Tag Archives: Suzanne JE Tourtillott

Linkity limbers up

Congrats to Angeles G, who won As Spring Rain (2nd ed) by Valentina Heart!


Think, Make, Do, Learn


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Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Leaving a Trace: On Keeping a Journal: The Art of Transforming a Life into Stories by Alexandra Johnson. Very good book about keeping a journal or diary, with writing exercises (some of which I tried and was pleasantly surprised by) and excerpts of what writers noted for journaling and memoir writing had to say about how the process enhanced their lives. Notes the author, “Successful journals break the deadlock of introspective obsession.” Yes, that. That’s what I aspire to.
A Trail Through Leaves: The Journal as a Path to Place by Hannah Hinchman. Another lovely, lyrical look at journal keeping from Hinchman, who avoids “the deadlock of introspective obsession” (Alexandra Johnson) by observing and drawing her surroundings and keeping her writing style concrete, nearly brusque.
Making & Keeping Creative Journals by Suzanne JE Tourtillott. I enjoyed looking at the drawings and pictures of bookbinding and the artistic journal projects created for the book. I remain unconvinced about using two leather work gloves to bind a journal (or book of any sort).
Boy on Ice: The Life and Death of Derek Boogaard by John Branch. Very good, very absorbing, very sad story about an NHL enforcer and how CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) most likely paid a role in his demise. To me, the really tragic thing was how ineffectual and toothless all the checks and balances that should’ve helped him turned out to be… and how none of that has changed.

“You better not be talking trash about my tail, Mom!!” -Chaos

Erm. Pay no attention to that short, kinky tail up there then! 😉