If you could see what I see

Anmiryam has posted some great insights into successful knitblogging. Definitely worth a read, if you haven’t already.

Kelly of Minneapolis is celebrating her six-month blogiversary with a contest, too! Stop by and wish her well (and offer lunch suggestions, eh?). Discovering a Minneapolis Kelly made me realize how many Kell(y)(ie)(ee) people are in my bloglines. Y’all should start a ring or something… Besides Minneapolis Kelly, there’s Celtic Kelly, Just a Knit Wit Kelly, Peevish Kellie, and Obsessive Kellee. (If I’ve missed other Kellies, you’ll have to let me know!)
Added from comments: Giggling Kelle.

Jen asked for pictures from out of our windows and wouldn’t take “but my windows are so dirty!” as an excuse.* So here you go.

East window with cat butt

East window without cat butt

North window looking up and out

North window looking ou… let’s try that one again.

North window looking out – the people who used to live across the way had an orange tabby who would crawl out the window and sit on their air conditioner, which always worried me – we’re on the third floor here… He and Chaos would sit and stare at each other before that boxelder got so bushy.

What I usually see when looking out the north window:

“Shhhh…. I have my eye on that bird. I’m sure I’ll get him, if he just comes a little closer…”

*The windows are totally filthy. My excuse? They’re being replaced in two weeks, so what’s the point in washing them now?! You’ll notice very little glass appears in these photos.

25 thoughts on “If you could see what I see”

  1. What a ham that cat is! Of course, it isn’t really his fault: it is a genetic defect of all cats – you will pay attention to me, human.

  2. I love all the cat butt action shots! “Well, no, you don’t need to be doing anything I’m not involved in, thanks.”

    I love cats on windowsills. I wouldn’t be washing those windows, either- they look perfectly fine in your photos. 😉

    You live in a pretty neighborhood.

  3. Warmth!!!

    We have to travel South. It is about 65 here in Duluth today. We are heading to the lake (near Hinckley) for the sun we so richly deserve…

  4. Don’t you just love the way our cats come running and stand front and center whenever we want to take a picture? ! (grins) so, how do they know ?

  5. Nice views out of your windows. My windows are perpetually dirty. Plus the screens have little holes in them from hail storms and baby birds who like to peck at them.

    Great cat butt shots too. LOL!

  6. “East window with a cat butt.” LOL I love that title. Very artistic. Thanks for the link to the knitblogging tips, I could use those.

  7. I hope that Chaos doesn’t read those tips and realize that he’s mentioned as an example of something that makes a popular blog.. he’d never get his fat head through the kitty door. lol

  8. Wonderful pictures – and links! I enjoyed reading Kelly’s blog and Anmiryam’s post too! You are a window on the world in more ways than this post :o)

    Chaos is always ready for a photo op! I can’t get my girls to pose for pictures lately — ‘You’ve left us at home all week in the house with the AC set to 80 — hrrmph! What a mom you are!’ They are permanently planted in front of it – some ‘Southern’ cats they are :o)

  9. Your windows don’t look dirty to me. And isn’t it lovely to look out and see all that lucious green? I mean when the view isn’t obstructed by one naughty but adorable kitty.

  10. Don’t worry about dirty windows! I’ve owned my house for a year and now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever washed the windows. I love your pictures.

  11. Okay am I the only one focused on your blog being mentioned along with CAP, Grumperina, and the Harlot. You are big time lady!

  12. Chris the lovely yarn and coaster arrived today. Thank you very much. I’m taking pictures to post out at my blog and I can’t wait to make some fun socks with the Brooklyn Handspun Carnival. BTW, your windows look just fine. I have small fingerprints, tongue prints and food smeared all over mine!

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