I never heard back from the first winner, so congrats to Juli-Anna, who’s the new winner of A Shifter Christmas (The Lost Shifters, Book 8 ) by Stephani Hecht!
Congrats to Jase, who won Knight’s Fall (Boys in Blue) by Mia Watts! Congrats to Tracey D, who won His Christmas Present by Rachel Randall! Both Knight’s Fall and His Christmas Present are being released today by Total-E-Bound.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting My Cup Size Is Bigger Than Yours Guy (MCSIBTYG). Poor MCSIBTYG – cover artists just love to mess around with his hair. I’m sure you can guess how well that turns out for him…

, always

, couldn’t remember why he’d thought buying

was a good idea after he’d been


. Maybe something in the

had convinced him… or, more likely, it had been the

in the

that led to him waking up as

, roasting as if he were in the

. Alas, if he’d thought that

was impossible before, now he also had

to deal with. Plus he discovered that

, the more likely they were to be unsuitable love interests, easily distracted

. So, in the end, he went home alone and got drunk while watching

on his Tivo. The end.

“I just don’t understand… how can Mom keep putting up these pictures of naughty boys when she knows I don’t approve?!” -Mayhem