Category Archives: Those Cats

Chaos and the collar

Aww, how honored am I that the yarn I dyed for Imbrium is in her wedding pictures?! Very honored indeed. 🙂

Because we live on the third floor of a three-story building, it’s very unlikely that Chaos or Mayhem will run out my door and end up outside. Here’s the sequence of events that would be required:

  1. I would need to open my front door and they would have to run out into the hallway. Chaos escapes into the hallway every day when I get home from work, but all I have to do is close the door, leaving him out in the hallway alone, and he’s ready to return home.
  2. Someone would have to open a stairwell door and let the kitties into one of the stairwells.
  3. The kitties would need to run down two flights of stairs. May’s never seen stairs. Chaos hasn’t seen stairs since he was 10 weeks old.
  4. Someone would then need to open the front or back door and let the kitties outside.

True, all of this could happen, but I think it’s unlikely – so neither Chaos nor Mayhem are required to wear collars regularly. However, when either of them goes to the vet, collars are mandatory… just in case. When Chaos went to the vet in February, you might remember how deeply suspicious he was of my putting the collar on him. However, you didn’t see the following photos, taken immediately after collar application.

“Maybe I can easily scrape this thing off…” -Chaos

“Well, that didn’t work. I’ll try sulking, to see if I can guilt Mom into removing the collar.” -Chaos

“Hmm. Maybe if I pretend that I’m choking, she’ll take pity on me?! Help! Help! I’m choking!” -Chaos

“She’s a cruel one, that Mom. I wonder if I can reach it to bite it off… no.”*sigh*” -Chaos

“Hold me closer, tiny [Cat] Dancer…”

String Bean’s taken some fabulous pictures of graffiti murals in Olympia, Washington.

Knitnzu has just the post for those of you who love the surreality of vintage knitting pattern booklets. I laughed, I shrieked…

Marsha not only has a great post of links to items of knitterly interest, she’s also having another contest! She’s giving away several of those ginormous IKEA blue bags for those of you who don’t have an IKEA near you (and thus have no idea how darn useful those ginormous bags can be). She’ll select a random winner on April 16.

As promised, some pictures of May meeting the Cat Dancer. No need to caption these, as May obviously has only one thing on her mind: “Must. Get. Cat. Dancer.”

So apparently cats don’t react well to being told “No ducklings for you!”

“I’ll get you, Mom, and your little dog Toto, too!” -Chaos

But… I don’t even have a little dog Toto!

Kmkat is having a captioning contest featuring a picture of Chaos (and 9/10ths of me!). Leave your captions by midnight CDT, March 21, for your chance to win “something fibery and something chocolatey.”

Knitnana is having a contest/vote to select a closure for the new KnitPicks Options case she’s designed (which is the prize in the contest). More details on her blog; the contest closes midnight EDT, March 21.

The Purling Dervish is looking at a possible career change – leave her a comment (by 4 pm PDT, March 22) suggesting a possible new career for her (you can be as off-the-wall as you’d like) and you could win assorted fibery goodies.

Wendy’s giving away a skein of Wollmeise to someone who’s Wollmeiseless. Contest closes 4 pm EDT, March 20.

In which Chaos goes to the vet

So what are the major differences between Shelfari, GoodReads, and LibraryThing? I have accounts on all of them, but if I’m going to do a “book thing” like that, I need to pick just one.

This lolcat pic gets me giggling every time. This one leaves me feeling vaguely guilty, even though I’ve never tried washing either cat. Of course, since I took Chaos to the vet last night for his shots… (Click the picture below for a close-up of feline suspicion.)

“Hmm… Mom is acting awfully weird. Something’s up.” -Chaos

His suspicions were confirmed when I put on his collar.

“No good can come of this collar business. I’ll just tell you right now that I don’t approve of whatever you have in mind, Mom.” -Chaos

“Woe! I thought this was a kitty bed!” -Chaos

Chaos’s distressed caterwauling attracted the attention of PJ, the new counter kitten at the vet – he had to hop down and see what was wrong. Chaos growled at him for his troubles… but I don’t think PJ’s holding a grudge (in fact, I’m not sure PJ has more than two or three brain cells, but he sure is cute!).

“I knew no good could come of her putting that collar on me. Sometimes it sucks to always be right.” -Chaos

“Vengeance WILL be mine. Remember that, Mom.” -Chaos

DPNs left unattended will be devoured

Not suitable for those sensitive to violence against DPNs. You have been warned. What follows isn’t pretty.

A few weeks ago, Jeanne happened to leave a DPN (double-pointed needle) here after she came over to knit. I don’t think she’ll make that mistake a second time… (Yes, that is one of its tips lying near the bottom of the photo. No, I have no idea where the other tip is. Guess I’ll be looking for it in the litterbox…)

“Hey, Mom put this great toy out again!” -Chaos

*mwmph-crunch* -Mayhem

“Don’t hog it, May – I was the one who found it on the end table in the first place!” -Chaos

*mwmph-crunch* -Mayhem

“Hey, big kitty, I was playing with that!” -Mayhem

*mwmph-crunch* -Chaos

“Ha!” *mwmph-crunch* -Mayhem

“Hey! I was chewing on that!” -Chaos

“Maybe I can steal it back…” -Chaos

*mwmph-crunch* -Mayhem

I’m rather unclear what’s happening in this picture, but you could hear scuffling and scurrying and the DPN definitely went with them:

“Mom!! Why did you take it away?!” -Chaos & Mayhem

Anyone know why they don’t make chew toys for cats?!

Wild evening at Casa de Chaos y Mayhem

Craftylilly Jennifer is celebrating her third blogiversary with a trivia contest – she posted the first trivia question Monday, will post the second on Wednesday, and then the third on Friday.

Chaos and May hanging out on a typical wild evening around here…

“Dum de dum de dum de dum…” -Chaos

“What? Cat carrier?! What cat carrier?!?? This is a spiffy kitty bed. You and your notions, Mom.” -Mayhem

Here’s a closer look at Mayhem in the, um, “kitty bed.” This photo was taken with a flash, and features May’s speedy squint reflex.

“So bright! Why do you always try to blind me, Mom?” -Mayhem

Without flash… sure, you can’t see her body at all, but you do get a much better idea of how very, very wide her eyes are.

“Much better without the blinding light. Why don’t you always take pictures this way?” -Mayhem

Is it spring yet?

Not quite? Soon? Maybe? Ah well, here are some spring pictures of Mayhem from last May to help tide us all over…

“What do you want?” -Mayhem

“Oh! Did you see that bird?!” -Mayhem

“And there’s a squirrel! I bet he wouldn’t be so saucy if this screen wasn’t between us…” -Mayhem

P.S. Here are some cute pictures of a kitty in a “cape” – hee hee…

P.P.S. Oh my – the very first lolproposal

In which Mayhem is revealed to be a sink kitty, part 2

Maybe we should just declare this National Sink Kitty Week?! Check out Deb’s pictures of Sammy and Tig (at the bathroom sinks this time).

Earlier this week, I revealed Mayhem’s love of the bathroom sink. The sink appeal can’t just be about the sink shape, since she also loves the rectangular kitchen sink.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

“Wha….?” -Mayhem

“Kitty in the kitchen sink? I don’t see any kitty in the kitchen sink! That would be very naughty, since you don’t allow kitties in the kitchen sink, Mom.” -Mayhem

We here at SoC are not acknowledging today to be a holiday in any way, shape, or form. Nothing good can come from Valentine’s Day. Bah humbug! 😉

In which Mayhem is revealed to be a sink kitty, part 1

Deb’s celebrating her second blogiversary with a contest! Leave her a comment by February 15 and you could win some goodies – she promises it won’t be anything that’s been in the secret kitty lair.

Kmkat has a photo that sums up the weekend experience in our part of the Upper Midwest. Is it any wonder that I stayed in and hibernated yesterday?!

Remember my experiment with responding to comments in the comments, triggered by Chappysmom’s post? One of the authors of the article that inspired Chappysmom has written about his experience participating in our conversations.

Over the weekend, I had a lot of trouble with the email address that my comments are sent to – no idea if things will be better today. I will respond to comment emails when they arrive… whenever that may be. Don’t worry if it isn’t in as timely a fashion as usual. Thanks!

Reading Update
The Royal Treatment, The Royal Pain, and The Royal Mess by Mary Janice Davidson. The premise is that the US never purchased Alaska; instead, it’s an independent monarchy. The result is more trashy fun from Minneapolis author Davidson.
The Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby. (“A hilarious and true account of one man’s struggle with the monthly tide of the books he’s bought and the books he’s been meaning to read.”) This line from one of Hornby’s essays about his reading really summarizes an important aspect of my own reading: “A couple of months ago, I became depressed by the realization that I’d forgotten pretty much everything I’ve ever read. I have, however, bounced back: I am now cheered by the realization that if I’ve forgotten everything I’ve ever read, then I can read some of my favorite books again as if for the first time.” Exactly my strategy!
Songbook by Nick Hornby (with included 11-song cd). The short essays in this book all revolve around songs that have been important to Hornby, ranging from Led Zeppelin to Rufus Wainwright.

Viewing Update
24-Hour Party People. This film is about the Manchester music scene from the mid-1970s through the late 1990s, focusing on Tony Wilson and Factory Records and featuring Joy Division/New Order, the Happy Mondays, and more.

“What? Lots of kitties like to hang out in sinks.” -Mayhem

“The wet sweater that I found draining in here just makes the sink extra comfy!” -Mayhem

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

In which Mayhem gets very, very excited

Wendy’s giving away a copy of Twelve Months of Knitting by Joanne Yordanou. Send her an email by 4 pm EST, February 7, to be included in the random drawing.

Is it usual for there to be hundreds and hundreds of people at a caucus?! Wow. I’m glad I had a book with me last night, because that was one slow line.

“Ohmigosh! Big kitty! It’s a bird! It’s a bird!” – Mayhem

“Mwmph! Mwmph! I got it, big kitty! No kitty food for us tonight!” – Mayhem