Random rainbows

I’m enjoying the playlists y’all are sending in for the Chaotic Playlist Contest! You still have plenty of time to email your playlist to the contest line – remember that all playlists received by 6 pm Central Daylight Savings Time on Monday, April 10, will be included in the random drawing.

Let us all pause a moment to curse Daylight Savings Time. I’m still not back on track after springing ahead last weekend. Yeah, yeah, that extra hour of light is nice – but maybe we could just stay on DST all year instead of switching back and forth? Just sayin’.

There’s still time to buy tickets for the Geek Prom… No, I’m not going – why ruin my perfect prom non-attendance now? (Besides, skipping the cow eye dissection sounds like a wise move.)

Brace yourselves – is this not the cutest chocolate bunny you’ve ever seen?! Thanks, Mrs Pao!! But here’s the problem – I’m not sure I’ll be able to actually eat this twee little bunny. I want him to come home and live with me always!


Right now, the poor little bunny is hidden in my desk, away from my evil and menacing coworkers who have threatened his continued existence. Hmph.

Yesterday Danielle wondered if I’d been doing any knitting or if I was just hanging around admiring my cabinets. So last night I mostly finished my pair of Ranbow Jays – I have about 1/2 inch of ribbing left to do on one, plus weaving in the ends. (Thanks to Sandra, who inspired me to use my “Fun Nation” yarn for Jaywalkers!) And no, the heels aren’t uneven, altho it sure looks like it in this picture:

Yup, this was definitely my April Project Spectrum knitting project.

“Doody doody doody do… Whoa. What the heck is going on here?”

“So… bright… must not look directly at the socks…”

55 thoughts on “Random rainbows”

  1. I’m still recovering from dst as well. Don’t seem to want to get up in the morning.

    Is the chocolate bunny hollow or solid? Just asking….. He really is quite cute, but how can you resist eating him?

  2. Ahhhh! My eyes! My eyes!

    Seriously – cute socks. 🙂 I need a rainbow something-or-other on the needles to cover more Spectrum months!

  3. did we ever find out where this ‘fun nation’ is? I bet it’s a land filled with gold chocolate bunnies and constant daylight savings time.

  4. you could eat the bunny but save the wrapping…

    i try to do that sometimes but i get too excited about the chocolate inside and i rip it to smitherines.

  5. Those socks are awesome! Kinda Punky Brewsterish…

    Daylight savings is kicking my butt too. My daughter looks at me like I’ve lost my mind when I put her to bed and it’s still sunny. I guess the kids aren’t adjusting very easily either.

  6. Are those the toe-up Jay’s? Nice. Mine are only just past the heels. But, I’ve been philandering with some charity knitting. I really love how yours look with the big stripes!

  7. I do understand having candy, or cake for that matter, that looks too good to eat. What I would do is take a picture, which you’ve done, and then eat the bunny. It IS for eating after all, and it’s tasty Lindt chocolate.. Mmmmm. Nice Jaywalkers!

  8. My eyes! My eyes! Actually I love these jaywalkers. Toe up, then? Have you done top down ones? What’s the difference? I mean, I know *what* the difference is, but did you have a preference?

    Give the bunny to me! I’ll give him a good… home. Yeah, that’s it.

  9. Aw, too bad I live too far away to go to the Geek Prom.
    Frankly, my own prom was so boring and over-hyped, I think it would have been improved by a few cow eye dissections.

  10. Ohmigawd…I so want to go to the Geek Prom! It’s even on the weekend after my birthday!

    Those socks are brilliant…I think the yarn was perfect for the pattern.

  11. You did a great job on the socks! I’m really impressed at how much the colors match on each foot!

    And the geek prom? That is too funny!

  12. I love the socks! I really must try Jaywalkers for myself. The bunnie is to die for, dark chocolate is my fave…with red wine of course. If you need any help with him……just sayin’

  13. How do you knit stripes in such straight lines. You continue to amaze me with your skillz.

    I love the cute lil bunny and that last picture cracks me up.

  14. The socks are definitely a keeper, they look great! But the bunny is another story…Dark chocolate Lindt bunnies must be eaten…before he hops away…

  15. WOW! Now that is some rainbow socks!

    Great socks – I think you’ve completed Project Spectrum for the WHOLE YEAR. 😉

    Mmmmm…. eatthebunnyyyyyy.

  16. He he.. I know exactly what you mean by not wanting to eat the bunny – I had to buy myself and pao one at the same time as I bought yours. It will be a hard job – but someone’s got to do it – start with the ears! Pretend you are a bunny mower!

    Nice socks – now where are my sunglasses now I’m blinded.

  17. AWESOME awesome socks!

    I see a murky melt-in-your-mouth future forming for the little gold bunny… but protect him while you can ;o) He sure is cute!

  18. no I couldn’t resist a Lindt bunny – the chocolate is just too good 😉 and those Jaywalkers – wonderful! Just my sort of socks

  19. Ahhh! Those are GREAT!!!!! Oh my goodness… I want some! I haven’t really been taken by the Jaywalker pattern but those are colors I can get behind! Is that self-striping yarn? Totally cool.

  20. I love your Rainbow Jays! And DST gets the raspberry from me. Still recovering, myself. Putting on my thinking cap about the Chaotic playlist…

  21. Ok, now you’ve done it. I have to go to the mall on Monday, and of course I’ll have to walk by the Lindt store, and well you guess the rest. sigh. Great socks though!

  22. I hate DST with a purple passion. Wait, that’s not the color in the spectrum yet, right?

    I think Rachel is right. That bunny looks evil! Bite it’s head off!

    Chaos looks suitably quizzical at the brightly colored socks.

  23. maybe you should buy chaos some of thsoe special googles/glasses for staring at the sun during eclipses… then he won’t be shocked by the brightness. 🙂

  24. Those are the best socks! and if you would like you can send me that yummy little dark chocolate bunny and I will protect him, really, I would love him . . . and pet him . . . and nibble on his little ears. =P

  25. I love your socks. They’re fabulous.

    I think you should go to the geek prom. I would so go with you if I were in Minnesota. 🙂


  26. Just stopping by to say “Hi”. I’ve seen that rainbow yarn and love the colors, but wasn’t sure about how it would look knitted up. Your jaywalker socks look awesome! have a good weekend!

    p.s chaos, you look marvelous next to any yarn!

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