Tag Archives: Nino Cipri

Linkity will become particularly unpredictable over the next two months

I’m taking several virtual  book arts classes in September and October that are on Thursday evenings, so do not be surprised if there’s no linkity or only the most minimal of linkity. On the plus side, by the end of October, I will only need 3.5 more “graduate” credits to completed my Advanced Book Arts Certificate through the Minnesota Center for Book Arts! 🙂


Think, Learn, Make, Do, VOTE

Life in These Pandemic Times


Artsy Crafty




Reading Update
FinnaFinna by Nino Cipri. What if you worked at IKEA and a wormhole opened up during your shift? A fun and thoughtful short novel based on that premise (and more).

“Yes, I AM still exceptionally beautiful, thank you!” -Mayhem