Category Archives: Reading

Linkity is very behind on responding to blog email


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Teh Cute

Reading Update
The Martian by Andy Weir. I haven’t seen the movie, so I was unprepared for how much this scifi thriller sucked me in. Glad I read it on a Friday evening so it wasn’t a huge deal that I read the book in one sitting and went to bed at 3 am…

*judging* -Mayhem

*disgruntled* -Chaos

Linkity wonders where the summer went


Think, Do, Learn, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Jack of Kinrowan by Charles de Lint. The two books contained in this omnibus edition are about Jacky and Kate, two ordinary Ottawa women who get drawn into the machinations of Faerie. Definitely not my favorites by de Lint.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

OMG, it’s linkity!


Think, Learn, Do, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Medicine Road (Newford, #14)Medicine Road by Charles de Lint. Solid contemporary fantasy about the fiddle-playing twins from Seven Wild Sisters on tour in Arizona, where they meet some interesting and unusual people…

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos

Linkity wiped out by lidocaine

Why do I always forget that lidocaine injections leave me feeling spacey and exhausted a few hours later?! Ugh. I had four “suspicious looking” moles removed earlier today and I am fading fast now… (I’ll find out in about a week if they were more than suspicious looking.) *yawning*

There won’t be any linkity at all next week, as I’ll be in Cleveland for work most of the week…


Think, Make, Do, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Muse and ReverieMuse and Reverie by Charles de Lint. Another solid collection of Newford short stories, set before Widdershins.
The Blue Girl (Newford, #15)The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint. I’m not a big YA fan, even for a Newford book. It wasn’t a bad book! And I did enjoy the tiny cameos and mentions of a few of the established Newford folks.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos

“Was that a bird I heard?!??” -Mayhem

Linkity couldn’t put down a book until it was finished and now it’s seriously late to be working on linkity


Do, Think, Make, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Tapping the Dream Tree by Charles de Lint. Another good collection of short stories set in Newford and the hills nearby.
Spirits in the Wires by Charles de Lint. This isn’t one of my favorite Newford books – it doesn’t have quite the zing of some of the other books and some of the overly specific technology bits have not aged well.
Widdershins by Charles de Lint. I don’t think I realized the first time I read this book that, because of how all the ends are tied up, this was probably the final big Newford book.

“Can’t a girl enjoy her box in peace?!” -Mayhem

Linkity desperately needs this long holiday weekend

Work continues to be crazy. I am so behind on blogs and GoodReads and life in general. Hi! :waving:


Think, Do, Make, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Moonlight and Vines by Charles de Lint. Upon rereading, I liked this third collection of Newford stories more than the second (The Ivory and the Horn).
Forests of the Heart by Charles de Lint. This Newford book was a solid read, but not one of my favorites.
The Onion Girl by Charles de Lint. Not my favorite Newford book – it’s a hard read. I really wanted some magical healing, dammit.

“Why are you taking a picture of my foot, Mom??!” -Chaos

Check out that proto-thumb dewclaw there, eh? He doesn’t have extra toes or anything – just large and weirdly dexterous dewclaws. I don’t think May can even move her dewclaws, besides flexing the actual claw…

Linkity derpity


Think, Make, Learn, Do


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
The Ivory and the Horn by Charles de Lint. This is the second book of Newford short stories from de Lint. They’re good, but not quite as consistently so as Dreams Underfoot, alas. I’ll still leave my original rating, though. 🙂
Trader by Charles de Lint. Body swapping, Newford style. I found myself wondering if maybe I would give it four instead of five stars upon rereading, but… I couldn’t put it down and stayed up too late, so…
Someplace To Be Flying by Charles de Lint. Crow Girls! Really, that’s it. They make the book for me. 🙂

*derpity derpity derp* -Chaos

I been through the desert on a linkity with no name


Think, Do, Make, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Dreams Underfoot (Newford #1) by Charles de Lint. This collection of short stories was the first of Charles de Lint’s Newford books that I read 20 years ago. I might not rate it quite as high now (perhaps a 4), but at the time – it was immersive and amazing and I could almost (not quite!) see hints of the magical from the corner of my eye after I finished reading. I was happy to discover that de Lint’s Newford tales have retained their own immersive magic all these years later.

“Stupid heat and humidity makes a panther princess sleepy!” -Mayhem

A linkity for the ages!


Learn, Do, Make, Think


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks by Ken Jennings. I found this in a Little Free Library in my neighborhood! 🙂 This was an extremely enjoyable look at many things map-related, from the National Geographic Bee to geocaching to Google Earth to maps in fantasy novels (Brandon Sanderson fans take note, as Sanderson and Jennings were college roommates). Jennings’ writing is filled with delightful footnotes and irresistible tidbits of information and at times definitely reminded me of the writing of Bill Bryson.

May was also traumatized by the same storm that traumatized Chaos. Or she’s having an existential crisis. It’s hard to tell from that expression.

Linkity cut short by power outage

Let’s see how much linkity I can get done in 15 25 minutes…


Learn, Do, Think, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

“Wha…?” -Chaos