Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Studly Belt Guy. 🙂
, she wanted to believe that the
(even though she knew there was
), but it was a lot more likely he was a
into a
Started coherently, but…
“Judging you so hard, Mom” -Mayhem
I like the way you worked in ‘parlaying’ into this misadventure.
A recent post from mrspao..Signs of Spring
Lust plague? Well, I guess it beats locusts.
A recent post from Tam..Friday Five
The abs got into the way of any understanding of words (if there was anything to understand). Mayhem, love is the answer.
A recent post from margene..Garden Duty
Ew, you wrote het…
I’m gonna sit there with May and judge you 😉
Chris- A Lust Plague- I do hope there’s a vaccine for that.
A recent post from lorraine..Not Ten, Not Tuesday
wow! Lust Plague…I have no response to that…
I am now terrified of the clothing optional stalker.
A recent post from PD Singer..Fly Not Yet
Clothing-optional stalkers and lust plagues? Sign me up!! lol
I luff studly belt guy!
Is that the same belly and chest all the way through? And he’s a stalker on top of it? Yow.
Should I have included the word “Pentacles” from the Knight in Shining Armor cover. It makes more since that way.
The clothing optional stalker
Lust Plague? Really? Is it deadly?
The belt is very studly. More memorable than the headless torso attached to it.
A recent post from louH..Wednesday Word: Vamp