Category Archives: Those Cats

A few words from Mayhem

“Hi, this is Mayhem! Lookat this great kitty bed I found! Mom said these are freshly washed and very soggy wool socks, but I know it’s really a kitty bed for me! Mom claims she has real stuff to post, but she waited until the very last minute to do all of her chores, so she’s running around all crazy and told me to post for her! I hope I’m doing this right!!” -Mayhem

“But now I have to guard my kitty bed, because I think Mom has nefarious plans for it. Something about hanging it up to dry. What good is it to me if it’s hanging up?! Silly Mom.” -Mayhem

A burro and a very cute tummy

Since the computer is mostly, but not completely set up (I am able to post from it again!), I’m afraid I’m going to have to post the burro photo (Black Hills, September 2004, as the burro sticks its head through my car window to see what might be edible) as threatened, along with an exceptionally cute picture of Mayhem’s tummy in an attempt to distract you from the lack of any content whatsoever. Whew!

“Hmm, I wonder what a BMW tastes like?” -Burro

“What the heck are you doing now, Mom?!” -Mayhem

Welcome, Sparkly Flamingo!

Nicole’s giving away a copy of A.J. Menden’s new book, Phenomenal Girl 5. Leave her a comment before Thanksgiving for your chance to win.

Want a chance to win one of three gorgeous quilts? Enter by 7 pm EST, November 17.

Get Rich Slowly has a great list of gifts you can make yourself this holiday season. Check out their list(s) of recession-proof jobs from earlier this week. I also found that “The Irritation Threshold and Lifestyle Inflation” definitely gave me things to think about. (Trek’s post today ties in nicely and has some great ideas for living a more moderate life..)

Loved the fail cake FAIL.

Does seeing how many unread posts you have in Google Reader overwhelm you sometimes? You can change that so you just see which blogs have new posts and not how many new posts they have.

If you use Firefox, what sort of personalization have you done with themes and extensions? I’m using the Red Cats (Blue Flavor) theme. My absolute favorite extension is Stop Autoplay, which prevents embedded music and video from playing automatically when you follow a link; instead, you see a little play button and can decide when and if to press it. (Especially handy if you’re browsing at work!) I’m also fond of DictionarySearch, which allows you to highlight and right-click on a word to go look up its definition.

Here’s an amusing article about writers and their cats.

Thanks to Rebecca (who is getting better after her surgery, albeit slowly) for alerting me to these tips on how to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you. O noes!

Many thanks to Cheryl for providing May’s new favorite toy!

“I’ve got you now, my pretty! Well, hopefully I do. Unless you get away again.” -Mayhem

Have a great weekend, everyone!

In which our secret knitting project is revealed

Jeanne and I have been working on a lapghan to keep my neighbor Carol warm as she goes through her chemo treatments. I wove in the last end Tuesday night (yup, this was the source of the 70 ends I was whining about – I’m glad Jeanne took pity on me and wove in some!). Yesterday (after taking a few pictures…) I washed the lapghan and presented it to Carol. I think she liked it. 🙂

Vital stats: Lion Brand Cotton-Ease in charcoal, medium blue (horrifically misnamed violet), stone, and azalea (would you guess this is actually a dark pinky red?). The strips are approximately 4″ wide.

“Huh. I don’t remember the floor looking like this. I wonder when this happened?” -Mayhem

“Our new stripey floor is pretty comfy.” -Mayhem

“Do you like the new stripey floor, big kitty?” -Mayhem

“Mmmm… warm toes.” -Chaos

“I can’t believe how shallow you are, big kitty!” -Mayhem

“Mmmmm… warm tummy.” -Chaos

“Hmph.” -Mayhem

“Mmmm… stripes…” -Chaos

They were a bit disgruntled to be shooed off the lapghan so I could wash it!

In which Chaos loses his mind

My goodness, what could get the Chaos Kitty all worked up like this?! (Please ignore how weird his eyes look – in the original shot, it looked like he had severe cataracts and it was freaking me out.)

*want want want want* -Chaos

May has to see what’s going on, but is easily distracted.

“Oh, look, the bottom of the table.” -Mayhem

*want want want want* -Chaos

Chaos? Not so easily distracted.

*want want want want* -Chaos


“At last! I love you, tissue paper.” *nom nom nom* -Chaos

Not quite a dozen…

I totally miscounted – I had ten bibs finished for the baby shower on Saturday and decided that was a very good number indeed. Whew! (Ok, yeah, so I sewed on the last button about an hour before the shower started – what’s your point?!)

As soon as I had the bibs on the floor for a photo, Chaos took matters into his own paws.

“Ha!” -Chaos

“Give it up, Mom. I’m not getting off these bibs.” -Chaos

“No way, no how. I’m wise to you and your little bib racket.” -Chaos

“Well, crap. Since when do you hold another bib in reserve?!” -Chaos

“I can’t believe I fell for that one. I’m so ashamed.” -Chaos

The tale of the extremely tempting stitch marker

Every once in a while, I take a series of pictures that don’t really require captions. You’ll have to let me know if I was right about these… The backstory – I recently purchased a skein of sock yarn from Mouse when she had a stash sale. I received the package Monday and was delighted to discover that Mouse had included one of the lovely stitchmarkers that she sells at Mousie Masala. Obviously, I wasn’t as delighted as Chaos and May!

Please note that no stitchmarker (or yarn) was harmed during this photoshoot. The photoshoot began on the floor and was moved to the coffee table in the (obviously vain) hope that it would go more smoothly. Not that you can tell, but the stitchmarker is in every picture but the last.

Happy birthday, big kitty!

*sniff* I can’t believe that Chaos turned five yesterday! As Carrie K pointed out to me recently, if he was a human kid instead of a fur kid, he’d be in preschool or possibly even kindergarten now! (She also pointed out that he would need to wear some warning labels, such as “Biter” and “Does not play well with others.”)

“What do you mean, ‘does not play well with others?!’ I’ll bite you if you don’t recant that slanderous statement, Mom!” -Chaos

Additionally, this is my 775th post. How the hell did that happen?! In honor of all this sentimentality, I must, of course, hold a contest. (Like you didn’t know that was coming.) I’ll be giving away yarn and black cat memorabilia and maybe even music or a book. (“Oh, shiny!”) Prizes can be adapted for both knitters and non-knitters.

To participate in the contest, simply leave a comment on this post by 6 pm CDT, Monday, October 6. Your comment should contain an intriguing bit of information – a favorite quote, the best book you ever read, your favorite Chaos moment, an interesting link – you get the idea. I’ll randomly select three winners.

(If you’ve never read the story of Chaos, you can find it here.)