Congrats to Crissy, who won Shadow Memory by Jennifer Brooks!
Congrats to Donna, who won Once a Brat by Kim Dare! Once a Brat will be released by Riptide Publishing on February 11.
- Joyfully Jay’s giving away an ebook copy of Losing Better by Katey Hawthorne. Closes 11:59 pm EST, February 8.
- The Novel Approach is giving away an ebook copy of Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin #1) by Jordan L. Hawk. Closes 11:59 pm PST, February 9.
- Kay Berrisford’s giving away an ebook copy of Chrysalis Cage (Travelers #5) by Becky Black. Closes February 10.
- Babes in Boyland is giving away an ebook copy of Champion by Jet Mykles, Metal Heart by Meredith Shayne, The Wretched 1.1 by BL Morticia, and Moonstruck by Piper Vaughn & MJ O’Shea. Closes 9 pm CST, February 10.
- Babes in Boyland is also giving away an ebook copy of The Last Grand Master by Andrew Q. Gordon. Closes 9 pm CST, February 11.
- LA Witt is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card, as well as a number of m/m romance ebooks (various subgenres). Even if all the ebooks have been claimed in the comments, you can still comment to win the gift card until midnight CST, February 13.
- Blodeuedd’s giving away a copy of Once a Bride by Jane Ashford. Closes February 18.
- New releases and more: Pants Off Reviews (m/m romance), Rarely Dusty Books (m/m romance), Literary Escapism (UF/PNR), (PNR), and Fiction Vixen (romance).
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Lousy book covers. (Thanks, Emanuela!)
- The four writer personality types. (Thanks, Bron!)
Think, Do, Learn, Make
- Lemon-herb hummus. (via The Kitchn)
- Salad tacos. (via The Kitchn)
- Cauliflower pizza crust. (Thanks, Strive Bst!)
- Almond joy butter. (via The Kitchn)
- Buckeye brownies. (via The Kitchn)
- Baked Nutella ravioli. (via Smexy Books)
- If you saw my non-contest post yesterday, you’ve already seen what you can do with the Pulp-O-Mizer Cover Maker. 🙂 (via The Mary Sue)
Cool or Wha…?
- Presidential Monsters. (via
- xkcd takes on the “Would you jump off a bridge if your friends did?” parental response. (Hover cursor over comic for additional text.)
- Eeek! Sofa bison!
Teh Cute
- Kitten! Cheetah! Takin and baby! Kitten! Kitten! Fennec! Zebra and baby! Black kitten! Fennec and babies! Baby penguin! Lioness and babies! Baby penguins! Baby lion! Baby cougars! Baby panda! Kitten!
Reading Update
- Erm. *looks shifty* How about a fun hockey video?! Not a fan of the team, but I do love this video called The Datsyukian Deke. 🙂
“So… tired…” -Mayhem
Poor May, dealing with your human’s sudden attack of weirdness yesterday has worn you out!
Did the monopoly people model their new cat on you?? 🙂
Have a good weekend Chris
A recent post from Kate..Wednesday witterings…..
Sorry about the radio silence lately.
Been a bit difficult over here.
I, personally, am in favor of the cat.
:: hate ironing ::
A recent post from trek..Amazing girls!
I’d like to spend a day the same way you do, Mayhem.
A recent post from margene..Happiness is February
I’m going to try be Mayhem all weekend long…
Oh wait. I’m hosting knitting on Monday night after work. Darn! May, you are soooo lucky!
Great linkity, Chris!
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Week 5 Reads: Disappointing Shoulder Shorts
Really, there are THAT many hockey fics?
Loved the sofa bison!
Thanks for the mention, Chris! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
LOVE the old knitting patterns post! 😀 And the Disney wedding is pretty cute. And of course the TARDIS scarf and afghan are fab. As are the Death Star suckers. 😀
A recent post from Bronwyn Green..Numbers Are Hard, Yo
Happy Friday! Love the new simons cat 😀
A recent post from cursingmama..Oh No, No I did not eat sprinkles
I HAVE BEEN CHEATED!! Why was I never a Disney Princess when I was a bridesmaid?
Those chicken dinner recipes are a life saver. Now I just need recipes for the kazillion lemons.
A recent post from Carrie#K..Imbolc/St Brighid Day aka Poetry Day
Dunno about the whole escapism post, for me it is that. Whether I read a romance or a classic
Great linkity! Must make the midwinter warmer cocktail.
May understands how to get through February.
Have a great weekend!
A recent post from Brenda..All New WIPs and a Plan
Darn, I thought the machine was going to wash my desktop. I guess I have to get the tea stains and orange peel off myself.
A recent post from marylou..Scottish Theme Day
Frome “18 Complicated Scientific Ideas Explained Simply” with (My Input)
Cognitive Science
“… We also ask people who are missing a piece of brain (Congress/Senate) to also do stuff to see what they can (Waste Taxpayer Money) and can’t do (Balance A Budget). …”
*whispers so as not to disturb a sleeping May*
Thank you for the linkity!
A recent post from orannia..As…
I wonder if you can buy that monopoly cat separately as an ‘upgrade’….. 🙂
A recent post from mrspao..52 Books in 52 Weeks : 7/52 The Marmalade Shore by Richard Comus Tammar
again, I see more stink-eye than sleepiness in this pic…maybe she’s taking lessons from Chaos.
For some crazy reason, most of my friends have pointed pictures of that wedding out to me… 😉
I love Neil Degrasse Tyson. He’s awesome.
And I have a hard time with the “save Barnes and Noble” thing. Yes, I want to save them. But I also want to save my Indie bookstore. How to choose? Or do I have to? Will splitting my book purchases out save them both? One can hope.
A recent post from Nicole..Ten on Tuesday ~ Childhood Memories
I was surprised to find that if you buy a can of soda in NYC, it automatically comes opened and with a straw in it. Now we know why…
A recent post from kmkat..Back to the salt mines. And a concert.