- New releases: Book Riot (best out this week)
- Great quote for the season from Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather.
- Yes.
- Useful resource for shaping your own knitted lace shawls.
- Knit the Rainbow accepts knitted and crocheted donations for homeless LGBTQIA+ youth.
- Gluten-free pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
- Cute cottage.
- Lovely home built around a train car.
- A dome home with an amazing ceiling in what’s supposed to be the rec room.
- Unique.
- VERY bright hacienda style house.
- Dramatic late MCM with an excess of bathrooms.
- Must love orange.
- MCM decorated in clashing shades of green.
- Interesting underground house.
- Check out the nose-shaped exhaust hood.
- There’s just so much wrong with this late MCM.
- The previous owner had a vision. Fueled by what, I wonder…
- Extremely ugly late MCM double octagonal dome house.
- Castle-esque Tudor exterior won’t prepare you for the interior.
- Entirely for the terrifying toilet.
- Anyone else develop an eye twitch looking at this?
- WTF.
- Oh, there I go, right off the edge.
- Invisible final step.
- Nope.
- Well, since you asked nicely…
- Stairs that should have a weight restriction.
Linkity from the land of snow and ice
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week)
- The copyrighted works from 1929 that will enter the public domain on January 1, 2025.
- And belated happy Public Domain Day!
- Excerpts from amusing Goodreads reviews.
- Human are weird.
- Post-Narnia ficlet.
- Make your own origami gävlebocken.
- Experience one of the weirdest stores in the Twin Cities, Ax-Man Surplus.
- I love the sky ceilings.
- Nicely converted church.
- Pretty nice MCM, although I hate the kitchen.
- Maximalism is not my thing.
- Very colorful Victorian without all the maximalist decor.
- Nice house, but the tubs look like they’d leave you bleeding.
- Ugly and slightly odd.
- Must be ok with clashing shades of blue.
- May or may not come with its own flea market.
- Oof, really bad remodel. I wonder if it got chopped into apartments and then sort of (poorly) reintegrated?
- Ridiculous price for what you’re getting.
- :blink blink:
- Catopia is certainly a unique property…
- It looks like a fussily decorated prison.
- I guess the railings make this NSFW.
- That’s a new one.
- At least turn it into enclosed storage so you don’t have to dust.
- Optical illusion stairs.
- At least there’s a railing?
- It doesn’t look like there’s enough clearance.
- Nope.
- Hmm.
Socks I knit for myself ages ago, but just wove in the ends this week. The yarn is from Tall Pine Yarn and the color is better in the link! My phone camera hates fluorescent colors.
Linkity still in shock that it’s December already
New releases: Smart Bitches (romance, queer romance), Book Riot (YA, best out this week)
On Edmund and the Turkish delight.
“Ok what next” (the looming edition).
“Knitting is the perfect stim.”
“Scientists built a tiny DNA ‘hand’ that grabs viruses to stop infections“.
Hot cocoa marshmallow sandwich cookies.
Decent late MCM, but there’s a living area that desperately needs a railing.
Time capsule late MCM with all the worst bits of the era remaining.
I can’t even imagine what this would cost in the Bay area.
Cool, if a bit too ornate for me.
Is it just me, or does this house seem to be having some sort of identity crisis?
I like the house, but the attached bar and restaurant – not so much.
Don’t think I’ve seen a fish tank like that before. There’s probably a reason for that.
No partially submerged bedrooms for me, thanks.
Converted church comes with its own cemetery.
Snuggling siblings. (Love the air of faint menace Harry’s managing there.)
Harry on the couch, wearing his skully bow tie.
Linkity guesses it’s MCM Week here
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Reactor (YA SFF/horror, SF, fantasy), Book Riot (historical fiction, YA, nonfiction, comics/graphic novels, queer, SFF, romance, mysteries/thrillers/true crime, best out last week)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from BookWyrm Knits.
- A lovely ficlet.
- A free wintery Terry Pratchett short story.
- On year-end reading statistics from My Jetpack.
- “‘Enshittification’ is officially the biggest word of the year“.
- “And the universe said…“
- Advent calendar advent calendar (hover cursor/long-press for caption).
- Covid standard time.
- On pigeons.
- Gorgeous quilt with a subtle kitty theme.
- Dragon-themed knitting.
- You could own the castle where part of Game of Thrones was filmed.
- Nice MCM.
- Unique late MCM.
- Groovy late MCM.
- Interesting MCM.
- Hmm. Very odd MCM.
- MCM with an identity crisis.
- Cute.
- It would be best if they took the curtains.
- Weird one in Utah that has some deadly stairs in the loft and needs a lot of work.
- Round house with a strangely located laundry area and puny kitchen.
- Partially remodeled. What’s up with the blue carpet with a drain in the kitchen??
- “Luxury doomsday condos“.
- Have we seen this one before? It’s crazy.
- Brace yourselves – there’s over-the-top and then there’s whatever the heck this is.
- Log cabins shouldn’t be that big.
- At least there’s a handrail??
- I’m not sure I even understand how it’s supposed to work.
- Ridiculous.
- Complicated.
- Why?!
- Yikes.
- Again with the dizzying patterns on stairs.
Linkity’s not sure there’s much to give thanks for in the US right now
No post next week, due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Be well, everyone!
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week, YA)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- I have several of Jan Messent’s books just to look at her amazing knitting.
- What pets mean to us.
- Lovely MCM.
- Round MCM.
- Very fancy firehouse conversion.
- Cozy vibes.
- Nice MCM, although it’s another with the tub right by the bed. And the last shower pictured looks like a cleaning nightmare.
- Disappointing castle esque house.
- Round house with photos of before and after they greyed it down.
- An inexpensive floating house that needs work, so maybe it’s not so inexpensive.
- I have to say, I like houseboats better than floating houses, which don’t look like they can actually go anywhere.
- That’s a lot of money for a house that needs a lot of work.
- That’s a lot of plants.
- That’s a lot of plaid.
- Converting these pole barn type buildings into homes is just so weird to me.
- What a disturbing looking house (just based on the outside).
- Adventures in terrible bathroom design.
- Dizziness inducing carpet patterns have no place on stairs.
- At least they look better than what was there before, based on the cement patching.
- Nope.
- Just say no to glass stairs.
Linkity lays low
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week, YA fiction, YA nonfiction and comics)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Until November 22, you can get ten free books (a “Getting Free” from the current catastrophe pack, basically) from Haymarket Books.
- Ok, I didn’t know page turners existed until now.
- “Advice for Challenging Times“.
- Little Debbie is selling candles.
- Cozy little floating house.
- Just cute.
- It is indeed a fairy tale compound.
- Nice Tudor in Minneapolis with too much mint green.
- Cute cottage in New Orleans.
- Time capsule MCM.
- Very fancy Baroque townhouse in Minneapolis.
- Pretty good church conversion that needs some color and a dishwasher.
- The attic is interesting, but I like the basement the best.
- If you’ve been looking for an ice palace…
- Besides being too close to the ocean, all the 12-degree angles are annoying.
- Supremely delusional real estate ad.
- Another entry in the delusional landlords category.
- I agree about the cursed bit.
- Nooooo.
- D’oh.
- Do not like the left side.
- Invisible stairs of death.
- WTF.
- Yikes.
Linkity’s rather discouraged
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance, queer), Book Riot (historical fiction, YA, comics/graphic novels, nonfiction, queer, SFF, BIPOC romance, mystery/thriller, romance), Gizmodo (SFF/horror)
- Linkity from BookWyrm Knits.
- “Books Are My Passion” Lego set.
- Very cool mittens.
- “There is hope…“
- Just no.
- Lovely MCM.
- Another lovely MCM.
- This MCM has too much stone for me.
- An MCM with a checkered past.
- Interesting bank conversion, but they sure don’t show much of the kitchen.
- I like the cool tower, but the photos are all at weird angles and there aren’t any interior photos of the tower.
- Big daycare vibes.
- Sorry, I got stuck at the table full of ceramics.
- Really hate the look of this “by the hour” rental.
- That’s the tightest spiral I’ve ever seen on a set of stairs.
- Best for spindly people.
- Hmm.
Linkity looking out at the falling snow
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), Book Riot (best out this week, YA epic fantasy, YA)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Some thoughts on Boromir, Aragorn, and bracers.
- Ficlet.
- Comic that’s a bit sad.
- A twist on Rapunzel.
- Try a walking or biking desk instead, I guess.
- The Oregon Trail video game is being made into a movie.
- Castle-esque Tudor. I like it, although the kitchen definitely needs more storage.
- Interesting Art Deco house that needs something to counterbalance all the brown.
- Very colorful. Put a few of those colors back, actually. (Or pass them on to that Art Deco house.)
- Gigantic statuary and a bathtub shaped like a clay pot.
- Just for the record, there aren’t any mountains in St Paul, MN.
- And no railing.
- The micro-railing is darling but useless.
- Tricky.
- Ack!
- Yikes.
Loop de loop linkity
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance, more romance), Book Riot (best out this week, best out last week, YA, YA comics and nonfiction)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches. From last week.
- Spooky ficlet.
- Digging into dubious sounding claims.
- Warning signs.
- Animated needlepoint shooting star.
- A View-Master movie?!
- One-pot creamy chicken soup.
- Pumpkin muffins.
- Soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting.
- Nice MCM.
- Interesting MCM in Palm Springs.
- Very cheery!
- My favorite part is the tower.
- Surprisingly nice inside.
- Very eclectic.
- I think that’s probably too many murals.
- The redo is definitely an improvement, except for converting some built-in bookshelves to a wet bar.
- “Unusual, not necessarily tasteful” – includes Bathroom of Extreme Dizziness.
- Must really love faux brick and the dusting thereof.
- I like the built-ins in the bedroom.
- I was too traumatized by the scary tall bookshelves to see anything after.
- Guitar-shaped house.
- Only included because I love the phrase “tower of shower”.
- If you need 27 bedrooms and don’t mind a major rehab project…
- How not to convert an old mill.
- Boring house with a secret.
- You wouldn’t think a hobbit-esque house would be boring, but…
- Just gives me that mall vibe.
- Pantry danger.
- They didn’t even try.
- Huh.
- The “Trippy” poster at the bottom is a nice touch.
- So much bad in one photo.
- Chaotic stairs.
- Creepy.
- Eep.
- No.
Linkity looks
No linkity next week due to a scheduling conflict!
- New releases: Smart Bitches (romance, queer romance), Book Riot (best out this week, Nordic mysteries/thrillers, cozy historical fantasy, YA, horror), Reactor (genre benders)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- A sweet and thoughtful comic.
- An amusing LotR post about Aragorn’s height.
- “Utah book banners…want to make Little Free Libraries susceptible to criminal charges“.
- Exorcist ouija board.
- Pumpkin snickerdoodle bars.
- Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
- Lovely converted church.
- Nicely done jail conversion.
- Made out of interconnected wine barrels!
- Cool, especially if you need a recording studio.
- Cute little place.
- Nice, but having to climb a ladder to the second floor bedrooms is weird.
- Why are there a table and chairs next to a tub?
- I hope whoever has it under contract has a lot of money for renovations.
- These aren’t so bad.
- Give it a minute.
- Mystery stairs.
- It does look more like a bookcase than stairs. And that “railing” is pathetic.