Tag Archives: stock photos

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 167th (Hint of a Plumber’s Crack Guy)

Congrats to dana, who won Freeman (2nd ed) by Clare London!

Congrats to Crissy M, who won the Blooming Marvellous anthology by Josephine Myles!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today’s going to be a very short edition, but you will get to meet Hint of a Plumber’s Crack Guy (HoaPCG). 🙂

wanted to experience all the

, so he

with a

and they had a

. The end.

Shockingly coherent with only five covers, wasn’t it?! Make sure you look closely at his mutant pseudo-mullet on the last cover. o.O

“Sigh. I thought the naughty boys were gone for good!!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 166th (The return of the return of MCSIBTYG)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with My Cup Size Is Bigger Than Yours Guy (MCSIBTYG)!

, whose water was

, firmly believed that


, even though such a belief left him

when he was

on the


of the

that he


and his notorious


Whoa. O.O

“I… don’t even know what to say anymore, Mom.” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 166th (Pirate Guy)

Congrats to Gabrielle J, who won the signed paperback copy of Bound to the Beast (The Greenwood) by Kay Berrisford!

Congrats to Carolyn, who won Until Forever Comes (Mates #2) by Cardeno C! Until Forever Comes is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Pirate Guy. 🙂


got tired of playing

, but not often – he enjoyed the


, and he loved sailing under the

, landing

of the

and moving like a



Well, that isn’t even very confusing! 🙂

“Hmph. I don’t see any birds at all – just another naughty boy!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 165th (My Kingdom for a Ponytail Holder Guy)

Congrats to Suze, who won Better Than Sex (Kinky Quickies #1) by Kim Dare!  Better Than Sex was released on May 12 by Amber Allure.

So far the only contest scheduled for this week is tomorrow, but who knows what will shake out. Stay tuned for exciting new developments… or no developments at all. 🙂

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today’s going to be a short one -  you’ll feel as if you barely got to know My Kingdom for a Ponytail Holder Guy! 😉

, after he was

in the torrid

, was that

in his head shouldn’t have tried to put that

, even if she was


Eh, not one of my more inspired efforts – but that’s what happens when I leave things until Sunday evening! 😀

*disappointed* -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 164th (Baddest Santa Guy’s baaaack)

Congrats to Paula S, who won Soul Magic (Triad #3) by Poppy Dennison! Soul Magic is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.

Congrats to Dianna, who won A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood by Devon Rhodes and TA Chase! A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood is being released today by Total-E-Bound.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be checking in to see what Baddest Santa Guy‘s been up to. (I really didn’t want to believe this was Baddest Santa Guy, nor that the covers without a jacket were the same guy as the covers with a jacket, but… the hairline and the underwear line say otherwise.) (Don’t forget you can hover your cursor over the covers to see the title text as used in the Misadventure!)

In the

, flashing back to



) were on the trail of a

who was wanted


and being a

after she

the denizens of

with a

that led to an unfortunately

It’s a shame I can’t get a job as a run-on sentence writer… 😉

“There’s really no hope for Mom, is there? Alas…” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 162nd (The return of Likes To Get Naked At Fires Guy [LTGNAFG])

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Likes To Get Naked At Fires Guy (LTGNAFG).

It’s usually true that

, there’s fire, and so



indeed) had to call in the

(who had such

that they seemed

) to get

before the entire town went

due to a plan by

to get some

on the

firefighter she’d gone to for

, but who instead had whispered

to her: “


I hope none of you tried to read that aloud and collapsed from oxygen deprivation…

*ignoring naughty boys and their fans* -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 160th (Welcome back, Starey Glarey Guy!)

Congrats to EriSeg, who won A Wild Ride by Andrew Grey! A Wild Ride is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Starey Glarey Guy again.

After the


, it took him a while to realize that he’d become

and that

was just as

by the

as he. But alas, in his

, when he’d lost all sense of

, and

made it feel as if he was

, he was






Um. Forgive me for that one? 🙂

“You’re driving me crazy with naughty boys, Mom!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 159th (Facing the World in Our Jeans, Holding Hands Guys)

Congrats to Rush, who won the signed paperback copy of The Long Con (Dangerous Affairs #1) by Lori Toland!

Congrats to Josieb, who won all the stories in the Promoted by the Billionaire anthology! Promoted by the Billionaire is/was available for pre-order through April 1 and will be released by Total-E-Bound on April 29.

No contests this week! So, unless I decide to post a random cat photo at some point, the week’s next post will be Linkity on Friday.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting the Facing the World in Our Jeans, Holding Hands Guys (FTWIOJHHG).

, relying only on


, which tend to lead to a

– it’s pretty obvious

– no need for

when those

will do

… yes, absolutely


Puzzlingly, those last two books were put out by the same publisher…

“Well, I guess they aren’t too naughty…” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 158th (Guy in the Long Black Coat)

Congrats to Courtney S, who won Test Drive by L.A. Witt! Test Drive was released by Amber Allure on March 24.

Congrats to Mary M, who won Covet Thy Neighbor (Tucker Springs #4) by L.A. Witt! Covet Thy Neighbor is being released today by Riptide Publishing.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting the Guy in the Long Black Coat (GITLBC), with apologies to Bob Dylan (although I much prefer Joan Osborne’s cover of the song).

had a lot of

, having to deal with

, who’d been

until they took


, discovered they were

for a

, and decided to start



“Judging you, Mom. Judging you so hard.” -Mayhem