Little of this, little of that

Congrats to the various winners of the contest! Prizes are going to Mouse for her Greta and Stanley caption, Jeanne B. for her Chaos caption, and kitkatknit for her combo of both photos caption. Special honourable geek mention to pao for his executable caption.

Author Barbara Bretton is giving away two skeins of light blue Kid Silk Haze because knitting it drives her to distraction. She’ll announce the winner this evening (Thursday, December 11).

If you donate to Toys for Tots by December 20th and let ikisti know, you will be entered in her contest! She reports that the drop boxes are looking pretty empty this year…

How could I resist this silly little quiz? 😉 (We’ll see how much of the formatting remains after I publish this post – I’m having a bit of a fight with the output…)

Which creature of the night are you?

Your Result: Werewolf

You are a vicious fighter and a vicious lover, absolutely dedicated to your pack. You are pushed to anger by disloyalty and injustice and have a tendency toward sudden, periodic bursts of wild behavior.

Cthulu Spawn
Which creature of the night are you?

Talk about an amazing cake!

Hee hee. Hmm, does it look like Chaos is moving appliances on the side or what?

Have you heard about Free Shipping Day? If you haven’t, check out the list of online retailers who will provide free shipping if you order on December 18… and guarantee delivery by Christmas.

The perfect t-shirt for my arachnophobic readers? 😉 This martial arts and crafts t-shirt was pretty funny. And how true is this ‘nip t-shirt?!

Reading Update
Billionaires Prefer Blondes and A Touch of Minx by Suzanne Enoch. Rick Addison has made my fictional crushes list. Obviously, I continue to enjoy this romantic suspense series.
Killer Charms by Marianne Stillings. This is related to Stillings’ novel Satisfaction (which I’ve read) and Arousing Suspicions (haven’t read yet).
Magic and the Modern Girl by Mindy Klasky. I was cranky at this book (the third in a series about Washington, DC, witch Jane Madison) for about 90% of it, but the ending finally redeemed things.
Sunshine by Robin McKinley. Extremely well-done urban fantasy set in a world that’s similar to ours. Recommended if you’re looking for vampire books that are different from the usual.
Suite 606 by J.D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan, and Mary Kay McComas. Well, at least the Eve Dallas and Roarke (mmmm…. Roarke) story was good. And “Wayward Wizard” by McComas was fun.
Ravish: The Awakening of Sleeping Beauty by Cathy Yardley. This was a good read, but be warned that it is extremely racy.
Secrets in the Shadows (The Guardians of the Night, Book 2) by Jenna Black. Still not the greatest vampire series, but I’m curious to see what happens with the characters.

“What legs? Are you sure I usually have legs?” -Mayhem

26 thoughts on “Little of this, little of that”

  1. Hey, thanks for reminding me that I need to get Bradon a birthday cake – his birthday is this Saturday! (I don’t think I’m getting him a camera cake OR a camera, however.)

    Congratulations to the winners!

  2. Wow! Robin McKinley is still writing? I liked her YA fantasy books back in the day.

    Watch out for that wild behavior, you werewolf. I’m a sorcerer.

  3. I never could come up with appropriately snarky captions for your photos….

    Have the Suzanne Enoch books on my list but am currently consumed with the Meg Cabot Boy Next Door series and the Lori Avocato series right now. Soon though!

  4. I would NOT have guessed werewolf. I like the Martial Arts & Crafts tee-shirt – my Black Belt Boy would appreciate it.

  5. Congratulations to the winners! There were some great captions.

    I’m a sorcerer. You know if you’re going to have Chaos moving appliances and furniture, you need to have a talk with him about the proper way to lift things. 😉

  6. I am Cthulu Spawn. Who knew?

    There were some hilarious captions in your contest. My personal fave was Marsha’s: #1: “Um…dude? You got a nice black-and-white vibe going on, but that orange thing stuck on your face is kind of ruining it.”

    That cake is awesome. Such detail!

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