Urban Trekking with feckless yarn

On Saturday, I trekked over to Nicollet Avenue, also known as “Eat Street,” to knit with Renee at Bad Waitress.

We had some tasty coffee and breakfast foods and caught up on things.

I was chastised by a staff member for trying to take pictures of some of the kitschy decor for y’all, so you’ll just have to image the stuffed hammerhead shark and other such gems!

I worked on my Trekking #78 sock. I didn’t pull my Trekking sock out during the walk because it was windy and the last thing this Trekking sock needs is to be exposed to wind… Can you guess why?!

Yes, there were some severe yarn vomit issues when I started the sock. About 1/5 of the skein came out while I was searching for the end! (I was even getting a pedicure at the time, so I could start my Trekking season out right. Ungrateful yarn.)

“Oooooooh, I shouldn’t have eaten that TRT… Look how bloated it made me!”

The Dye-O-Rama yarn I sent, and Socks for Sheep

I can’t believe I forgot to post pictures after my dye buddy received her yarn! I sent yarn to Ghostknitter in Singapore, who likes “fruity colors.” The skein on the left was dyed during the class I took at Shepherd’s Harvest last month, using mysterious acid dyes. The skein on the right was dyed from Wilton’s at Jeanne’s last month – I used leaf green, violet (which is a pain to use), and sky blue. Dyeing these skeins was quite a departure for me, colorwise!

Jennifer is collecting money and knitted items to sell for her Socks for Sheep project. Her goal is to purchase a Knitting Basket (through Heifer International), which is two llamas and two sheep that will go to people in need. She’s offering the chance to win prizes to those who donate, so help her out if you can!

Apparently my feet are still not out of danger…


Reports of my move were greatly premature…

I’ll just warn y’all straight out that I’m a bit crabby this morning. Things were going well with the blog move until their tech support mentioned that they couldn’t integrate my blogger data. Um, well, that’s a deal breaker, since I know there are places that can integrate my data. So I’m taking a deep breath, waiting for my refund, and doing better research this time. Thanks to everyone who’s given me tips!

I’m also PMSy. ‘Nuff said.

On the plus side, I’m meeting Renee at Bad Waitress in Minneapolis (26th & Nicollet) at 11:00 am today – it’ll be our bit for for Worldwide Public Knitting Day. Drop by if you’re in the neighborhood!

I’ve started the log cabin baby blanket from MDK and am enjoying it. Please excuse this blurry picture, as my camera batteries were dying… These are all the colors I’ll be using, although, since I’m just doing the 4th square of 10, I have a lot further to go! The edging will be in the tan.

I’ve also gone on a bit of a joining bender… I’m participating in Dave’s Bitchin’ Mittens KAL (after getting special dispensation so I don’t have to knit any thumbs – you’ll have to stay tuned to see how I manage that). Frarochvia talked me into signing up for Scout’s Knit Sock Kit Swap (signups are Sunday, June 11 8 am EST through Tuesday June 13 8 am EST), so I talked her into signing up for Kat with a K’s Summer Reading Program. My goal is 30 books for the summer, including two nonfiction.

Here are the books I’ve read so far in June:

Size 12 Is Not Fat by Meg Cabot, 368 pages. Total chick lit and a fast read, but it was fun and Meg Cabot had a great afterward about body image.

Summer Knight (Book 4 of the Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher, 371 pages. What’s not to like about a mystery series set in Chicago and featuring a wizard for hire? This installment detours into the land of Faerie.

The Hour Before Dawn and Two Other Stories from Newford by Charles de Lint, 114 pages. Newford stories – what else is there to say?

Anyone but You by Jennifer Crusie, 224 pages. Somewhat predictable chick lit, but that didn’t stop me from reading the whole thing in a single sitting.

Fare Play and Full Frontal Murder by Barbara Paul, 252 and 251 pages. These are from a series about NYPD lieutenant Marian Larch – quick reads, and the rest of the series is now on my to-read list.

The Road to Lisdoonvarna by Charles de Lint, 190 pages. A de Lint novel with no magic, set in Ottawa in the 1980s. Although the hardboiled detective novel is a bit of a departure for de Lint, it kept me engrossed.

Heart of the World by Linda Barnes, 321 pages. The latest of the Carlotta Carlyle mysteries, this takes Carlotta and her “little sister” Paolina to Colombia. Many twists and turns!

Hmm, I’m just realizing that my goal of 30 books isn’t going to be much of a stretch if I maintain this reading pace, is it?!

Here’s what Chaos looks like first thing every morning as I get his breakfast ready:

“Food food food food food food food food food.”

I feel a lot less crabby now. Thanks for listening/reading!

L is also for…

Library! (I’m sure that sense of deja vu you’re experiencing will pass.) As part of my excursion downtown, I checked out the new Minneapolis Central Library. Unfortunately, it looks like the sign has already taken a few hits…

But wow – isn’t it spectacular? This is the Nicollet Mall side:

And here’s the Hennepin Avenue side:

In the lobby, nifty technology…

…was balanced with ancient wisdom…

…in this statue of Minerva, Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom. What’s not to like about a library with the goddess of smart knitters in the lobby?! Especially when the banners on Nicollet Mall were so much fun?! This one reads “Meet Batgirl, Librarian!”

Back on the home front, we return to my foot, obviously in great danger…

“You thought I maybe was kidding about snagging the socks?!”

Some things to check out: Susan’s having a contest for her birthday. Sallee’s coordinating knitting for C4C (Clothes for Crisis – showing people in trouble that we care) and KnitRed (knitting to raise awareness of women’s heart disease) – stop by and see how you can help.Let’s keep our fingers crossed that Blogger plays nice today and let’s us post and comment, eh?!!

Oh, and I found this odd little note tucked into my bag this morning:

Dear Bella,

I am writing to you out of my deep respect and concern for your well-being (and since I am convinced that you are a cat trapped in a dog’s body). I am not sure if you are aware of what is going on, but it appears that your mom is plotting against you. It sounds like she is bringing another furbaby into your household, by name of “Louie” – are you aware of this?! I suggest that you take immediate measures to thwart this diabolical plot. Such treachery cannot be allowed.

Yours truly, with purrs and licks,


In which I venture downtown

It’s been ages since I was in downtown Minneapolis, so yesterday after work I wandered my way downtown. I found a few Project Spectrum pictures, such as this blurb advertising the new City Center – if you look closely, you can see me reflected behind the “o” in “people.”

A map kiosk on Nicollet Mall, illustrating the somewhat confusing streets of downtown.

The Foshay Tower, as reflected in the IDS Center.

The famous spot on Nicollet Mall where Mary Tyler Moore tossed her hat in the air in the credits of the show.

And away from downtown, here’s the other, very Project Spectrum side of that cat-infested billboard. I love how the cat butts stick up over the top! (As always, click on the picture to see it better.)

I finally finished my Meilenweit Cotton socks! I confess to making sure I finished them in June, so they’d be both May and June Project Spectrum…

“You shall pay for the bib incident! Pay in snagged socks! Bwah ha ha!”


Little did Chaos suspect what evil lurked in the heart of his mom as he lounged by the newly finished Mason-Dixon Knitting baby bib (knit from one ball of Sugar’n’Cream, color possibly Midnight Magic).

“What have I done, that you would punish me so?!”
“No, I can’t bear for everyone to see me like this…”
“I’m so ashamed.”

L is for…

Library. I love the public library. I only live about six blocks away and I’m at the library two to three times every week. (And no, it’s not just because of the cute guy who works there. Sheesh.)

The old Walker Library. It’s been a thrift store and a spa and is currently sitting empty and for lease.

Across Hennepin Avenue, the new(er), mostly underground Walker Library.

The library is underneath this lawn!

While Chaos has never been to the library (I’m thinking he would be a bit disruptive), he is very fond of library books

Red tuna at night

A big thank you to Just a Knit Wit (aka Kelly), who sent Chaos and I a sweet care package. Great timing – it arrived during a totally crazed day at work on Friday and cheered me up immediately.

It included a lovely skein of Kureyon, some mini Tootsie Pops (used to calm my equally crabby coworkers!), a tin of Knitting Girl mints, a Hershey’s pencil, red and grey mini-tuna toys for Chaos (clever!), a mysterious tin…*

and a great cd of Celtic music to listen to while knitting!

The tin contained a stunning black cat bookmark and two very fun bracelets, one of which has a little sheep and says “I Luv 2 Knit.”

Thanks, Kelly! Oh, and I think that Chaos likes the tiny red tuna (TRT):


*As always, click on the pictures to see larger versions.

Art journaling, reading, knitting, and cat parenting. It's a wild life.