Higgeldy piggeldy linkity

Congrats to MarMight, who won The Champion’s Secret (Red Dragon #4) by Becky Black!


Think, Make, Learn, Do


Gluten Free



Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults by Cynthia Kim. Excellent little book for those of us who’ve come to suspect we’re neurodiverse instead of neurotypical. Defines autism spectrum disorders, describes the process of getting an official diagnosis (and how that might not even be possible for everyone), and discusses how to properly self-diagnose. Highly recommended.
Still Life (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #1) by Louise Penny. Very good mystery set in Quebec, in a thriving little town that’s not on any of the maps (the Chief Inspector checks as they’re driving out from Montreal), after an elderly and much-beloved town resident is found dead. Accidental death… or murder? I’m already on the wait list at the library for the next two books in the series. 🙂

“Clean face, clean face, I’m going to have a clean clean face!” -Chaos

5 thoughts on “Higgeldy piggeldy linkity”

  1. That little Globosome film was stunningly beautiful and Jurassic Cookie was great.

    And doesn’t “Men in Belted Sweaters” sound like it might be a ’70s TV series? Lol!

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