Category Archives: Those Cats

Happy Friday the 13th!

Better not let any black cats cross your path today! 🙂

We’ve had a tiny amount of snow blowing around for the last day or two and the temps have been dropping to 26F at nights – big change from Saturday, when I wore a tank top, capris, and birks on the yarn crawl! The colder weather inspired me to pull out my Celestial Sheep flannel sheets last night. (Aside about these sheets – when I bought these last winter, I was pleased as could be. Cute sheep! On sheets! With stars and moons! *squeal* But, um, when I made my bed the first time, I had a realization. A realization that these were the sheets of a woman with no plans to entertain a guy anytime soon. Damn. I’ve become a crazy ol’ cat lady.)

Anyway, it isn’t easy to make the bed when you have two cats.

“I think there’s something under this sheet! Whatever could it be?! Maybe it’s a little sheep. Yum.”

“It’s kind of wiggly, whatever it is.”

“Not a little sheep! Eeeeep!”

I puttered around and did a bit of shopping today. I’ll leave you with two photos foreshadowing some of next week’s blog content. (This first one is so worth clicking to see larger!)

“My tail in this picture does not mean that I condone this content.”

“Hmm, why do I have such a sense of foreboding?!”

Another vacation Monday!

I’m so behind in bloglines! Yikes – over 300 again… If you have or know of a contest you’d like mentioned, please send an email to chris at this domain, since I probably won’t find out about it until it’s over at this rate. Thanks! (On the positive side, I will have new knitting to show you very soon!)

Reading Update
To Catch a Cat by Marian Babson. Just a generic mystery that I read to pass the time while knitting. I wouldn’t recommend it or read it again, although I’ll probably pass it on to Jeanne because the cat on the cover looks like her Greta.
Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead, Dead to the World, and Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris. I started to read the Southern Vampire series over the weekend and I’m hooked! I love the characters – telepathic barmaid Sookie Stackhouse, the Vampire Bill, the Vampire Bubba, Sam the were-collie… These are set in a small town in northern Louisiana (near Shreveport). Hopefully the library has the next one…

Ok, I promised pictures of the yarn I dyed at Deb’s last Thursday. Behold the skein that contains no black, purple, or pink!

Of course, it looked much better when it was reskeined – this is 800 yards of the KnitPicks Dye Your Own laceweight, using Country Classics dyes (buttercup, pumpkin, butterscotch, and a mixture of greens that I’ve forgotten).

Here’s a skein of Wool2Dye4’s sock yarn, dyed with key lime, kiwi, and raven:

Deb picked up one of Louet’s mini dyeing kits and let me play with it. The kit came with three colors of Gaywool dye (blueberry, cornflower, and silverbirch), along with some GEMS Pearl. We passed this yarn onto Jeanne, since she couldn’t join us on Thursday.

May practices her yarn inspecting technique:

“I think the big kitty is just making me do all the work now.”

And just so you know that you’re still at the right blog, I did dye a skein with some purple and black – this is Wool2Dye4’s sock yarn, dyed with wild iris, charcoal, and raven.

May was apparently exhausted from her yarn inspection.

“There, there, May, a nice bath will revive you.” – Chaos
“Hmph.” – Mayhem

Vacation, Day the nth

Yesterday, it was Deb’s turn to entertain me during my vacation. 😉 We dyed some wonderful yarn, but it’s drying, so you’ll have to wait until Monday to see it all pretty and nice. This will shock you – one of my skeins contained no black, purple, or pink!! I’ll wait while you collect yourselves.

Jeanne and I will be participating in the Yarn Crawl/Treasure Hunt going on at seven Twin Cities’ yarn stores this weekend. Wouldn’t it be great fun to win the $3000 grand prize?!

Reading Update
Sacred and Profane and Milk and Honey by Faye Kellerman. Books two and three in the Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus series. Although I’m enjoying this series, at times, I find I’m gritting my teeth at Peter’s attitude toward women in these books. Does this improve at all in future books?! He’s generally ok regarding his partner, Marge, but towards Rina – argh!
Naked in Death by J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts). This is the first Eve Dallas novel and I hugely enjoyed rereading it. If you aren’t familiar with this series, it’s a somewhat graphic mystery series set in the not-too-distant future, featuring NYPD lieutenant Eve Dallas and the ever-so-sexy Roarke, the richest man in the world (and then some). Roarke is way up there on my list of sexiest fictional male persons. *fans self*

Here’s a little photo essay of Chaos, May, and the black shoebox that I’ve been meaning to post for several weeks – from before Chaos’ butt was shaved.

“Nothing to see here, move along, move along.”
*hee hee* “May will never know I’m under here!”
“Hmm…. I wonder where the big kitty is?”
“Ha! I see your butt, big kitty!”
*fight fight fight bite bite bite*
“Run away!”

Vacation, Day #2

MajorKnitter is having a contest to collect supplies for a school knitting project. She has a list of supplies needed to get a K-5 knitting program going – the kids will be knitting for different charities. Mail your donations by October 21.

Reading Update (probably will be quite a few of these during my vacation!)
Burying Ariel by Gail Bowen. Another $0.70 mystery from the thrift store, set in Canada (Saskatchewan this time). Joanne Kilbourn teaches at a university in Regina and one of her colleagues is found stabbed to death in the library. This was a well-written mystery that touched on some tough subjects and I’ll be looking for more in the series.
The Diamond Cat by Marian Babson. Ok, I love the covers of Babson’s books. The contents, not always so much. This was an ok book – I finished it, which I won’t do if I hate a book. And I’ll probably read the other book of hers that I have. But I don’t think I’ll look for any of the others.

Look! I actually took a Saturday Sky picture on a Saturday! (Please ignore the fact that it’s Tuesday right now…) The exuberant ash at the top of the picture has dropped all of its leaves while the other trees are still trying to decide whether to change color.

Really, I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my vacation (well, other than being in my car heading southwest across state lines!). It’s been unseasonably warm and dry here the past few days, and I’ve spent a lot of time walking around my neighborhood, sitting outside at cafes reading and knitting a bit. Today is supposed to be rainy, but hopefully I’ll hook up with Renee for a movie and some knitting – I might even finish my Regia Silk waffle socks!! (I’ll wait for you all to collect yourselves at the rumor of a finished object here at SoC.)

Since I have to be very careful about the angle I take pictures of Chaos from (so his naked butt isn’t revealed – he needs to retain some dignity, bibs notwithstanding), you might see quite a few pictures of Mayhem in the near future.

“Which is as it should be, seeing as I’m so cute and all.”

Hmm, I think I’ve posted at least one or two very similar pictures of Chaos…

“Where do you think you’re going, my pretty?”

“Ha, you’ll not get away from me now!! Off to my lair under the shoebox.”

Vacation, Day #1

Megan is participating in the Tour de Cure. She’ll have a prize drawing for those who support her in this endeavor. You can even support her by buying a sock pattern!

Rebekah is having a contest. She’s curious about how all those lone shoes end up along roads (I’ve always wondered about this, too). Take a picture of one such shoe and send her an email with the picture and your explanation before November 1.

Amelia is having a contest – leave a comment with a family story about your grandparents and you could win a yarny prize if you’re lucky commenter 3501.

Lorinda is having a ‘fess up to your oldest UFO contest. Leave your comment before 10 pm Central, October 8.

Chaos Update
Adding the additional antibiotic Thursday night seems to really have helped the Chaos Kitty. Things aren’t perfect yet, but they are definitely much better. Again, I cannot thank all of you enough for your support and words of wisdom, which have helped me so much. You guys are great!

Reading Update
To Feel Stuff by Andrea Seigel. Trying to expand a bit beyond the mysteries now and again… This novel revolves around Elodie Harrington, a Brown University student who lives in the infirmary due to her ongoing medical maladies. The story is told from the perspective of Elodie, a doctor studying her case, and another student (in love with her) who is confined to the infirmary for a time. A good read, and I’m definitely going to read other works by this author.
Coyote Cowgirl by Kim Antieau. Reading a book that starts on the Day of the Dead may be as close as I get to participating in the Day of the Dead Knitalong… This contemporary magical realism novel made for a compelling read and some aspects reminded me of Like Water for Chocolate.
The Magyar Venus by Lyn Hamilton. Love how the $0.70 mysteries I pick up at the thrift store often introduce me to a good series or author. This archeological mystery, set in Canada and Hungary, was enjoyable and well written; I will read more from this series.

On Friday, my KnitFlix package arrived! My pal was Anna of Knit-Write. Chaos and Mayhem inspected every aspect of the package, starting with the lovely gift bag.

“Smells… gifty.”

Chaos took it upon himself to perform the initial inspection. (Please note that a bar of lovely dark chocolate may or may not also have been included, although it is not pictured…)

“This is green, but I don’t think it’s catnip…”

Finally, he did allow Mayhem to check things out, too.

“Everything’s so interesting!”

“But this, this stuff is really interesting.”

Oh oh… Thanks, Anna, for a fun swap package! I’ve always wanted to have my own copy of Shrek, and am looking forward to trying the exotic popcorns and WildCAT Popcorn Salt.

Da fang

Stephania, like many of us, fell in love with Lizard Ridge but really can’t justify the expense of all that Kureyon. So she’s asking for Lizard Ridge squares, which she will assemble into a blanket and send to Afghans for Afghans, with everyone’s name attached. If there are enough squares for a second Lizard Ridge, each person sending a sqaure will be entered in a drawing to win that Lizard Ridge.

Kristi of Red Dog Knits is pregnant with boy triplets and is on bed rest. Some of her friends have organized a Virtual Baby Shower (with prizes for participating knitters)! More details can be found in this post.

To quote the Scout, “Dayum!” – I won Cindy’s contest! Really, I want all this luck energy to head to Chaos, please!

Reading Update: After You’d Gone by Maggie O’Farrell. Wow. This book was intense and excellent. It built from a point in time, then went back in the past with various people to build the story to the present. Someone recommended this to me, perhaps on a blog, and I wish I remembered who so I could say thank you.

Chaos really appreciated all the birthday wishes and probably wishes he lived with any one of you as I squirt his 3x/day antibiotics down his throat. Vacation? Um, yeah, now it’s going to be hanging out at home and caring for my kitties, not going to Colorado and New Mexico… Any local knitters doing anything interesting next week??

I was actually going to have a picture of my Regia Silk socks for you, all 1.5 of them. But alas…. So! I shall continue to distract you with cute cat pictures! (Hey, it’s worked so far…..)

“It’s very exhausting being this beautiful.”

“Oh no! Boss, da fang, da fang!!”

“Ok, I’ll let you wash me if you won’t eat me… and if I can have that spiffy red mouse back…”

Happy Birthday, Chaos!

Ok, it’s not the birthday I would wish on anyone, because who wants to be under the weather on their birthday? But today, my beloved Chaos Kitty is three years old. I was planning on having a big birthday contest for him, but I think I would like to wait until he’s healthier. I hope everyone understands!

“I’m pretty sure I’ve had better birthdays…”

My poor Chaos Kitty…

Ginger is having a “how many socks would a woodchuck knit if a woodchuck could knit socks” contest – for contest details and to submit your answer, drop by her blog before midnight Pacific Time on September 30. You could win sock yarn!

Two contesty sorts of things that don’t have prizes but are fun anyway:

  1. Tink is having a contest to choose her new blog look.
  2. Crazy Aunt Purl wants to see people’s knitting spots. Since we all took pictures to show Scout the same thing, this should be easy!

I won Kate’s “Look Back and Cringe” contest! All hail the random number generator.

My poor Chaos Kitty. Let’s just say that there were issues (fortunately not having to do with eating something inappropriate), that involved his butt getting shaved and devolving from there… He’s taking antibiotic liquid and we have antiobiotic ointment to apply, so hopefully he heals quickly – especially his wounded dignity!

Send him your healthy thoughts, please. Thank you.

“I don’t feel very good, Mom….”

In which I post about contests, books read, Saturday Sky belated, and yarn dyed (yes, some cute cat pictures are included)

Limedragon is having not one, but two contests! The first is a Sock Hunt – guess which color of Opal in which pattern Limedragon will knit first and win a skein of Opal Petticoat. The second is a Dragon Hunt – from a selection of pictures, guess which picture contains the elusive Limedragon and win a skein of Habu Silk-Stainless Steel laceweight.

Becky is having a contest – guess what Mark Twain is reading in the picture and let her know what you’re reading to win a bookish prize when she gets back from vacation.

Don’t forget about the Think Pink Challenge, which is trying to collect 1000 knitted or crocheted pink scarves by October 15 to be distributed to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

I’m starting to fear I may never catch up on Bloglines… I’ve been getting things ready for my vacation, hoping that Chaos is recovered before next Saturday so that I can actually go. He’s very lively and is eating Science Diet ID for cats with intestinal, um, issues. Hopefully that will have him on track in a few days… but he’s also licking away the fur at the base of his tail, which is not good. I think we’ll be back at the vet tonight…

Reading Update: Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes. Keyes’ books have focused on the five Walsh sisters, and now it’s Anna’s turn. Very well done chick lit!
Snow Blind by PJ Tracy. This is the fourth mystery about two homicide detectives in the Minneapolis Police Department and the eccentric software geniuses of Monkeewrench. The entire series has been excellent – highly recommended, but you should read these in order. (Monkeewrench was the first book.)
Lime Ricky by Jill Winters. Totally trashy romance with a hint of mystery, and I devoured every minute of it! *fans self*

You may or may not have noticed, but I’m terrible at being part of Saturday Sky – I forget or am too lazy. But I actually remembered this week… I just didn’t manage to post it. Improvement? Or not? Anyway, this was taken Saturday at 4:30 pm from inside my car. The rain was heavy enough that the windshield looked clear.

Remember a few weeks ago when Jeanne, Deb, and I dyed some more yarn? Well, I finally wound up one of my self-striping skeins, made by special request for a friend:

“I don’t know why the big cat said I had to come up here to check out the yarn and report back to him. Hmph.”

Speaking of Chaos and Mayhem, they seem to be getting along pretty well. Here Mayhem nurses from Chaos… Um, yeah, there are some challenges to this endeavor!!

“Maybe she isn’t very bright… At least this way, she stays still so I can clean her properly!”