews in 1
“I understand why North Americans hate soccer after watching this.” Huh?
I’m not sure what the little jingle is in the Japanese machine video, but I now have a very strong urge to go to El Cerrito for a Taco.
LOLed at cover snark, particularly the penis-in-ear = sound-of-the-ocean. Also, I read your art journal page as “If all else fails paint over it with geese.” (I’m pretty sure that works as well as gesso.)
A recent post from kmkat..Oops.
Cats are funny I have 4 kittens because my husband let out a cat I rescued. So now I have 6 cats. Their favorite time to play chase is midnight. ANd it’s nothing to see one of them licking the ears and head of another one
I’ve never been so proud to be a Scrabble player. And I’ve taken note of Phiz, Quiff, and Mezquit. Just what were you doing to get judgement and side-eye from the kitties?
The thing about American recipes is pretty much how I feel about reading British recipes. Though I do like having ingredients listed by weight, instead of 1 “large” or “medium” something.
Looks like I have a lot of short films to go watch now.
A recent post from Cheryl S…FO: Canadian Winter