Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with My Underwear Matches My Cowboy Hat Guy (MUMMCHG) once again.
was working at
with a couple of really
s when he became
and started to wonder if he should
or find something
to help him cool down. Suddenly, just like in one of his friend
s of
, appeared from
and decided that
should also be a
and whisked Dylan away before he reached
*blink blink blink*
“Argh!! Mom!! NO MORE NAUGHTY BOYS!!!!!” -Mayhem
well…he is a cowboy
A recent post from blodeuedd..The Sunday Post – 21st edition
If I were a naughty boy, I’d run fast and far to get away from those fangs, May!
Mom has an addiction, May. You’ll need to do more than look tough, you need to BE TOUGH!
A recent post from margene..Green Gamble
Love how you tied his “virginity” into the beginning of the story and the end! A cowboy’s first time should be a cowboy’s roughest ride? Ha, ha! 😀
A recent post from Val Kovalin..Review A Dangerous Man by Anne Brooke
*snicker* Ok, I’ll confess to snorting when I got to “first ride” LOL!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Weekending Reads
I am left wondering what an ice vampire actually is.
You’re freaking me out, that actually made sense, you’re not sick are you?
Chris- This brought about a few earworm songs: Aerosmith- Back In the Saddle, and some c&w song- Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys…
Never mind.
A recent post from lorraine..Lost and Found
That was a pretty consistent plot thread, although I am confused by the Ice Vampire. I wonder if they sparkle.
May’s pretty even while yawning. Is it a fact that a cat couldn’t yawn like that without their ears flattening? I don’t know much of anything about cat musculature.
A recent post from Brenda..Green Hat, Greens, and Spring Flowers
Am I the only one who couldn’t get past the first cover? I’ve got “Princess Bride” on the brain now…
My Underwear Matches My Cowboy Hat Guy (MUMMCHG)
May – I don’t think the naughty boys are going anywhere anytime soon *whispers* YAH!
A recent post from orannia..Books 2013: February Update
I think it is a sad state on these covers that when i saw Trail’s End at a quick glance I thought that tree was wildly photoshopped hair!
A recent post from jayhjay..Review: Be Brave by Fyn Alexander
I feel I’m in a safe place, May, despite your fangs. I know this group is confidential, so I can say: I HATE COWBOYS. Not the real ones, the livestock handlers and herders. No, i mean the jerks tilting their prop wardrobe cowboy hats in front of seamless backdrops. I hate ‘me, May! Fakers. Nothing shared here can be repeated, so thanks.
Thanks for posting my cover, I don’t mind sharing but I was his first!:-)