Tag Archives: Mary Beth Shaw

Linkity thinks the gift guide thing is a little out of hand

No linkity next week! Hopefully there’s enough here to sustain you. 🙂


‘Tis the Season of Gift Guides

Think, Learn, Make, Do


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Printmaking+Mixed Media: Simple Techniques and Projects for Paper and Fabric by Dorit Elisha. Good overview of all sorts of different types of printmaking, from monoprinting to screen printing and more. Definitely found some things I’m going to try out in my art journaling. This is one I’ll be picking up used for reference.
Stencil Girl: Mixed-Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils by Mary Beth Shaw. I did get some ideas for using stencils in my art journaling, but I wasn’t particularly interested in the sections on woodburning, metalwork, cake decorating, or encaustic.
Dreaming from the Journal Place: Transforming the Sketchbook to Art by Melanie Testa. This one didn’t really work for me. It covers a lot of ground – from drawing and painting to carving rubber stamps to extremely detailed instructions for dyeing fabric. And it felt like the journal bit was more of an afterthought than anything else.
Sidney Crosby: A Hockey Story (Revised and Updated) by Paul Arseneault and Paul Hollingsworth. So-so young adult hockey biography covering the years 2002 through the end of the 2007 season (the season before the Pittsburgh Penguins lost in the Stanley Cup Final to Detroit). This was of the very “rah rah” sorts of YA books – it didn’t touch on the vitriol Crosby faced from parents and players alike, nor did it mention any of the injuries incurred along the way.

“I wish the birds would come back.” -Mayhem