IKEA Wonderland

At last – the big reveal on my little IKEA living room redesign.

Of course, I didn’t really think to take a before picture until I was halfway done. 🙂 But if you picture stacks of books on the floor and cds and dvds stacked beside and on top of the tv, you’ll get the gist of it. You will actually get to see the intermediate pictures at some point, because the cats were (no surprise) very, very curious and involved with the whole project.

“I am a fierce panther girl, leaping from a branch onto an unsuspecting deer furry pink mouse. Fear me!” -Mayhem

45 thoughts on “IKEA Wonderland”

  1. Oh it looks very nice… and you still have (some) space for more books, CDs and DVDs hehehe. And curious me wants to know what is those boxes hehehe.

  2. Wow.. very cool and organized! We finally got an IKEA here in Atlanta a few years ago but I can’t convince hubby to go there. He really dislikes their furniture and that whole look that IKEA has.. he especially hates those wall cube things which are perfect for yarn stashes.

  3. Wow!! I have seen “the before” in person and I LOVE the new look! Now I can’t wait to see it in person. I’m sure the kitties love it too….the new urban jungle!

  4. Yay for organization!
    I’m going to head down to IKEA soon to look for something for our office. I need bookshelves with doors. Not glass doors – something to hide all the junk.

  5. Looks great! That was a lot of assembly! I’m glad the kitties survived, and that Chaos did not get crushed. It looks like it might be a little hard for them to get to the top of the center unit to create a new fortress of solitude. You really should have created a more step like progression of units. It’s as if you planned it so they couldn’t get up there. 😉

  6. do you mind sharing which IKEA “line” you have going on there? I’m soon to be in the market for a new entertainment center and that part in the middle looks pretty neat

  7. OMG! That looks really great. You must be so relieved that it’s done in time for spring. (Now, no spring cleaning since it’s already done.) It’s a nice selection of components.

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