Congrats to Ronda, who won Strength of a Gamma (Pack Discipline, Book 2) by Kim Dare! Strength of a Gamma is being released by Total-E-Bound today.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we have… a guy with no name. I’m really hoping that all of you will come up with a good name for him so I can change the post title to something a little bit less lame. ๐
Our man of mystery had a
– instead of enjoying
parade, he would transform himself into a
, then follow the
, which acted as
for him, leading him to
and roust out many a vampire who’d
to escape his
. O noes! Those poor vampires… ๐
I hope you don’t think too hard about that narrative. I suspect that if you do, part of your brain will ooze out one of your ears. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
“I was really hoping you’d forgotten about all those naughty boys while you were gone, Mom.” -Mayhem
Heh. Looking at those furrows in his forehead, how about Needs-Some-Botox-Guy? ๐
So Guy With No Name reminds me of The Situation *shudder*. Don’t be surprised if The Situation becomes a romance cover model.
A recent post from katiebabs..WTF Or Not You Decide
Incredulous guy? He looks like he just can’t believe what he’s seeing/hearing.
Hope May enjoyed the “naughty boy vacation”
A recent post from Patti..Review- The Unidentified Redhead by Alice Clayton
I vote for Patti’s “Incredulous Guy,” or perhaps “You Want A Piece of Me!!??” Guy?
A recent post from Melanie..Hi My Name is Melanie- and I am Socially Awkward
Great suggestions already for a name. I was thinking Raised Eyebrows Guy. (Shortens nicely to Reg.)
Siding with Mayhem.
Worried 50s Dude
A recent post from trek..In which trek blends
It appears he has a neck problem of some sort, maybe a kink, that keeps him from bringing his head up all the way. Could this possibly be Pain in the Neck Guy?
Hmm. “Incredulous Guy” (IG) or “Raised Eyebrow Guy” (REG) both have potential. Well, they all have potential, but I particularly like those two so far!
Keep the ideas coming. ๐
“How You Dooin’ Guy”
Just be happy Mom’s home, Mayhem. Just be happy.
A recent post from Brigitte..Hi Everybody!
Chris- “I been through the desert on a guy with no name…” wait, that’s not it.
A recent post from Lorraine..Lack of Progress Report
I’m with Melanie, kinda…
“You Talkin’ To Me? Guy” YTYMG
A recent post from Miranda..Serial Part I- Mistress Voyeur
How about “Lying, little bastard” Once again my heart is shattered by a wandering cover model. How dare he cheat on me by going on other covers! Will I ever find a faithful man?
Frowny Boy? But really Stephani wins I think. I nearly choked on my coffee.
A recent post from Tam..Sunday Summary
Those covers are all very dark and hurty-looking. Glad you are home? Or did it go too quickly?
I was trying to come up with something witty but I lost it after reading Stephani’s comment. ROFL too funny!
A recent post from Lily..The Trap by Indigo Wren and Faerie Bound by Jenna Castille
Furrowed Brow Dude? Ha, ha, I don’t blame Stephani for feeling betrayed — this guy gets around.
A recent post from Val Kovalin..Review Critics Choice by Josh Lanyon
Is that guy ‘The Situation’s’ brother?
I also thought “Incredulous Guy” as soon as I saw him.
May looks especially shiny today!
Botox guy was already suggested. The first cover made me think Wanna Be A Klingon Guy or Stares at Cleavage Guy (not that is terribly unusual).
A recent post from Seanna Lea..nanowrimo day 8 finally!
Why does he have that weird expression? Like he is smelling something, frowning, dunno
A recent post from blodeuedd..Review- Towers of Midnight – Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
LMAO. I second Lily and how dare he cheat on Stephani! But I do like Miranda’s YTTMG. Although IG is good too.
Aww, May, shouldn’t you just be happy mommy’s home??
A recent post from Nikyta..Review- Blacque-Bleu
LOL! A great way to kick off the week ๐
A recent post from Kristi aka FiberFool..Ease Into Monday Morning with Craft- Food and Natural Living Linkity!
He has a bit of a bulked-up Rebel-without-a-Cause vibe, doesn’t he?
How about – Worried I’m Not Sexy Enough For My Leather Coat guy. He looks seriously worried, and it’s the only thing I could think of that he could be worried about.
A recent post from Ava March..Updates & Seven Nights to Forever
Who Crapped on the Floor? Guy.
(May looks awfully shiny in that photo. Have you checked your hair products since you got home?)
Latex Leather Jacket Guy? Or just Latex Jacket Guy? It’s so shiny, it looks more like latex than leather to me. Maybe it’s pleather: Pleather Jacket Guy?
I was thinking ‘Guy in the plastic jacket’ but I think Jessica’s ‘pleather’ comment is much funnier :).
Ab Fab? I thought he looked like The Situation too but he does look a bit like one of the General Hospital soap studs.
Not a chance, Mayhem. Not where your Mom was staying.
A recent post from Carrie K..Monday Musings- Tuesday Twitterings- Wednesday Witticisms- Thurs- oh never mind
I vote for the simple “Black Jacket Guy” which brings up the question: if it’s cold enough for a jacket, why isn’t he wearing a shirt? Then again, several men I know would never wear a shirt again if their chests looked like that.
How about “Can’t Lift My Head Up Straight” Guy. Jessica’s “Pleather Jacket Guy” has possibilities too!
A recent post from Sydney..Post Halloween Wrap-Up
Oh, great suggestions. How about Glancing-to-the-side-so-as-not-to-look-you-directly-in-the-eye Guy?
A recent post from orannia..Almost Heaven
You just remind me that I have that Belinda Mcbride book – must get to it…
@May – just go with it hon, just go with it..
I rather like Ava’s Worried Iรขโฌโขm Not Sexy Enough For My Leather Coat guy – although, Stephani’s Lying Little Bastard has a nice ring to it. ๐
Mom may be even more into naughty boys, May.
A recent post from margene..In Your Dreams
How about Six-Pack Abs, Six-Pack Forehead Guy? I can just see him at the gym, working out on the forehead-crunch machine – gives me the jeebie-jeebies. Most hyphens in one comment award nomination here.
Break and Enter is a painful sounding name for m/m romance. Just saying . . .
A recent post from Eyre..Apologies to Tom Goss Even English Teachers Get It Wrong Sometimes
**Shakes head** Apparently not May… Apparently not!
A recent post from Cecile..Review- All For Shayla by Ava McKnight Dark Divas
Forehead Wrinkle Guy? Or “Young Sean Penn”–either way… guy w/no name!
And poor Mayhem, all curled up in your suitcase… she just wants to smell you… (that is NOT dirty when you’re a cat!)
All I can think of is furrowed-brow guy.
A recent post from mrspao..Sugar and spice
Well, I had a few names in mind, but then Stephani’s comment made me snort my coffee…ouch!…
My first thoughts were Cant look you in the eye Guy or I’m too sexy for my stubble guy. Excited to see what you come up with for him!
I like Pleather Jacket guy.
A recent post from Cryselle..Aisling- Guardian by Carole Cummings