Under construction

You might’ve noticed that things are changing around here! Missa of MoonArts has been working on a new banner, new button, and some color changes for me. When all the tweaking is finished in the next few days, I’ll be having a Happy New Blog Look contest!

Darn bloglines is acting up and is showing updates for some blogs and not for others. I’m one of the lucky ones who isn’t showing as updated… Hopefully they get things corrected soon so I can catch up on what all of you are up to!

Chaos has a late entry for Project Spectrum purple (sorry, Marina, I know you thought it was safe again). Apparently his purple mouse is no more colorfast than his hot pink mouse. (Oh, and the plant that is industriously growing into the cat feeding station is a purple passion – green leaves covered with purple fuzz. Missed that for July, too, darn it.)

*crunch crunch crunch* “Mmmmmmmm… cat food…”

38 thoughts on “Under construction”

  1. I’m gonna tell on ya 😉 It is August. No more purple stuff. See, even the cat is so disgusted that he drowned his mouse!

    Hmm, nice but eerie! Is that eye following me?

  2. Ooo, nice banner. Silly Chaos, why do you insist on dunking your mice? I’m soooo bad, I keep meaning to thank you for the shawl and the fun coaster you sent me and I keep forgetting! Thank you! Your contribution makes Meekins a happy sheep and me a happy Jenny!

  3. Boo! I only see a black box.

    You’d think mousies would be colorfast with the inherent risk of drowning that they have…. Guess that’d be too easy.

  4. what is it about our black kitties dropping their favorite toys into their water dish??? not the dry food, mind you, but the water ! mine do the exact same thing..too funny!

  5. WOW! LOVE the new look – love the button!
    Too cool! Chaos, if you want to keep your toys in halfway decent shape you’ll have to keep them out of the water bowl…

  6. Phew – I thought something was wrong with you. Who’d have thunk it was Bloglines. Then Carri told me you stopped in yesterday so I figured all was well and you just weren’t posting to be mean! Silly me! Love love love the new look oh and I dyed without you on Sunday. Bye.

  7. I love the new look! Very stylish.

    I always look at the pictures before I read your post. So when I first saw the picture of Chaos and the purple mouse in the bowl I was like, “What is she feeding him? Jello?!” LOL.

  8. Purple bashers…..somehow that sounds like it should be a song.

    The new look is intriguing! If slightly creepy.

    Mmm….cat food? No popcorn? Tuna? Other Bad For Cats food? What a good mommy.

  9. Kewl new look to the blog–the watchful eye chaotic. And I sure am glad the purple mouse has been washed…you know where it has been!

  10. So cool, and now since I’ve read Deb’s blog comment, I can’t get that 80’s Rockwell song out of my head. Ya know the one that goes….”It always feels like somebody’s watchin’ me…..” Dear lord help me if I’m not humming that one for at least a week.

  11. Heh! You have pulled your finger out and started tweaking the templates before I did. I can only assume that you are more bored at work than I am.


    Looks good though.

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