Congrats to Annie, who won If It Flies (Market Garden #3) by L.A. Witt and Aleksandr Voinov! If It Flies is being released today by Riptide Publishing.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting the My Lips Are Actually Fused To His Neck Guys (MLAAFTHNG).
According to
, “
 – hide your
from any
or expected, whether it seems
or not.”
The end. Very short one today – um, I’ll blame the start of Daylight Savings Time. 😉
*too annoyed for commentary* -Mayhem
I always thought this was a rather sweet cover, that might have been ruined now 😉
Hehe – good to see my cover there… I think! You missed the Carina Men under the Mistletoe anthology cover which also used them 🙂
Human centipede, you’re doing it wrong. LOL
Jo: D’oh! Ah well, now I have my first cover of these guys for the next time… 🙂
There are so few m/m themed stock photos out there, especially affordable ones. No wonder these two guys–in this pose and others–made it onto so many covers. They’re not even exceptionally good looking, but they’re sweet together.
A recent post from louH..Monday Meandering
When I saw the name, My Lips Are Actually Fused To His Neck Guys, I expected the resulting covers to be so much raunchier. It is a nice change of pace that they are sweet and other than some colorization very few PhotoShop travesties have occurred to them.
Of course, the next set of photos are going to involve poorly done neck tattoos and strangely flowing locks or facial hair. They are doomed!
A recent post from Seanna Lea..[10 Tuesday] thank goodness for March
Wow, today’s misadventure is a single line of dialog. Very cool! 😀
So…if I don’t expect a lover, I still have to hide my passion? lol!
He sure likes to kiss
Chris I have an idea to your next Misadventures in Stock Photography I’ll send you a mail soon :D….
I am aSTONished at how many covers use MLAAFTHNG. There are thousands of kids foolish enough to major in photography, illustration, or graphic design (I was one of them). THEY WILL SHOOT, ILLUSTRATE, OR DESIGN COVERS FOR FREE. As seniors, or recent graduates, they’ll be happy to have a portfolio piece.
Why am I telling Chris this. She obviously knows….
I have all of those that I was saving for you plus a couple! Emailing now.
Groan! 🙂
A recent post from mrspao..Wordless Wednesday: Cat-tastic
Tee hee! That’s a funny stock photo. 🙂
A recent post from Nicole..ROW80 Update: Remembering How To Write