Yet another GayRomLit post, with pictures and linkity

Congrats to Monica J, who won Nexus (Warder #5) by Mary Calmes! Nexus is being released by Dreamspinner Press today.

Thought I’d share a few more photos, random thoughts, and links related to my vacation in New Orleans.

Outside the Sacred Grinds coffee shop.

Wall tombs from the Canal Street cemeteries.

What I’ve dubbed the Spirograph Tombs in the Canal Street cemeteries.

A family tomb in the Canal Street cemeteries.

Halloween devil on a balcony in the French Quarter.

Giant spiders infesting a shop in the French Quarter.

More Random Thoughts from Vacation

  • I printed out this list of NOLA vegetarian and gluten-free dining options (link is to pdf), which turned out to be an amazingly useful resource for myself and numerous others during our visit.
  • Apparently Kassa will be glued to my side during the zombie apocalypse – something about my backpack, aka “Chris’ bag of holding”…
  • Our local market was the Mardi Gras Zone, which was a fascinating mixture of health food, junk food, Mardi Gras masks, and feather boas.
  • If you’d told me it was possible for a nude male go-go dancer to be boring, I would not have believed you. Andrew proved me wrong. I think he was texting part of the time…
  • From a motel clerk in rural Mississippi: “Only the Lord can judge the women on Celebrity Wives.” O.o
  • Not sure that I understand why GayRomLit is going to be in Albuquerque next year. Is there a thriving underground gay scene there or something?!

More GayRomLit Posts (these are varying degrees of NSFW, so beware)

“I’m much, much cuter than the big kitty! So there.” -Mayhem

17 thoughts on “Yet another GayRomLit post, with pictures and linkity”

  1. I need to catch up on all the NOLA catch-up posts! Albuquerque is in New Mexico, yes? Interesting location choice.

    May – you’re very cute 🙂
    A recent post from orannia..OfflineMy Profile

  2. Awwww, what an utterly rub-able tummy!

    I wouldn’t have believed you about the boring nude male go-go dancer, but I saw one myself once. I realized it was the first time I’d ever seen a naked man look bored! For some reason, men who are naked with me (y’know, the legions of them) never seem to look bored for some reason… 😀

    I also (almost) always carry a bag with an assortment of oddments; you never know when they might prove useful!

  3. I almost felt bad for that boring dancer, he kept tugging, pulling, twisting and jerking,yet his winkie remained as flaccid as my grandma’s breasts. I wonder if he was sore the next day. I didn’t see him use any lube, so he must have had major friction burns.

  4. Thanks for all the link to other GRL posts Chris. It is fun to see what other people thought of it.

    Not sure about A’que though. My first visit to the US to A’que????

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