Tag Archives: Leonard Koren

Linkity will take snow over December tornadoes, thanks

Reading Update
Take a Look at the Five and Ten by Connie Willis. Lovely holiday short! I read this in a collection, but it was years ago.
The Hungry Dreaming by Craig Schaefer. Very suspenseful and intense paranormal thriller about saving the past and future of New York City. (Don’t be alarmed that it seems to be the third book in a series – it’s not, really.)
Wabi-Sabi: For Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers by Leonard Koren. Ok, but there’s not much to it. And I’m not sure it lives up to its ambitious subtitle.

Drowsing Harry.

Polly by the window, with snow in the background. Most of that snow melted when it was 58F/14C on Wednesday. NOT normal for Minneapolis in December.

Polly asleep, Mayhem mildly annoyed/inconvenienced by Polly’s presence/existence.