Better not let any black cats cross your path today! 🙂
We’ve had a tiny amount of snow blowing around for the last day or two and the temps have been dropping to 26F at nights – big change from Saturday, when I wore a tank top, capris, and birks on the yarn crawl! The colder weather inspired me to pull out my Celestial Sheep flannel sheets last night. (Aside about these sheets – when I bought these last winter, I was pleased as could be. Cute sheep! On sheets! With stars and moons! *squeal* But, um, when I made my bed the first time, I had a realization. A realization that these were the sheets of a woman with no plans to entertain a guy anytime soon. Damn. I’ve become a crazy ol’ cat lady.)
Anyway, it isn’t easy to make the bed when you have two cats.
“I think there’s something under this sheet! Whatever could it be?! Maybe it’s a little sheep. Yum.”
“It’s kind of wiggly, whatever it is.”
“Not a little sheep! Eeeeep!”
I puttered around and did a bit of shopping today. I’ll leave you with two photos foreshadowing some of next week’s blog content. (This first one is so worth clicking to see larger!)
“My tail in this picture does not mean that I condone this content.”
“Hmm, why do I have such a sense of foreboding?!”