Random Tuesday (more random than ever!)

Me? Crabby. Managed, in the course of trying to resolve some ipod issues, to brilliantly delete my playlists… If you’re waiting for a mix from me, I’m sorry! I have to recreate them from screen shots due to my own stupidity. (Strangely, that doesn’t make me feel better.) On the plus side, I really don’t think my toe is broken – thanks to everyone who sent me well wishes! 🙂

Becky is celebrating her blogiversary and her new blog with a contest! Drop by before September 24.

Craftlilly Jennifer has started a new KAL, FiberFlix. Think Knit the Classics, but with films instead of books.

Edit: D’oh! Missed that it was Talk Like a Pirate Day. Whoops… Thanks to Mouse for the reminder.

Reading Update: Who Killed Marilyn Monroe? by Liz Evans. The first Grace Smith mystery at last! (No, I didn’t manage to say anything clever to Cute Library Guy…)
Magic Kingdome for Sale… Sold! by Terry Brooks. Chicago lawyer Ben Holliday buys the magic kingdom of Landover from a catalog and leaves his job and friends behind to go live as Landover’s king. This was a very clever premise and enjoyable book. I’m sure I’ll read a few more in the series, if the quality stays decent.

For those who have been worried about Chaos being usurped by Mayhem on the blog…

“Not to worry. She’s a pipsqueak. I have whiskers longer than her legs. (ARRRRRRRGH!)”

May appeared startlingly unconcerned…

*YAWN* “Arrrrrrrrrgh!” *chirp*

35 thoughts on “Random Tuesday (more random than ever!)”

  1. Ugh. I’ve done that with ipod before too. They don’t give you a warning before it’s just gone. No bueno. I hope you can pull them back together from memory, but one good thing is it does kind of give you a chance to freshen things up a bit.

  2. Chaos is looking mighty sleek with his “bedroom eyes” in that picture. Since we can’t get a second kitty just yet, I will now get my black kitty plus bonus little kitty action vicariously through you 🙂

  3. I broke my toe once and it was extremely painful…but then again, I’ve stubbed my toe before and thought I’d broken it. Stubbed toes suck.

    I’m just updating my iPod with a nice, calm “don’t worry about your dental surgery, it’ll be okay” track list. I’m so sorry you deleted your playlist. That, uh…sucks.

  4. he really does look amazingly identical to my cosmo. i’m glad i don’t have chaos and cosmo instead of danger and cosmo. i’m not sure i would be able to tell them apart!

  5. Glad to hear the toe is intact — although mighty sore, right? I hear kitty spit, lovingly applied by tongue, has amazing curative powers. Chaos, May, are you listening? Take care of Chris, ‘kay?

    Oh, btw, arrrg!

  6. Glad to see that close-up of Chaos! I have a request to make. Can you post pictures of his white bits?

    May is as cute as Chaos is beautiful!

  7. Wow! You’ve had an awesome summer. Except for the head cold, it looks like you’ve had a fine time.

    I ::heart:: Mayhem. Tell Chaos not to worry, though, and always remember that song from Girl Scouts….’make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.’


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