Tag Archives: misadventures

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 175th (Angsty Sideburns Guy)

Congrats to Kate, who won Stripped Clean by Ellis Carrington!

Congrats to Helena, who won Taken (Stranded #2) by Andrew Grey! Taken is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Angsty Sideburns Guy.

knew it was against the

to be



days after they disappeared, but hearing

sent him to hide out in the

, where he lost

and realized he’d sing


I’m sure I’m imagining that this one almost makes sense. 🙂

*sigh* -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 174th (Serious Twinkie Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Serious Twinkie Guy.



) had decided that the




, so he’d been biding his time




, hoping he’d


and drinking until they were


Pretty sure he’s actually holding his jeans up with his hands in his pockets like that… 😉

“So disappointed in you, Mom.” -Mayhem

You can click on May’s picture to embiggen it and get a better look at her expression.

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 173rd (What’s up, Slave Boy?)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Slave Boy yet again. 🙂




) painfully learned

when he took

and was led astray from


s and then

by the

into stealing


, who, after

, also lost his

, sobbing, “Why aren’t they


Apologies to anyone who was trying to read that run-on aloud and has passed out from lack of oxygen.

“I’m not sure I can deal with more naughty boys…” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 172nd (Broken Neck Guy)

Congrats to Joe, who won Accidental Alpha (Pack Partners #1) by Poppy Dennison!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Broken Neck Guy. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble figuring out how he got his name. 😉


was suddenly very focused on satisfying the


(cost to her

be damned) so that they had their


was spilled by

during the


For those of you who’ve been worried that recent Misadventures were making a lot of sense, worry no more! 😀

“More naughty boys. *sigh*” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 171st (The return of Chin Dimple Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Chin Dimple Guy.





s. But

, Zane would just spend his time


Oh oh. I think it almost made sense. Hold me!

“Look into my eyes. You are growing sleepy. When you wake up, you will think no more of naughty boys.” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 170th (Prison Stripes Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Prison Stripes Guy – thanks to Mary Calmes for the name and for finding some of the covers! Nichole found some of these covers, too – thanks!

, after

, feeling

but willing to settle for a drink of

and embrace the

of a

instead, Prison Stripes Guy sat

in his

chair, pleased that this time the


him into any of their dastardly schemes, the last of which had left him

down a treacherous slope for his life.

I have no idea, either.

“Two weeks without naughty boys! I was hoping you had it out of your system, Mom.” -Mayhem

Surprise Misadventures Vacation!

Congrats to Beth, who won Training Cats (2nd ed) by PD Singer! (A book title completely not endorsed by Chaos.)

Congrats to sere, who won The Battle for Galerir (The Galerir Saga #2) byAnna Lee!

Congrats to Megan W, who won Unbreak My Heart by K-Lee Klein! Unbreak My Heart will be released by Amber Allure on August 25.

Sorry, no Misadventures in Stock Photography today! (Surely there must be one from a couple years ago you haven’t seen yet?!!) I waited until too late Sunday to start working on it, and by then I was cranky about my washing machine’s spin cycle going out, plus vaguely migrainey (a theme throughout the weekend) on top of that. On the plus side, I did get the place cleaned and even grouted the tub over the weekend…

Think cool thoughts – Minneapolis and environs are going to be in an excessive heat/humidity warning for much of the week.

“I’m the complaints department. I’m guess there aren’t any complaints now?” -Chaos

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 169th (The Return of The Return of Tie Guy)

Congrats to Juliana, who won Love’s Nest (Tempting Tales #3) by Keira Andrews and Leta Blake!

Congrats to engese31, who won Thorns by Feliz Faber!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Tie Guy, last seen here 28 months ago. 🙂

was interrupted by

, who roared, “

and I might grant you

!” Rian wasn’t so sure he could trust

(there had to be a

somewhere), but he was weary – in

– of


at the end of the evening, instead of being able to indulge his

‘s love of

such as


Well. *blink blink blink*

“My abs are much cuter than the naughty boy’s abs!!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 168th (The Return of the Return of Haughty Blond Guy)

Congrats to Julio, who won King Mai (The Lost and Founds #2) by Edmond Manning!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Haughty Blond Guy, who’s always been completely clothed on every cover I’ve seen… except for one below. I suspect a head transplant! 😀



and hoping for some


left him a

, although he was


ically so), even after being


, and infected with

because of it.

Well, that took a dark turn, didn’t it? O.o

*judging* -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 167th (Hint of a Plumber’s Crack Guy)

Congrats to dana, who won Freeman (2nd ed) by Clare London!

Congrats to Crissy M, who won the Blooming Marvellous anthology by Josephine Myles!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today’s going to be a very short edition, but you will get to meet Hint of a Plumber’s Crack Guy (HoaPCG). 🙂

wanted to experience all the

, so he

with a

and they had a

. The end.

Shockingly coherent with only five covers, wasn’t it?! Make sure you look closely at his mutant pseudo-mullet on the last cover. o.O

“Sigh. I thought the naughty boys were gone for good!!” -Mayhem