- New releases: (genre benders, YA SFF), Smart Bitches (romance), Gizmodo (SFF), AAR (romance)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- Linkity from the Pen Addict.
- Cover snark from Smart Bitches.
- “How the Lord of the Rings changed publishing forever“.
- A bunch of books just entered the public domain. Where to download those books.
- “What Mister Rogers taught us about storytelling“.
- Have you considered doing a DiscWorld read along this year?
- “‘Add more goats’ and other artistic advice from Ursula Le Guin“.
- “Today’s aesthetic: 19th century literature where the nominal protagonist doesn’t even show up until you’re 20,000 words in.“
- About that time Heathcliffe disappeared in Wuthering Heights.
- What if there was a historical fantasy featuring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini?
- Can you picture Arthur Weasley at a Muggle science fair?
- When readers go on holiday. (Ebooks make traveling as a reader MUCH BETTER.)
Think, Make, Learn, Do
- Practice disruptive compassion.
- The Leidenfrost effect in action.
- “Angel’s Glow“.
- The Mary Tyler Moore house.
- I really hope Elizabeth Warren runs for President.
- President Obama’s list of the best pop culture of 2018.
- If you’ve ever wondered how they thawed Captain America, wonder no more!
- Climate change on Meet the Press.
Gluten Free
- Easy banana bread.
- Coconut and chocolate chip cookie bars.
- Peanut and sweet potato soup.
- Best GF recipes of 2018.
Artsy Crafty
- Short about a kid who wants to be an astronaut.
- Short about a duck who adores Donald Duck.
- The print is already hanging on my wall…
- Could be Chaos!
- Yes, this.
- Linkity from kmkat.
- Be careful when ordering bulk crickets.
- On catching an escaped cat.
- D’oh! Hover cursor/long-press for the caption.
Teh Cute
Reading Update
The Mortal Word (The Invisible Library #5) by Genevieve Cogman. Another very good addition to this series. I devoured it in a single sitting.
Zero Sum Game (Russell’s Attic #1) by SL Huang. Ambivalent about this one – I liked it well enough, but the rest of the series isn’t available because it’s being rereleased. By the time they’re all rereleased, I will have forgotten everything about this book.
A Gathering of Magic (Shades of Magic #2) by VE Schwab. I gave up a few chapters in – it just wasn’t holding my interest for some reason.
The Iron Wyrm Affair,
The Red Plague Affair,
The Ripper Affair, and
The Damnation Affair (Bannon & Clare 1-3, 1.5) by Lilith Saintcrow. Very good magical Holmesian steampunk trilogy. Recommended. While The Damnation Affair is nominally set in the same universe, it’s on another continent and features completely different characters.
Beast of Wonder by Lilith Saintcrow. I have no idea what happened in this one. Just HUH?!
Catghan activated!