Make sure you enter the contest for The Working Elf Blues by Piper Vaughn! Closes 7 pm CST, December 16.
Stop by and enter the contest for Blood in the Water (An Act of Piracy #1) by Tami Veldura! Closes 7 pm CST, December 18.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Cowlick Overload Guy (COG).
Fleeing from the

along the

with only

and a bit of

to protect them,

felt as if their lives were



came at a cost

as they’d expected – now all they wanted was to head back to their

and relax in the

through the

and into the

to celebrate

with their Texas Family.
The Texas End. 😉

*sigh* -Mayhem
Congrats to Carey, who won A Volatile Range (Stories from the Range #6) by Andrew Grey! A Volatile Range is being released today by Dreamspinner Press.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Cowlick Overload Guy (COG). He looks about 12, doesn’t he?! (The covers with the teddy bears on them don’t help matters, either.) o.O

went from

and having


to being accused of

, plus


, after he heard

and contracted

(erm, parvovirus, whatever)* when he met a



him during a

, tracked him to his

, then told him, “

or I’ll bite your

*No actual medical facts were harmed in writing this Misadventure.

“Hiding from the diseased naughty boys!” -Mayhem
Art journaling, reading, knitting, and cat parenting. It's a wild life.