Happy birthday, big kitty!

*sniff* I can’t believe that Chaos turned five yesterday! As Carrie K pointed out to me recently, if he was a human kid instead of a fur kid, he’d be in preschool or possibly even kindergarten now! (She also pointed out that he would need to wear some warning labels, such as “Biter” and “Does not play well with others.”)

“What do you mean, ‘does not play well with others?!’ I’ll bite you if you don’t recant that slanderous statement, Mom!” -Chaos

Additionally, this is my 775th post. How the hell did that happen?! In honor of all this sentimentality, I must, of course, hold a contest. (Like you didn’t know that was coming.) I’ll be giving away yarn and black cat memorabilia and maybe even music or a book. (“Oh, shiny!”) Prizes can be adapted for both knitters and non-knitters.

To participate in the contest, simply leave a comment on this post by 6 pm CDT, Monday, October 6. Your comment should contain an intriguing bit of information – a favorite quote, the best book you ever read, your favorite Chaos moment, an interesting link – you get the idea. I’ll randomly select three winners.

(If you’ve never read the story of Chaos, you can find it here.)

88 thoughts on “Happy birthday, big kitty!”

  1. How to tease your human:
    1. Sit in the middle of the living room floor and make your bestest, loudest, most pitiful screechy noise.
    2. When your human jumps up, terrified that you have ingested ground glass or something, give her a long look. Go back to what you were doing.
    3. Make sure you don’t do this too often. Cat who cried “wolf” and all.

    Happy B’day Chaos!

  2. Happy Birthday Chaos!

    Here’s a tip from my kitties. If you want to make your people laugh really hard, chase your tail around the kitchen. When you can’t catch it, hiss at it! You’ll entertain those simple humans for hours!

  3. Happy Birthday Chaos!!

    Here’s a tip from Doozer: The best place to see all the action is from on top of the refrigerator!

    Hope you get some Tuna. 🙂

  4. Yup, a year younger than the Neatnik: he’d be in kindergarten and you’d be having the joy of coloring in every single doo-dad on every single writing practice sheet that entered the condo.

    Hey, Big Kitty: tell Mom I said you deserve some tuna today.

  5. It’s a happy day of celebration and joy!! Chaos the boy cat’s birthday is a big event for all. Do what you want to do today, Chaos. The day is yours!!

  6. Happy birthday, Chaos! Will there be cake?

    One of my favorite books is “Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place,” by Terry Tempest Williams.

  7. one of my friends sometimes refers to her two year old daughter and three year old son as Chaos and Mayhem … not having read your blog, she can’t understand why I get the giggles each time she does it :]

  8. Mama says that your picture is kind of scary. I think it’s awesome! Bdays rule.

    PS: mama is not feeling well. Always poke your unwell mama! She likes that. No, really, she does.

  9. Can I use that pic of Chaos for a Halloween decoration? It should scare away all the pesky kids that interrupt our dinner for candy…. 🙂

    I’ve read lots of “best books” but I will say the best book I’ve read recently is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Chaos should maybe check it out.

  10. Wow I can’t believe he’s 5 already!!! He’s such an adorable cat and I think my favorite stories of him have been him wearing the bibs. I have to say, he doesnt get as much blog time since Mayhem entered the picture. Is he miffed by that at all??? Not that I don’t enjoy seeing May, she’s a cutie as well, but she gets more air time. Then again Chaos might be happy not to be in the limelight anymore….

  11. Happy Birthday Chaos! (from Ms. Kitty & her human Mouse)

    I think my most favorite Chaos moment was the zucchini on the top of the fridge.. though the face in today’s post is pretty darned scary!

  12. I can never choose my favorite book…that’s to hard. But here are some books that I think are wonderful.

    Two YA books – one old and one newer: Eva by Peter Dickinson and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

    Two great mysteries – one old and one newer: The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey and When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson

    Two great science-fiction series – one old and one newer: The Wizard of Earthsea books by Ursula LeGuin and The Song of Fire and Ice series by George R.R. Martin

    Two great novels – one older, one newer: Sleep Toward Heaven by Amanda Eyre Ward and Tethered by Amanda McKinnon

  13. Happy birthday to Chaos — and I love the baby pictures and story.

    I’ll give you a link — I’ve been noodling around with a mitered pattern to pool the colours in handpainted yarns, and I’ve put the tutorial up on my site. Part 1 is here.

  14. Happy Birthday Chaos! We really think you’re cool and stuff. Thanks for giving us all those tips on how to drive our Mom batty. Did you know that you’re like, 35 or something like that in human years? Uh huh! Big whoop, I say. And you’re not crabby at all. You’re just…independent. And single-minded when it comes to getting your way. Yeah. That’s it. You know what was really funny? When you drove your uncle and aunt over the deep-end by being a psycho-kitten! Wow, and your uncle told your Mom that if she wanted a live kitty, she’d better come soon and pick you up!

    Happy birthday again! ‘k bye.

    Head butts,

    Atticus, Mae and Gandalf

  15. Happy Happy Birthday Chaos! (raises glass) Here’s to head scratches, belly rubs, and all the cat nip you can get your paws on.

    As for a good book for the lady, Death: The High Cost of Living. It’s quiet a good graphic novel, though I don’t know if graphic novels are quiet your thing.

  16. Ummm, shouldn’t that actually say “Does Not Play With Others”? I don’t think it needs the qualifier at all!

    May your path be strewn with catnip and tuna, and your life as long as my old Hooter-Bear! (She was a very old lady when she left me last year!)

  17. Chaos- Chris thinks we read her blog for her stuff, but you know you are the real star around here.

    We wuvs our Chaos (humans talk like idiots when they’re around cats, as I’m sure you’ve noticed).

  18. Happy Birthday Chaos!

    So – best book ever; that is a difficult task since I think at different times in my life there have been books that were perfect for that time but certainly don’t speak to my sophisticated tastes in literature now 😉
    How about To Kill A Mockingbird. Something about it always captures my attention (I’ve read it 4 times) and I think it’s really odd that Harper Lee dropped off the planet after writing it.

  19. Happy birthday Chaos. I’ve had many fav Chaos moments, but I think this picture maybe the best. It shows his evil side, must be all the vampire books you’re reading

  20. Happy Birthday, Chaos!

    I’m not sure how intriguing this is, but I’ve thought about the “personal fairy” idea all weekend, and have decided that, if I have one, it’s the “everything I bake turns out good” fairy. However, the one I want (currently, at least) is the “my bus is always on time, but not early” fairy.

  21. My current favourite quote:

    Oliver, last night, while waiting to see the doctor at the hospital (he got sick this weekend and his fever shot up to 105 yesterday afternoon):

    “I’m a really nice boy, Mummy.”


  22. Wait… you want to know my favorite book? Are you NUTS? Oh bother. It will take longer than a comment, though. How’s this – I’ll write a post about favorite books tomorrow.

    In the meantime… HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG KITTY! Any time your mom tries to embarrass you with silly pictures, remember this: “Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.”

  23. Happy birthday to Chaos! He seems like a cute young sprout to me, still!

    Favorite book? That’s tough to narrow down, but I’d say that Jane Austen’s Emma is at the top of the list. In terms of modern stuff, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is near the top of the list.

  24. There is no such thing as a favorite book. I’m a librarian, for heaven’s sake! Technically, and just to ruin your day, cats age faster than humans, so technically your baby boy is about 35. Waaaaay past Kindergarten, even though that doesn’t mean he can’t love his Mum lots and lots.

    Happy Birthday Handsome Man.

  25. Happy Birthday, Chaos! What big teeth you have! I hope you got some tuna. Did May let you sit in your Fortress of Solitude? Those younger siblings can be so naughty; she fails to understand your dignity in being the Big Kitty.

    Very fun books to read:
    “To Say Nothing of the Dog” by Connie Willis, which is a time travel, humorous SF story loosely based upon “Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)” by Jerome K. Jerome, which is a hilarious, fictionalized (has to be) travel memoir of boating/camping on the Thames in the late 1800s.

  26. My favorite book is “Switch Bitch” by Roald Dahl. And I had my own cat moment today – my neighbor’s cat came over to say hi, and even came in for a minute! It’s so nice to have a cat to visit since we can’t own one. Happy Birthday Chaos! Good luck getting into that fancy preschool!

  27. I have a small collection of quotes. Here are a few.

    “If I had known what trouble you were bearing, what griefs were in the silence of your face, I would have been more gentle and caring, and tried to give you gladness for a space.” Mary Caroline Davies

    There’s a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in. –Leonard Cohen, from “Anthem”

    Related but different:
    When walking through the “valley of shadows,” remember, a shadow is cast by a Light. — H.K. Barclay

    Courage does not always come in a loud roar. Sometimes courage comes as a small voice at the end of the day saying, “I’ll try again tomorrow.” — Flo Hartmann

  28. Dear Chaos, You were the first blog cat we ever met. You are our role model. You rock man! Happy Birthday big dude!
    Tigger and Sammy

    I belive that Chaos bucket at pre-school would read: “Does not play well in the LITTER BOX with others”!!

  29. Big, fat birthday wishes as you turn 5. Millie celebrated 9 on the 9th of Sept.

    Don’t worry about labels–other kitties share them with you. Be glad that you didn’t get “Feline Paper Shredder” or “One Who Sits on Keyboards”

    Don’t forget: Celebrities don’t read their reviews.

  30. Happiest of Birthday wishes to you Chaos! I will never forget the first time your mom shared with us your “hiding space” on top of the fridge/cabinets. As someone who has another kitty who hides there as well (although not as well as you do)…I can appreciate these talents.

    Happy Birthday again, be sure that your mom gives you something extra cool – no need to share with May, she’ll get her own someday. 🙂

  31. happy birthday chaos! What a fantastic photo! Hmm, cat quote: “when i play with my cat, how do i know that she is not passing time with me rather than i with her?” -Montaigne A tip from our Stalker kitty: if you sit on their face and continue to cry they will eventually get up and feed you!

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