Congrats to Sidney, who won Chasing Alex by Em Woods and A Special Christmas by J.P. Bowie! Both books will be released by Total-E-Bound today as part of the Yule Be Mine collection.
Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be meeting Can’t Tie His Tie By Himself Or With Help Guy (CTHTBHOWHG).


, but because he was totally (Hi, YFIGTFLTG!)

, he had a


that flocked around him after he woke up, started

instead of stumping. Hearing about the accident was

in his

showing up to express their

and take him (and his butterflies!) home to recuperate. The end.
Thanks to Mary Calmes for finding several of these covers for me!
This was my street Sunday at around 3 pm, looking down the side of the street that the City of Minneapolis was supposed to plow today… We had 18″ of snow between midnight Friday and Saturday evening!

“This is not very interesting to look at, Mom. Please do something about it.” -Chaos