Congrats to Joe, who won Accidental Alpha (Pack Partners #1) by Poppy Dennison!
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Broken Neck Guy. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble figuring out how he got his name. 😉
was suddenly very focused on satisfying the
(cost to her
be damned) so that they had their
was spilled by
during the
For those of you who’ve been worried that recent Misadventures were making a lot of sense, worry no more! 😀
“More naughty boys. *sigh*” -Mayhem
He is all poor me I am so pretty
A recent post from blodeuedd..Mishel Reviews: Suburban Legends – Sam Stall
Nothing ever changes, Mayhem.
A recent post from margene..All I Got
Chris-Can someone get this guy a chiropractor?
A recent post from lorraine..Ten on Tuesday- 10 Chores You Hate Most
What the actual fuck is up with some of these covers
A recent post from JulioAlexi Genao..the five worst things about pixar.
He has a very soulful look going with that neck…and since my neck is sore ATM all I can say is ‘OUCH!’
What margene said May…I don’t think you’ll ever convince us to stop looking at naughty boys 🙂
A belated ‘All the best with selling the condo!’ *hugs*
A recent post from orannia..The America’s Cup
Yeah, that was rather random. Perhaps he needs a massage. I may be available. 😀
A recent post from Tam..Painting Fire on the Air by JP Barnaby