WTF Wednesday – the Hat Edition

Ok, I’ve been reading about SocktoberFest everywhere and was thinking to myself, “Heh, last thing I need right now is another along to not complete!” But it turns out that SocktoberFest is another of Lolly’s wonderfully no-pressure alongs – simply knit socks in October. That’s it. No tricks. No gimmicks. Well, I can manage that – I always have a pair of socks in my purse. So I’m in!

It’s 39F here right now – brrrrr!!

Hopefully I’ll be taking Chaos to the vet in a little bit – let’s just say that his digestion has been, um, messy, for the past day and I’m a bit worried. So, to distract all of us, I present the Hat Edition of WTF Wednesday.

Of course, even if he’s not feeling up to snuff, Chaos had to get in on the photo action (butt on left) – so did May (paws on bottom).

But I’d hate for y’all to miss out on a good picture of those hats, so here they are again in all-too-vivid color:

Apologies in advance for any nightmares you might have as a result of that picture… In this next picture, do you think she’s saluting? Or about to cover her eyes to escape the horror? (Or is she a he??)

This picture reminds me of something or someone, but I’m drawing a blank. Twiggy maybe?

Crocheted bobbles in lovely 1970s colors, anyone?!

Alas, I don’t think these pictures cheered Chaos up.

“Is it time to go to the vet yet, Mom?”

Even Mayhem looks concerned…

“He’s going to be ok, right Mom? I know he’s kind of crabby, but he’s fun to tease!”

66 thoughts on “WTF Wednesday – the Hat Edition”

  1. Chris- Poor Pussy-Boy! Maybe he’s a little stressed?
    Those hats are truly scary. There’s an episode of “Twilight Zone” that features a mannequin wearing one of those- freaks me right out!

  2. Oh my god. I have that SAME booklet. Scored it at a yard sale (where else would one get it?!)

    Poor Chaos…I hope he feels better. He truly has been MUCH too mellow lately. I’m sure he’s just adjusting.

  3. “So Ma’am did you get a good look at the man who robbed you?” “Well I was so busy laughing at his stupid hand knit ski mask that I really didn’t.”

    Hope Chaos is back to being master of the house soon.

  4. Nurse! 100 ccs brain bleach, STAT!


    I think I like my hat book better. Hee hee.

    Poor Chaos! Hopefully it’s just adjustment woes? And it’ll go away quicklike?

  5. Poor Chaos! I hope you feel better soon and it’s just stress (or eating the wrong food).

    as for the hats:
    …”But when you go to war with Sparta round about Christmastime, you’d rather they get near enough to actually clash swords – not collapse in fits of laughter two miles out of the city.”

    “Not that we wanted to fight Sparta,” added Athena, adjusting her spectacles. “But, of course, one has to keep up one’s image.”
    “I’m sure the bobble hats didn’t help,” said Hestia moodily. Cupid nodded slightly. “Or the stripy mittens,” he agreed.

    sorry.. I had to!
    from this

  6. Yikes, I will be having nightmares for sure. Especially of the mask/glasses combo. Who would outline the eyes in a different color. Well I guess I would.

  7. hope that sweet Chaos is okay… sounds like he got into Mom’s yarn.
    those hats are downright scarey (and a bit creepy too).. getting into the spirit of Halloween are you? 🙂

  8. I love your blog for all the contest and KAL reports -your like my Zagaats or TV guide of the blogworld and I’m now a fellow socktoberfest participant! Even with the prewarning, I just see serial killer written all over those hats! Heebie Jeebies!

  9. I hope Chaos is going to be ok. Keep us posted.
    And what’s wrong with some of those hats??? I mean…just use a different yarn.
    Oh, who the hell am I kidding! Those are BAD fashion!

  10. Awww. Hope Chaos gets better soon. Great find on those hats. It’s so scary to think people might have even knit those. For fun I mean, not just for the magazine they were published in. Though, it does give aspiring knitwear designers hope I guess. If those could be published, anything can.

  11. Poor guy, hope he’s better soon! We’ve had a lot of weird digestive things lately…all three animals, Fun! Let’s just say there is some serious carpet shampooing going on.

  12. I have 5 cats, and whenever one has messy digestion I mix some bran (i.e., bran flakes cereal or oat meal flakes) in their food and it takes care of the problem. I mentioned it to my vet and she was impressed. I hope this helps. By the way, I absolutely adore the photos of Mayhem.

  13. I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing that Mr Chaos is eating Miss May’s food. I bet that might be part of his issue if he’s having poop problems (kitten food is more fatty that adult food).
    Those hat patterns are AWESOME! I bet they were made with cheesey acrylic too. Too bad you couldn’t find any in retina searing orange.

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