Category Archives: Those Cats

Chaising around

Aw, thanks to those who’ve included SoC in their lists of blogs that make their day – Karen, kmkat, and Chris, I’m blushing! 🙂

About a month ago, Jeanne sent me a link to something she thought Chaos, with his deep and abiding passion for cardboard scratchers, would really like – a SmartyKat CatChaise cardboard scratcher. (As Crazy Aunt Purl notes, you can’t find this $15 product on either the Target website, even though we each found this product at Target, or the company’s website.) (Of course, this small “chaise” scratcher turns out to be nothing compared to others I saw online… but Chaos and Mayhem will just have to live with the disappointment of not having a chaise that costs ten times as much as theirs!) Anyway…

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

*sniff sniff sniff* – Mayhem

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

“Mmm, it’s got nip on it, big kitty. You don’t mind if I stand on your head, do you?” -Mayhem

“Well, now that you mention it, May…” -Chaos

“…I do mind. This is my kitty chais scratcher doohickey! Mine!” -Chaos

“So you just keep on moving on there, missy, or I’ll take you out with my laser eye!” -Chaos

“Hmph.” -Mayhem

Shouldn’t she be weaned by now?!?

Holly’s having a destashing contest –leave her a comment about your favorite fictional or autobiographical book and you could win some lovely laceweight mohair. Contest closes midnight PST, January 27.

Sallee’s having a contest to celebrate her blogiversary – leave her a comment explaining why you think she should select a particular color combination for a fair isle hat and you could win. Contest closes 5 pm EST, January 27.

Emily’s having her first baby and you can participate in the baby pool! Send your guess by February 8, 2008. Do not despair, you non-knitters out there – prizes will be “Regular” (for non-knitters) or “Extra Fiber” (for knitters). (And thanks to Emily for the link that proves there really is a kids’ book for everything!)

Maryse sent up the bat signal because Elisa needs our help. Her dad’s recuperating from a stroke in a VA hospital, with very little support from his family. Maryse is collecting 8″ afghan squares for an afghan to let Elisa’s dad know he hasn’t been forgotten.

Mayhem will be two years old at the end of May. Shouldn’t she be weaned by now?!

*purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* -Mayhem

Let’s not even get into the biological impediments here…

“Let’s not. I love my kitten! Well, usually at least. Her teeth can be awfully sharp sometimes.” -Chaos

In which a cat is actually discovered on the cat bed

Round one voting for the 2007 Canadian Blog Awards is now open! MamaTulip’s been nominated for Best Family Blog – head on over and vote for her before 11:59 PST, January 21. (Of course, the Yarn Harlot has been nominated for several categories, too, including Best Blog and Best Activities Blog.)

Deb (aka Chappysmom) is having a contest celebrating some blog milestones, including her three-year blogiversary.

Although I’m sure no one remembers, we do actually have a cat bed around here. Here’s a picture of Chaos at six months of age (around March of 2003) actually using the cat bed. If he tried that now, he’d have to be surgically removed from it…

Anyway, I haven’t seen a kitty in the cat bed in forever… until one day when I simply flipped it over, bottoms up.

“What?” -Mayhem

“Really, this isn’t exciting enough to merit paparazzi.” -Mayhem

“Although it does merit some stretching.” -Mayhem

“You’re making mer nervous, Mom. Is there something about this cat bed that I should know? Are you waiting for it to devour me or something?” -Mayhem

Happy National Dress Up Your Pet Day!

These cats put up with so much from me, I really couldn’t bear to dress them up in baby clothes or the like. I figured a bib was bad enough – Chaos certainly thought so!

“Woe is me.” -Chaos

“Maybe if I make myself really small, no one will notice me. Or the bib will go away.” -Chaos

“Stop looking at me! Oh, the shame, the shame.” -Chaos

“Maybe I can get free and regain some of my dignity…” -Chaos

“Hmph. This isn’t working out as I’d hoped. Woe.” -Chaos

Random bunny thumping

Don’t forget that Monday, January 14, is National Dress Up Your Pet Day! Trivially, today is National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day; Saturday is the Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day – how are you celebrating that one, FuriousBall?! 😉

CursingMama’s giving away Body Drama, an extremely frank “facts of life” book – stop by her blog for details on how to enter the contest, which ends midnight CST, January 16.

Heidi’s friend Christy recently had breast removal surgery and is about to go through chemo and radiation therapy. Heidi’s having a “Bits for Tits” contest – she’s collecting knitted/crocheted/sewn breasts for Christy’s amusement and use. If you send Heidi a crafted breast (or a chemo hat if you can’t picture yourself knitting/crocheting/sewing a breast) by February 14, you will be entered in a drawing for assorted fibery prizes!

KitKatKnit’s kitty Ruby has issued a “Bunny Thumper Challenge,” looking for the the kitty with the longest back feet (bunny thumpers), the daintiest back feet, and some randomly selected back feet. Contest closes midnight PST, January 17.

My, but it is very challenging to measure and photograph “bunny thumpers.” I got some very nice mouth measurements.

“Mwmph.” -Mayhem

“Mwmph. Mwmph!” -Mayhem

And some shots that required a fair amount of imagination as to where the end of the bunny thumper might be.

“What do you mean, ‘overhang’?! I don’t have ‘overhang’! Hmph.” -Chaos

This overexposed and poorly corrected shot was the best I managed of Chaos. (More accurate measurement while he was napping and I wasn’t hindered by a camera revealed that bit of his back leg to be 5.5″ long.)

“Sulking here! Leave me alone!” -Chaos

But finally I did get a good shot of May’s little bunny thumper, which was revealed to be somewhere between 4.5″ and 4.75″ – so hard to tell with all the squirming.

“I get a treat for this, right?” -Mayhem


Small box scandal!

Deb (aka Chappysmom) has a new blog home – stop by and check out her spiffy new digs!

Looking for your very own black feline knitwear model? Look no further – handsome LHBM seeks home.

ETA: My comments aren’t getting emailed to me this morning. Hmph. Usually they show up eventually… My apologies for not responding until whenever eventually is!!

“Let’s see if people really dig that lolcats lingo… I has some boxes!” -Chaos

“Why she infringing on my boxes?” -Chaos

“Why are you talking so funny, big kitty? Did you fall on your head?” -Mayhem

Niphead Mayhem

Jeanne and Chelle have kicked off their 4th Annual k3tog Preemie Hat Knitting Extravaganza! Their goal is to collect 150 preemie hats in the month of January. They’ll be offering prizes for the hat(s) from furthest away, most hats knit, and several random drawings.

Christina’s been nominated for January Knit Girl – if you vote for her and let her know that you did, you’ll be entered in a drawing for a fibery prize.

I have a question for anyone using a Feliway diffuser – I put one out about three weeks ago and can’t tell if it’s actually diffusing effectively. The little jar is still about 2/3 full and the outside bottom of the jar seems to be collecting liquid – that doesn’t seem quite right to me.

I’m knitting myself a new scarf, but it’s simply too boring to bother sharing a picture. It’s, um, black, from Wendy Velvet Touch (100% nylon) – one of the few yarns that doesn’t make my neck itch. Silly neck.

CarrieK sent me a lovely thank you package! Check out the gorgeous and warm purple hat! She also sent season one of Jericho. If you’re keeping track, you’ll know that my queue now includes season one of Lost (conceivably Deb would like me to return that someday), season six of 24, and now season one of Jericho. To balance out the tv stuff, Carrie included a lovely black kitty girl bookmark and a “If only I could get paid to read all day” bookmark. She didn’t forget Chaos and Mayhem, either – they got some fun’n’froofy catnip toys. Thanks, Carrie!

“Do I detect… nip??!” -Mayhem

Chaos wasn’t too sure about the toys.

*poke poke poke* -Chaos

*sniff sniff sniff* -Chaos

“Oh, come on, big kitty – this is the good stuff! Here’s what you should be doing.” -Mayhem

“Hmm. They aren’t very… dignified toys.” -Chaos

“Dignity, schmignity!” -Mayhem

“Hey, who you callin’ a niphead?!??” -Mayhem

Mayhem responds

Kristi’s back from vacation and having a holiday contest – guess the name of the band in the pictures on her blog. For every seven guesses, she’ll give away one of her patterns! Contest is open through December 19.

Don’t forget to play along in my personals ad contest – the deadline is 6 pm CST today, December 13!

Mayhem apparently took umbrage with Chaos’s closing comment yesterday

“I do too rule, big kitty! In fact, I rule and you drool, so there!!” -Mayhem

SoC presents – Cat Fight!

Between cats. Duh.

No cats were harmed in the making of this post. Well, other than a bit of fur flying. They had plenty to spare.

Thanks to everyone who weighed in yesterday on my neighbor woes! We’ll see how keeping them shut out of the bedroom works as a starting point, with kitty hovercrafts, offering her a white noise machine, or replacing my carpeting with more sound insulating flooring as alternatives.