Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Curly Blond Bangs Guy (CBBG).

was held in

(under the

on the back wall), leading to plenty of

, but

held fast, even though several of the initiates were heard to protest, “But I’m

Short but not sweet today. 😉

“Lalalalalalalala, I can’t see those naughty boys.” -Mayhem
D’oh! I published this early by accident… Whoops!
Congrats to Jen B and Beth, who each won a copy of Bulletproof (A Matter of Time #3 or #5, depending) by Mary Calmes! Bulletproof will be released today by Dreamspinner Press.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Curly Blond Bangs Guy (CBBG). If you were worried about how much sense last week’s Misadventure made, rest assured that’s not the case this week. 🙂 And keep an eye out for Candy Cane Guy!

left, after

, after


to power, what was left beyond

? Those

had been

a dream he hated to give up, even for


. But would being in

preclude a

I’m pretty sure that was the most challenging set of titles I’ve yet encountered.

“I’m not coming out until you promise there won’t be any more naughty boys!” -Mayhem
Art journaling, reading, knitting, and cat parenting. It's a wild life.