Category Archives: Those Cats


I tie-dyed another onesie, this time in Project Spectrum purple. This was immersion dyed using Rit Purple and three rubber bands. My dye pot is black enamel, which makes it hard to tell when the dye is completely dissolved – hence the darker flecks.



RheLynn of KnitOwl sent me a wonderful package last week. She included a very cute button – hmm, wonder why she thought of me??

She also made a wonderfully cute and clever softie – go check out her Etsy store for more of her softies and art!. Allow me to present Chaos and his “mini-me“:

“What the…???!”

*sniff* “He sure is cute. His eyes are greener than mine. I hope Mom will still love me just as much.”

Not to worry, Chaos! Mini-Chaos is fabulously cute (he even has an embroidered black nose for authenticity), but he doesn’t purr or play fetch! Of course, he also doesn’t meow incessantly trying to will me to feed him 45 minutes early, either… Hmm.


I should warn you in advance that this bib thing? Way addictive. You know how so many people are knitting those clever MDK washcloths/dishrags and they just keep knitting more and more? The bibs are like that, too. I’m sure Jeanne will post her tale of many bibs any day now. And Sydney has already succumbed – one of her ferrets is modeling!

So, I present to you…. Bib #3!! Knit from less than one ball of Sugar’n’Cream, color Summer Splash, this probably will be the last Project Spectrum item I complete for June.

Once again, my model was too slow in his escape.


But wait, what have we here?!

*muffled* (probably best, don’t you think??)

“I’ve got my eye on you, Mom. I’m wise to your tricks now!”

Chaos’ dyeing exploration

Jeanne has already covered our dyeing adventures of last Saturday evening on her blog. I’ll just add that we probably need to work on diluting our dye stock quite a bit more – and not with wine! But dang, that pinot noir sure went down smooth…

The skein on the left is 345 yards of GEMS Merino fingering weight from several years ago. It started out cream-colored and was dyed with a mixture of violet/black and red/black. The two skeins on the right are each 225 yards of GEMS Merino sportweight (also from several years ago). They started out taupe and were dyed with a mixture of violet/black and green/black.

“What have we here, sitting in the middle of my domain?”

“Oh, let me get up here so I can really check it out.”

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea – that thing is awfully wobbly!”

“What are you talking about? I wasn’t interested in getting up there!”

“See how utterly disinterested I am?”

Anyway, I think that the skeins look a lot better twisted up.

Bibbed redux

Way back on June 7, I participated in A Day in a Knitter’s Life. Sort of. If you’re curious about my rather pathetic effort, you can check it out.

In more current news, I finished another Project Spectrumesque MDK bib in Sugar’n’Cream color swimming pool. I’m 2/3 done with yet another bib – these things are speedy and much appreciated by parents, since they are significantly more absorbent than most of the bibs you can buy.

My model’s curiosity overcame his good sense (how could he forget so quickly?!) and he was quickly trapped for a photo shoot.

“Again, I’m so ashamed…”
“How could I forget so quickly?!”
“I would so rather be playing with Midnight Mouse.”
“Release me, oh evil bib!”
“Ok, ok, I can do this – one shoulder free! Hah!!”

Tail of the Midnight Mouse

The third package was from Sachi. It contained an adorable black sheep pepper shaker and white sheep salt shaker for me. (Edit: Sachi has just informed me that these are kissing sheep – they have little magnets on their noses!!)

And for Chaos, a black Rowan Wool Cotton catnip mouse! The picture yesterday was an optical illusion – the mouse was under Chaos’ head, not in his mouth! (Fortunately, it’s way too big to fit in his mouth.) Sachi wrote in the note that she sent that “Hally asked if you could tell Chaos that I knit some of her hair into the mutant catnip mouse… Hally thinks it creates some crazy betrothed bond.” Betrothed?! Chaos, what have you been up to while I’ve been at work??

*sniff sniff*
“Is that Cosmic Catnip I smell?”
“Mmmmmm… definitely Cosmic.”
“Must rub mouse all over self so smell catnippy irresistible for Hally!”
“Dude, I am so stoned.”
“It was so sweet of Hally to command her human to knit a mouse for me…”
Thanks, Sachi and Hally!!

X-treme Lace in Peril

Yes, another challenge in the Amazing Lace! The first challenge was to introduce my lace knitting team. The second challenge is to illustrate some X-treme Lace Knitting. I think technically, it’s supposed to be one picture. And I’m supposed to be in the picture. But, since I am a singleton and Chaos’ picture taking is not so good due to his lacking of opposable thumbs, I decided to take pictures of teammate Chaos and my lace project.

I present to you – extreme procrastination! Nope, haven’t even started. Actually do not plan to start until I finish the log cabin baby blanket. Hey, we have until Labor Day for the Amazing Lace! And I picked yarn with purple, figuring I wouldn’t get to it until July. Anyway, teammate Chaos seems a bit shy…

But wait, what’s this?!


*sniff sniff*



Chaos?! Chaos?!! Where are you going with our teammate, Cabernet?!


Oh no!!!

*rip bite rip*

Teammate Cabernet was quickly rescued, but alas, was somewhat gnawed…

Oh dear – those aren’t the ends of the skein: poor Cabernet now has six ends instead of two…

Hope everyone has a great weekend – I’m going to take the weekend off from blogging. Maybe I’ll catch up on blog reading. Maybe I’ll learn more about WordPress! Or maybe – I’ll actually knit so I have something to blog about. *gasp*

Art thou blue?

Well, I moved all my pictures here from blogger – a few of the thumbnails that appear in the posts are messed up, but if you click on them, you will go to the larger, uncorrupted image. Sorry about that! More more more changes on the way… but all dependent on free time and learning curve!

Also, if you’re having trouble figuring out how to comment, you just click on the number to the right of the post title.
Some more Project Spectrum images from my neighborhood – today’s theme is art.

The elementary school on the next block has some very cool small mosaics on the pillars of the playground fence…

…as well as around the top edge of these freshly painted primary planters:

A mural at Saint Sabrina’s Parlor in Purgatory, one-stop shopping for all of your tattoo and body piercing needs:

A stunning mosaic inspired by van Gogh’s Starry Night on the alley side of Muddy Waters – it includes mirrored tiles:

A mural in a random backyard:

Um, really, I have no idea what’s up with this giant puppet outside of Arise! Bookstore… oh, ok, now that I peeked at their website, I think they had this puppet in the Mayday Parade. It maybe looked a little less startling in the parade than sitting outside the bookstore on Lyndale Avenue!

Back at ye olde condo, Chaos looks pleased that he might have faked you all out about eating TRT.

“Hee hee!”


Little did Chaos suspect what evil lurked in the heart of his mom as he lounged by the newly finished Mason-Dixon Knitting baby bib (knit from one ball of Sugar’n’Cream, color possibly Midnight Magic).

“What have I done, that you would punish me so?!”
“No, I can’t bear for everyone to see me like this…”
“I’m so ashamed.”