Tag Archives: David Pratt

Yet another linkity post in which there are no llamas

Congrats to Kate, who won The Love of a Mate (Pack Discipline #4) by Kim Dare! The Love of a Mate will be released by Total-E-Bound on June 6.




Learn, Do, Make, Think





Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Bob the Book by David Pratt. ebook. Excellent story about a gay book named Bob, as he travels from bookstore to armchair and beyond. It’s also a story about love found and lost, about discrimination and acceptance, about learning and growing… basically about life. Highly recommended.
A.J.’s Angel by LA Witt. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a tattoo artist trying to understand why his cheating ex has shown up in his shop four years later to get a tattoo commemorating a mysterious “A.J.” If the ending of the story had had been longer, this would’ve been five stars for me. Forgiveness happened too fast, then the ensuing struggles were merely alluded to in the epilogue.
As Advertised by Jaime Samms. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a guy who discovers some unpleasant things about his boyfriend at a party before he’s rescued by the hostess. I liked that one of the main characters suffered from migraines (I can relate) and the other suffered from OCD – it made things feel more realistic.
Apples and Regret and Wasted Time by Cornelia Grey. ebook. short. Very good short, poignant m/m story about two men who love each other… but that love isn’t enough in itself. (I love this cover! It really should be on a novel, rather than a short.)
Stranger in Black by Devon Rhodes. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a guy who realizes his boyfriend is cheating on him, so arranges to attend a masquerade ball incognito to see the proof for himself and help himself move on.
Heaven (Heaven Sent #1) by Jet Mykles. ebook. reread. Very good yaoiesque m/m romance about a straight hotel manager who’s surprised by his attraction to some of the male members of a band staying and playing at the hole.
The Wicca Man: Tongue-Tied by Emily Veinglory. ebook. Very good m/m romance about a university professor who’s also a witch. He accidentally uses a love binding spell when defending himself from a vampire attack, then isn’t sure how to free the handsome and enthralled vampire without getting killed. I really enjoyed the sly and smart alecky bits of humor throughout. If anyone knows of a sequel…
Eclipse of the Heart (Eclipse #1) by Emily Veinglory. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about a coyote-wolf shifter who moves to a new town with his oblivious-to-the-paranormal human boyfriend and gets caught up in the paranormal politics against his will. This is going to be one that people either love or hate…
Here Comes the Sun (Eclipse #2) by Emily Veinglory. ebook. Pretty good paranormal m/m romance continuing the story of the coyote-wolf shifter and his human boyfriend, told from the boyfriend’s point of view this time. Unfortunately, this felt like a partial story because of how it ended… and there doesn’t seem to be a third book. Not good, since this was published in 2008.
Snared by J.L. Merrow. ebook. Good paranormal m/m romance about a man on a hiking holiday who gets scratched up freeing a wildcat from a trap, not knowing that things aren’t ever going to be the same again.
The Buff Storm Type by Vic Winter. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a guy who writes adventure romances featuring the absolutely perfect man, Buff Storm. Then the writer meets the personification of Buff Storm…
Bachelor Auction by Vic Winter. ebook short. Good short m/m romance about a professor participating in a bachelor auction fundraiser who’s surprised both by the amount he brings in and by who bought him.
Jumping the Fence (OC Pride #1) by Stephanie Vaughan. ebook. reread. Good m/m romance about figuring out who you really are and what you need to be happy.
Crossing the Line (OC Pride #2) by Stephanie Vaughan. ebook. reread. Good m/m romance about a guy who owns a lucrative import car repair business. He hasn’t had much luck with love, but that doesn’t stop him from pursuing a handsome, skittish waiter.
Catch Me If I Fall by Riley Knox. ebook. Good m/m romance about a computer programmer who works from home and lusts after the obviously straight divorced dad/construction worker who lives next door.
Bound by Love by Cassidy Ryan. ebook short. Good kinky short m/m romance about an artist who has an informal arrangement with a businessman/Dom, but fears he’s broken the arrangement by falling in love.
Four Days with Jack by Kelli A. Wilkins. ebook. Ok short m/m romance about a guy who’s been in love with his best friend for years, but has been in denial about it. Unfortunately, the writing was choppy and the numerous unclear pronoun references drove me crazy.
When I Dream of You by Mychael Black & Shayne Carmichael. ebook short. So-so short m/m romance about a guy with an abusive father who’s rescued by a sweet-tempered bodybuilder. While this was a storyline with potential, awkward writing and an abrupt, inconclusive ending definitely detracted.
Exceptions to the Rule by Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe. ebook. So-so m/m romance about two unlikely guys (a bartender and a business analyst) getting together. I had a hard time finishing this one – besides the insta-love, the language was of the overwrought, overblown sort that I expect to find in an old-school m/f romance with a swirly pastel cover.
Diamond: Double Cross by Winnie Jerome. Meh paranormal m/m romance about a guy who works for a magic enforcement agency and holds a grudge against the guy who took his virginity over 20 years ago, then vanished. The books was a continuous infodump – all telling and no showing. Of course, with the amount of plot crammed into a completely insufficient number of pages…

“I don’t think I approve of being used to demonstrate photo effects.” -Mayhem

The photo effects today and Tuesday were created at pixlr-o-matic.