Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 47th (Guy with No Name)

Congrats to Ronda, who won Strength of a Gamma (Pack Discipline, Book 2) by Kim Dare! Strength of a Gamma is being released by Total-E-Bound today.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we have… a guy with no name. I’m really hoping that all of you will come up with a good name for him so I can change the post title to something a little bit less lame. ๐Ÿ™‚

Our man of mystery had a

– instead of enjoying

parade, he would transform himself into a

, then follow the

, which acted as

for him, leading him to

and roust out many a vampire who’d

to escape his

. O noes! Those poor vampires… ๐Ÿ™

I hope you don’t think too hard about that narrative. I suspect that if you do, part of your brain will ooze out one of your ears. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

“I was really hoping you’d forgotten about all those naughty boys while you were gone, Mom.” -Mayhem

41 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 47th (Guy with No Name)”

  1. It appears he has a neck problem of some sort, maybe a kink, that keeps him from bringing his head up all the way. Could this possibly be Pain in the Neck Guy?

  2. Hmm. “Incredulous Guy” (IG) or “Raised Eyebrow Guy” (REG) both have potential. Well, they all have potential, but I particularly like those two so far!

    Keep the ideas coming. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. How about “Lying, little bastard” Once again my heart is shattered by a wandering cover model. How dare he cheat on me by going on other covers! Will I ever find a faithful man?

  4. Latex Leather Jacket Guy? Or just Latex Jacket Guy? It’s so shiny, it looks more like latex than leather to me. Maybe it’s pleather: Pleather Jacket Guy?

  5. I was thinking ‘Guy in the plastic jacket’ but I think Jessica’s ‘pleather’ comment is much funnier :).

  6. I vote for the simple “Black Jacket Guy” which brings up the question: if it’s cold enough for a jacket, why isn’t he wearing a shirt? Then again, several men I know would never wear a shirt again if their chests looked like that.

  7. I rather like Ava’s Worried Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm Not Sexy Enough For My Leather Coat guy – although, Stephani’s Lying Little Bastard has a nice ring to it. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. How about Six-Pack Abs, Six-Pack Forehead Guy? I can just see him at the gym, working out on the forehead-crunch machine – gives me the jeebie-jeebies. Most hyphens in one comment award nomination here.

  9. Forehead Wrinkle Guy? Or “Young Sean Penn”–either way… guy w/no name!

    And poor Mayhem, all curled up in your suitcase… she just wants to smell you… (that is NOT dirty when you’re a cat!)

  10. Well, I had a few names in mind, but then Stephani’s comment made me snort my coffee…ouch!…

    My first thoughts were Cant look you in the eye Guy or I’m too sexy for my stubble guy. Excited to see what you come up with for him!

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