In which linkity is very traumatized by the impending demise of Google Reader

Congrats to beccafh, who won The Brook Street Collection by Ava March! The Brook Street Collection is being released today by Carina Press.

Congrats to lucette and kira d, who won City Mouse (Country Mouse #2) by Amy Lane and Aleksandr Voinov! City Mouse will be released by Riptide Publishing on March 18.

My work project continues to be hellish and I keep falling more and more behind in blog reading…




Do, Think, Learn, Make




Cool or Wha…?



Teh cute

Reading Update

  • Nuthin’ to see here. Move along. (aka Hockey! Fics!) 🙂

“….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….” -Chaos

Hmm, better trim those claws…

20 thoughts on “In which linkity is very traumatized by the impending demise of Google Reader”

  1. Hey,

    Reader being killed is a pain. looks reasonable though and will import all your stuff from reader it seems….

  2. Ohhhhh I’m beside myself about Google Reader! I’ll be signing the petition. But it just frustrates me that when a provider tires of a service, or it doesn’t convert easily to their new platform – or it’s not making them enough money – they just dump it. yet they’re the first to harrass us into adopting the thing in the first place *grrr*.

  3. I feel you about Google Reader. I am likewise distraught. I imported everything into Feedly this morning, but it’s different. (I sat at my desk and went, “Gah, what is… this is… it’s not the same… I don’t like change!”) I’m going to hang onto Google Reader while it lasts.

    Thanks for the Evernote links. I put it on my iPad almost the minute I bought the iPad but still haven’t figured out how to make it work for me. I have a friend who does all her away-from-home writing in Evernote, though, so clearly it does work for some writers!

    This comment makes me sound more technologically inept than I actually am!
    A recent post from Kate McMurray..five things on fridayMy Profile

  4. As usual an awesome selection of links….and Thanks for mentioning my giveaway too!

    The killing of Ggogle Reader is killing me as I HATE CHANGE! Just when I get proficient with something they get rid of it. So in the coming weeks I’ll be making the change-over and getting my personal blog reconfigured too.

    A recent post from Joder..Review of New Life by Bonnie DeeMy Profile

  5. I am trying out Reeder, which has been OK so far. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I am used to a little more product support rather unlabeled buttons. Not that the learning curve is steep. It just wasn’t what I was looking for yesterday.

    I am afraid of the porn article, but the autocorrects were hilarious!
    A recent post from Seanna Lea..[10 Tuesday] thank goodness for MarchMy Profile

  6. I migrated to Feedly, but I’m not certain it is what I want, although it is very pretty.

    Thanks for the Evernote links. I use it some but not much. Glad to see many multiple notebooks recommended, as that is what I was doing which my husband thought was weird.

    You better trim those claws–they look sharp and lethal!
    I hope work lets you have a great weekend.
    A recent post from Brenda..Green Hat, Greens, and Spring FlowersMy Profile

  7. Maybe you should just paint those claws a nice pretty pink.

    I loaded Feedly and The Old Reader. I’ll play with both and see which one I like better. I tried NetVibes already, but didn’t like it.

  8. The fact that I got all but one of the knit a nerdy blanket squares makes me, um, a nerd? I am relying on you for Google Reader replacement guidance!

  9. Eek! Chaos claws!

    I’ll have to check out the Evernote tips. I’ve been using it mostly for recipe tracking.

    I love those book sculptures, but also cringe a little…

    That’s a fun Star Wars cross stitch. Also the knitted blanket. Have you seen the Mario Brothers blanket done in Tunisian crochet?

    Um. About The Oregon Trail… my sister and I used to use the names of people we were mad at, and bought nothing but bullets. That way we got to have fun hunting, and got the satisfaction of seeing our “enemies” die of cholera. 😉

  10. Dang. Everytime you post a linkity, I need a week’s vacation to catch up.

    I use the Mac desktop version of NetNewsWire as a reader, but it syncs using Google Reader. I’m trying out Netvibes, though it seems a bit excessive. We’ll see.

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