Category Archives: Those Cats

Happy birthday, MayMay!

On Sunday, my baby girl turns three. *sniff*

She was a wee mite of three months when I brought her home from the rescue org in September 2006, but that never stopped her from taking on the big kitty:

“Take that, big kitty! I’m not afraid of you!!” – Mayhem
“Good grief!” – Chaos

She’s still as sassy and energetic as ever. Happy birthday, MayMay!

“Oh, goody – presents! Bring ’em on! I better get a Panther Princess Tiara this year. Sparkly, furry, and hot pink, if you please.” -Mayhem

When Filing Eyes Are Smiling

Several days ago, kmkat revealed an object most wondrous on her blog. The drama played out in the comments is quite amusing. Go on. I’ll wait. Now go back and read her post from the next day. (The comments are pretty good on that one, too.)

I’m not sure why she was so concerned about the safety and security at ChezKatâ„¢, but I sure do appreciate her thoughtfulness! 😉 Thank you, kmkat!

As is usually the case when anything new enters the condo, a small drama unfolded here as well.

“C’mon, big kitty, let me see! I wanna see!” -Mayhem

“No.” -Chaos

“Fine. I don’t want to see it anyway.” -Mayhem

“Yeah, right.” -Chaos

“Trust me, she’ll be back. 5…4…3…2…1…” -Chaos

“Pleeeeeeeeeease, big kitty, can I see it?” -Mayhem

“No.” -Chaos

*time passes* Shall we admire it while we wait?

“Sheesh. I thought he’d never leave. Hmph. There’s big kitty spit on it. Eww.” -Mayhem

I think it fits right in with the decor, don’t you?*

* Picture not edited down to its immediate environs because I know some of you enjoy looking at books on shelves and asking questions or commenting.

In which the kitties capture a real mouse!

…and have no earthly idea what to do with it.

Chaos carried it around for a minute or so (including hopping in and out of the bathtub) while it squeaked pitifully and then he dropped it on the throw rug in the hall (which is his favorite place to hork, too). I got an empty plastic container and Mayhem helpfully tapped the mouse into said container for me so I could take it out and place the (lidless) container and mouse into the dumpster. (I didn’t want to make it too easy for the mouse to get back in the building!)

No pictures exist of the kitties and their puzzling prize. However, I gave them a brand new furry (toy) mouse and took a few pictures of them playing with it. Truthfully? They seemed to enjoy the toy mouse a lot more. Here I thought Mayhem would be a great huntress, based on her behavior hunting bugs and furry toy mice.

“I am so a Great Panther Girl Huntress!” -Mayhem

“Note my mad mouse catching skillz!” -Mayhem

“This mouse is toast! Take that, mousie!” -Mayhem

“Let me show you how it’s done, May.” -Chaos

“You can’t escape me! Bwa-ha-ha!” -Chaos

No mice, real or toy, were hurt either preceding or during the preparation of this post. However, a real mouse may now require years of psychotherapy and a furry toy mouse may have had its tail eaten after the camera was put away.

In which we discover the new stripey

I’ve been knitting even less than usual lately, between feeling muy meh and having poked a painful hole in the tip of my right index finger while knitting. A painful hole that simply will not go away, alas.

So this pair of socks (Opal Tutto, colorway 4) took nearly a month to complete.

Apparently May thinks it was worth it.

“Crazy ziggy zaggy socks!” -Mayhem

*rapturous rolling* -Mayhem

*bath break* -Mayhem

“What’s that about stripey socks, Mom? Oh, those are so yesterday.” -Mayhem

Once Upon a Crime

On Saturday, CursingMama came over. We walked to French Meadow Bakery and Cafe for brunch (I had gluten-free Cajun hash browns with chicken chorizo – yum!) and then walked another block to the Once Upon a Crime Bookstore.

Once Upon a Crime was holding their 7th Annual Writes of Spring event, featuring over 60 local authors. If you’ve ever been to Once Upon a Crime, which is a wee shop in the basement of a brownstone, you’re probably wondering how they crammed 60 writers into the place, much less had space for anyone else. They managed the feat by having four shifts of 15 writers each.

CursingMama and I were there to see Lois Greiman and pick up signed copies of her latest mystery featuring psychologist Chrissy McMullen and Lieutenant Jack Rivera, One Hot Mess. We experienced part of the first two shifts of authors, mostly by lurking in corners to avoid being trampled and crushed by the polite and well-behaved crowd.

Ms. Greiman braved said crowd and graciously started signing while store employees were setting up the table for her shift. Darn it, I forgot to ask her why the latest book deviated from the naming conventions of the previous books in this series (Unzipped, Unplugged, Unscrewed, and Unmanned).

Our purchases at Once Upon a Crime qualified us for the Indie Bookstore Contest – hurry, you have to make your purchase and submit a photo of your receipt by noon EST, March 31! (Qualifying purchases must be from an indie bookstore during the month of March 2009 and be for more than $0.99.)

While I was out gallivanting, the kitties were having a really rough weekend.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos

“…mmm… sunbeams…” -Mayhem