Congrats to SueM, who won Men Under the Mistletoe by Ava March, Josh Lanyon, Harper Fox, and KA Mitchell! Men Under the Mistletoe is being released today by Carina Press. (The stories will also be released separately.)
Congrats to Tracey D, who won While Under the Influence (Perfect Timing #8) by Kim Dare! While Under the Influence is being released today by Total-E-Bound.
From today through December 23, Keira Andrews is hosting Â
: “…a holiday extravaganza featuring giveaways, holiday recipes and more. ‘Tis the season for some hot man-on-man action.” Keira will be here next week to update us on how MtYG is going. 🙂
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Seriously Boring Blond Guy (SBBG). Keep an eye out for Smarmy Guy (you’ll recognize him, even though he hasn’t had his own post yet) and Slave Boy!


had been friends since they were

, when they met at college in a required

they were all taking at the

. In order to pass the course, they each had to identify

of people who’d been arrested for infractions such as


, and

. Now, at their class reunion, they were toasting each other, hollering, “

! Let us drink

, of those glorious days before we hit the accursed

of graduation and everything went

Huh. Yeah, I’m usually surprised with how these turn out, too.

*glares* – Mayhem