Jeanne’s yarn from Saturday turned out great, although it seems as if Bugsy now thinks I’m a bad influence, keeping Jeanne out late. How come he doesn’t think Deb is a bad influence?!
Christine is having a contest to name her new dachsund boy with a “B” name. The contest ends Sunday, July 30, 2006, at midnight, CST. Bonne Marie is having a contest in honor of fictional Chicago private eye V.I. Warshawski’s 50th birthday.
Chaos won a contest at Trek’s. Too funny! I wonder if it will be catnip or tuna? 😉
This purple house is only a few short blocks away from me. I still have to get pictures of a few other purple Minneapolis houses before the end of the Project Spectrum purple month – houses that are far more luridly purple than this one!
In the spirit of Project Spectrum, here’s my first completed Trekking sock. I’m just finishing the toe increases on the second sock, so I doubt I’ll be done with it before the end of the month. I’m also back to working on my moderne log cabin baby blanket – no bibs on the needles! *twitch twitch* Bibs bibs bibs bibs bibs! Whoops – sorry about that lapse..
Chaos spends a fair amount of time on top of the fridge or dangling over the edge – hopefully he doesn’t fall off onto his head… (That black kitten card on the front of the fridge? Not Chaos, but how could I resist it??)
Congratulations to Chaos! It’s so rare a cat gets to win a knitting-blog contest….
mmmmm… moderne baby blanket. 🙂 if it weren’t 6 billion degrees and humid here, I might actually be able to stand spreading it out over my lap and weaving in the last few ends. But definitely, that book should come with a huge warning label!!
Carmen is a slow learner – she still falls off my computer monitor on a regular basis… then walks away with that “I meant to do that” look.
Granted – it’s not near as far a fall as off the fridge!
It’s too bad we didn’t go look for the Prince’s original purple house while you were in Chanhassen the other day – although I think someone told me it’s gone now.
For the record – I am not the dyeing enabler!
he likes to live dangerously I guess. Maybe it’s a cat’s version of an amusement park ride? Having just been to a Fair last night where my baby went on the Bullet, if that name means anything to you. Also called the Loop de Loop. It has two sticks on opposite sides with a double car on one end. The sticks swing in opposite directions until the cars swing up and over in a circle. We could see her feet float down each time she went upside down, not being tall enough to brace herself on anything. I have created a thrill ride monster.
Now I must run out and take a pic of the purple house by me. Thanks for the reminder. Chaos is a silly head. My cats hang off things too; they must have a different sense of balance than we do. And lynda’s right, then when they fall, it’s with an “I meant to do that” look. Check out Bonne Marie’s contest at
Hey, you’ve got a ChocoCat magnet on the fridge!! Me jealous… The Little Dudes send a ‘high-five’ paw to Chaos on winning the contest.
BTW, what size needles do you use for your Trekking socks?
Chaos, Kally feel off my desk twice yesterday. The first time, she landed in my lap. The second time, she landed on the floor, a little confused at how it all went down. Congratulations on winning the contest!
Wonder whether they’ll paint the house before they sell it! It is an unusual color for a house.
Congrats Chaos!
I LOVE that house! Wow…do people really have the nerve to paint their houses purple???
Your socks are wonderful!
(and Chaos, I know is much more graceful than to fall off the fridge!)
The sock is gorgeous!
I love the purple house!
Matisse has never fallen off the fridge… Yet. Don’t ask him about the setting himself on fire thing though.
Chaos is so good! Winning a contest! Poor deprived catchen chez fraro…..
Strangely, I like that purple house. 🙂
My cats fall off of high places too. It’s hilarious to see the look on their faces. It’s like, “Oops! Hope no one saw that.”
You live near Prince?!? Cool.
I’ve got to find some of that purple Trekking.
That is my most favorite Trekking………purples………
Congrats to Chaos, and thanks for the shout-out! The names keep coming!
I was wondering what your ‘recipe’ for the Trekking socks were too.. I’m doing mine at 56 sts on size 2’s but they look a bit loose.
I LOVE that purple house.. I want to move in.
We have a violently purple gingerbread style house in the next town over from us.
I had a cat who liked to sleep on the fridge, only she’d keep falling off. And Annabelle fell behind it once — thank goodness I got home soon after, or she’d have been hurt! — and she has’t been up there since.
LOL… how did Chaos fall of the fridge?? And cats always land on their feet… it is some balance organ they have (I saw a BBC documentary on that once)
I love love love that purple house!!!
Cheers Eva
Love the purple Trekking – must get some! Cocoa is not a fridge cat – it’s too beneath her I think – she likes to hide behind the couch.
My dad’s got one of those puffy beige cats that’s like, 90% hair and 10% cat. I know the name of the breed but I don’t know how to spell it and I’m too lazy to open another window and Google it but it starts with ‘H’ and sounds like a mountain. I know you know what it is.
He likes to lie on top of the computer monitor, because it’s warm.
He also likes to eat scotch tape.
I know animals lay around in some odd positions, but I think Chaos takes the cake with that one!
Congrats to Chaos on winning a knitting-blog contest. Now if we could just teach him to knit. 🙂
Nice purple house!
Chris- I think that purple house looks great- very classy.
Yes, I see Chaos likes to look down on you, and be Top Cat. That behavior is discouraged with dogs.
Your sock is coming along! It is such a fine gauge. We had a purple house at the end of our block when I was growing up.
Chaos, do you need a kitty hammock?
I didn’t really understand the bib thing, but I just took 2 off the needles and managed to buy about 15 more balls of cotton. I have a feeling it has just begun…
I love that house!!
I love the purple house – it isn’t too lurid. That Trekking sock is gorgeous!
A purple house? Crazy.
What? No bibs? I am shocked;-)
Lovely purple house!
Congrats to Chaos! He’s quite the cat.
I love the sock…what a gorgeous colorway!
In your photo, at least, that house is actually quite pretty.
That house is REALLY purple! Love the socks, the color is cool and I like the varigated quality to it:) Tell Chaos to be careful, it’s a long way from the top of the fridge!