Category Archives: Those Cats

Belated Mother’s Day wishes

Belated Mother’s Day wishes to Chaos’ mom, Riley (black, below), from Chaos (not pictured) and his brother Diablo (white, below).

Some semi-solid yarn I dyed over at Jeanne’s a week ago. These were two skeins of white Lamb’s Pride Superwash (a truly unpleasant yarn), soaked in vinegar water in loosely twisted hanks (as pictured below, but not so tight), then liquid purple Jacquard acid dye was dumped into the vinegar water. As the dye kept exhausting, I would add more dye and swish things around a little bit. I like the effect enough that I’ll try doing this again sometime.

I have my dye buddy’s yarn all set, but I’m not going to post pictures of it until it’s sent and safely received. Moving right along – remember the blindingly bright yarn from my dyeing class at Shepherd’s Harvest? Here’s how it looks after a few turns on the old niddy noddy – socks? Or a crazy bright baby sweater? Hmm… Anyway, I think we might have been using Cushing’s dye in the class – it was in those little cellophane envelopes and we used vinegar to set it.

“Here, Furry Orange Mouse… come to Papa.”

Tomorrow, more on the two new mice that arrived from the UK yesterday! Furry Orange Mouse (FOM), above, and Furry Red Mouse (FRM), below. FRM might indeed be hiding from someone…

Bolero and SNLGM

So Monday night at 11 pm, I admitted I wasn’t going to finish the baby bolero that night.

“You just would not believe how exhausted I am from helping with that bolero!”

The baby was born yesterday, so I raced home after work and finished my last two rounds of edging, wove in ends, did the fastest steam block ever, and took the bolero over to the hospital (where it was well received). Whew!

Baby Bolero from One Skein, using less than a single skein of Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton, color Sand. I made the following modifications: three-needle bind off for the shoulders, picking up and knitting the sleeves instead of knitting them flat, and only picking up 34 stitches on each of the front edges. I would definitely knit this again – it’s pretty speedy, economical, and damned cute. Plus the Blue Sky Alpacas Cotton is nice stuff and didn’t make my wrists ache at all.

A little Project Spectrum sparkly mouse action – Sparkly Neon Lime Green Mouse (SNLGM) has been hanging about recently, trying to cover for SRM.

“Smells like… neon lime green.”

“Must destroy evil SNLGM!!”


Another Phantom Paw…

Trek has been making these cute little sock bags and I asked her to make me one that was black and purple. Behold – the Stumbling Over Chaos bag!

Notice the cute mini needle wrap for carrying a needle when you don’t want to carry a Chibi. And the card? Inside it says “The card because Chaos is the 1st place knitblogger cat.” Awww…. Thanks, Trek! I love the paw print fabric! You can see the purple lining over at Trek’s blog, because when I tried to get a picture of the lining, I got another Phantom Paw photo instead.

“SRM? Yoo hoo – are you in there, SRM?”
“Wow. No SRM, but the mysteries of the universe revealed!”

I forgot I had ordered a custom-dyed skein of Brooklyn Handspun Black Cherry sock yarn, but was very happy to be reminded!

“SRM? Are you up here?”

The Phantom Paw and Other Tails

For the curious, my tattoo is on the back of my upper left arm. I had a mole biopsy there maybe seven years ago and it left a scar that bothered me, so I camouflaged it with the tattoo. (And my dermatologist even thought that was a fine way to deal with the scar!) Until last November, the tattoo was just the top half, which means “Good luck.” And yes, it was a bit difficult to photograph! It’s actually backwards (which amusingly didn’t occur to me until just now, or I could’ve corrected it!), because I ended up taking the picture in one of the plentiful mirrors around here.

Now, on to the Phantom Paw:

For all the Minnesota knitters who just took a collective gasp, trying to figure out how they missed the Yarn Harlot coming to town, don’t worry. Ana picked this up for me when the Yarn Harlot was in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago – thanks, Ana!!

Check out my new tape measure:


Yeah, that paw is definitely persistent, isn’t it?!I found some gluten-free beer while I was in Wisconsin! Of course, upon trying it, I discovered that beer tastes sort of weird if you haven’t had one for over ten years. Chaos doesn’t think too much of beer. When I tossed a bottle cap on the floor for Chaos to play with, he tried to bury it.
“I definitely don’t approve of beer. But that stuff with those nifty corks, that’s ok.”

This is what Chaos’ water looked like last night when I got home from work.

No, I agree, I don’t think that mouse is colorfast. Wouldn’t this have been a great March Project Spectrum picture?!

Neenah redux

At last! 🙂

My first class was Rainbow Dyeing in the Microwave with Merike Saarniit. We learned how to do one shot dyeing with acid dyes. This yarn

became a bit more colorful, with the help of Country Classic colors Spring Violet and Raven.*

I was sufficiently inspired that I went down to the vendor room and picked up some yarn for Jeanne and I to try acid dyeing. After we get dyes someday, of course.

My second class was Exotic Stitches for More than One Color with Anna Zilboorg. I used some variegated purple and black to create this multi-stitch pattern swatch:

Detected any color theme here yet?! I also took Twisted Traveling Stitches with Anna Zilboorg, but I don’t have any pictures from it. I had a migraine and my stitches, while twisted, went on very short and somewhat erratic journeys…

On Friday night, I was sitting and knitting in the hospitality room at the hotel and someone called out, “Is Chris of Stumbling Over Chaos here?” Um, maybe… And that’s how I met Blogless Carla, pictured here with the amazing door prize she won. Those are five Alice Starmore books, kids… Note the look of shock on her face.

I met Blogless Jodee…

and Blogless Lydia, all three of whom will be at the Taos Wool Festival this fall, so hopefully we’ll meet up again there. Carla and Jodee are already rather (in)famous.

I also met knitblogger Amy Lu of Some Call Them Sticks and String… I Call Them Sanity – check out her nifty necklace!

I took advantage of our weekend-long discount at Yarns By Design to purchase a few things… (I know, you are so not surprised.) From the left, two skeins of Blue Sky Organic Cotton (one destined to be the baby bolero from One Skein), a hank of Helen’s Lace in Black Purl, Opal Zebra, and Trekking 108 (inspired by Cyn’s gorgeous socks).

*I dyed two other mini-skeins with Evergreen (plus a dash of Buttercup) and Raven. However, I don’t have very good pictures of them… You might remember that Chaos is fascinated with mini skeins.

“Hmph. These are not as cuddly cute as that STR mini skein that I know you hide from me.”
“Mmmmm… but they are awfully cushy…”

Does he love me? Or the knitting?

Thanks for the well wishes yesterday – I’m feeling a lot better today and am back at work.

Guess what? Kreature Kat forgave me – details over at Jeanne’s.

Unfortunately, I still don’t have my stuff from Neenah organized, so… I present a little photo essay featuring Chaos Clawboy.

“Why are you poking my tummy while I’m trying to go into a sun stupor?”

“Oh, this is a very squooshy and yummy ball of yarn.”

“Wait… what is that?!”

“Addi Turbos! Wait, what’s that swooshing sound?”

“There’s something stuck between my teeth that I just can’t quite reach…”

“Whew! I’m tired now.”

Back but blech

Not blech regarding the weekend, which was very fun, but blech is how I’m feeling today. Plus Blogger is being difficult and not letting me add more pictures, so this is going to be a bit random and not at all about the actual weekend.

A last April PS image – the giant orange moose at the Black River Crossing exit from I-94 in Wisconsin.

And a giant whitetail deer from the same exit.

Chaos was pretty upset with me. He got into a cabinet and proceeded to strew tampons everywhere – apparently ob tampons are great cat toys. Who knew? I’m told he also managed to lock himself into the bedroom one day by knocking over some things that were behind the door. And he somehow got hold of my skein of Vesper, which is looking a little gnawed now. When I got my overnight bag unpacked, Chaos camped out.

“If I lie on it, you can’t leave again.”

But he did finally settle down after a few hours.

“All this mayhem has left me mussed.”

Over the weekend, I started my May Project Spectrum socks, from Sundara Black Lagoon, using a lace pattern that Maeve posted.

Hopefully both Blogger and I will feel better by tomorrow morning, so I can post more about the weekend!

Knits and flicks

Saturday evening I went over to Jeanne’s to knit and watch movies (The Aristocats, In Her Shoes, and Playing By Heart). Oh yeah, and to eat and drink and be merry.

I worked on my April Opal socks and Jeanne made good progress on the P sock while “Pud” relaxed on her lap.

Bugsy spent some time glaring at me, one of his favorite pastimes.

Kreature might be Bugsy’s apprentice…

And Chaos hung out at home, keeping an eye on things.

“Shhh… This is my favorite part of March of the Penguins. Don’t those penguin babies look scrumptious?”