Category Archives: Reading

Linkity curses polar vortices everywhere


Think, Learn, Make, Do


Artsy Crafty




Teh Cute

Reading Update
Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor by Lynda Barry. Excellent book about creativity and writing and drawing, presented in Barry’s signature style of illustration. I’ve tried some of the exercises and am continuing to work on the 4-minute daily diary. Definitely one I’ll be referring to in the future!
Spouse on Haunted Hill (Haunted Guesthouse #8) by EJ Copperman. After skipping the seventh book, I quite enjoyed this one. It’s possible this was the last book in the series – it sure felt like things were being tidied up that way at the end. (Ok, apparently there are more books on the way – so now I’m wondering if the series was in limbo for a bit and the tidying was just in case.)

“…zzzzzzz…” -Chaos

Linkity wishes you a brave new year


Think, Make, Do, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
An Open Spook (Haunted Guesthouse #4.5) by EJ Copperman. This one’s from the POV of Alison’s mom.
The Thrill of the Haunt (Haunted Guesthouse #5) and Inspector Specter (Haunted Guesthouse #6) by EJ Copperman. Less than a week later and I remember nothing about these. πŸ˜€
Ghost in the Wind (Haunted Guesthouse #7) by EJ Copperman. DNF because second-hand embarrassment.

“What? Obviously it’s a new cat bed!” -Mayhem

Hot mess o’ linkity, take two

I am not even sure where my linkity time went this evening. If you find it, would you send it back, please?!?!

Reading Update
Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life by Cynthia Kim. reread. This is probably one I’ll reread every few years.
Night of the Living Deed (Haunted Guesthouse #1) by EJ Copperman. Good mystery in which Alison discovers, while converting her Victorian mansion into a guesthouse, that she she can see ghosts – ghosts who want her to help them figure out who killed them.
An Uninvited Guest (Haunted Guesthouse #2) by EJ Copperman. Good continuation of the series – Alison now has her PI license, but she didn’t really intend to actually use it…
Old Haunts (Haunted Guesthouse #3) by EJ Copperman. Alison’s ex husband shows up unexpectedly, and the two resident ghosts turn out to have unfinished business of their own.
A Wild Ghost Chase (Haunted Guesthouse #3.5) by EJ Copperman. Ok short – told from PI ghost Paul’s perspective for a change.
Chance of a Ghost (Haunted Guesthouse #4) by EJ Copperman. Alison’s (living) mother asks her to help a dramatic ghost of her acquaintance figure out who killed him.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

Hot mess o’ linkity

Erm, yes, I perhaps dawdled away most of my linkity time, so this is going to be a hot mess. πŸ˜€

Reading Update
The Case of the Felonious Friend (Asperger’s Mystery #3) by EJ Copperman & Jeff Cohen. Pretty good addition to the series – although, as with most amateur sleuth mysteries I read, the interaction of said sleuth and the police seem extremely improbable to me.
The Case of the Absentee Father (Asperger’s Mystery #4) by EJ Copperman & Jeff Cohen. This one didn’t quite gel for me. And speaking of improbably interactions between amateur sleuth and police… I just can’t picture the police of Los Angeles reacting as they did in this book.

“If only Mom didn’t starve me so, I could be eating right now…” -Chaos

In which linkity is surprised when winter becomes wintery


Do, Make, Learn, Think


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
The Furthest Station (Peter Grant #5.7) by Ben Aaronovitch. Pretty good continuation of the series, but not great. Not sure if it was me or the book, but I kept getting tangled up and having to go back and reread bits.
The Question of the Missing Head (An Asperger’s Mystery #1) by EJ Copperman & Jeff Cohen. Samuel is an Aspie (of the very male type, familiar to many) who has recently started a business answering questions. He is not a private investigator, which he has to explain to people quite frequently.
The Question of the Unfamiliar Husband (An Asperger’s Mystery #2) by EJ Copperman & Jeff Cohen. Pretty good continuation of the series – enough so that I’m on the wait list for books 3 and 4 at my library.
Written Off (Mysterious Detective Mystery #1) by EJ Copperman. Pretty good mystery about a mystery author who’s contacted by a man who bears an uncanny similarity to the main character in the mystery series she writes…
Edited Out (Mysterious Detective Mystery #2) by EJ Copperman. I didn’t find the second book quite as enjoyable as the first, but now I’m curious how long the author can sustain this amusingly ridiculous premise.
Asperger’s on the Inside by Michelle Vines. Ok autobiographical account of growing up in Australia with undiagnosed Asperger’s Syndrome. I still can’t complete figure out why this one didn’t work for me. The spectacular overuse of exclamation points was a tiny part of it, I’m sure – it’s hard to read a book that exuberant.

“What lunch bag cooler? I don’t see a lunch bag cooler anywhere!” -Mayhem

Linkity returns! Well, kind of. Linkity starts to slog through the backlog isn’t as catchy, tho.


Think, Do, Learn, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Tinker; Wolf Who Rules; Elfhome; Wood Sprites (Elfhome 1-4) by Wen Spencer. A delightful reread!
Kaleidoscope: Ideas & Projects to Spark Your Creativity by Suzanne Simanaitis. It was ok. More focused on making zines than I expected.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

*feedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedmefeedme* -Chaos

In which linkity returns!*

Hello! Hope you’ve all been well! πŸ™‚

*Linkity’s back for two weeks – then I have another two weeks of classes, followed by Thanksgiving….


Think, Learn, Make, Do


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Spindle’s End by Robin McKinley. Very good variant of Rumpelstiltskin, in which a fairy accidentally absconds with the princess after she’s cursed. The princess is raised with no idea who she really is. I stayed up too late reading this one. πŸ™‚
The Illustrated History of Hockey: The NHL Years by Jason Kay & Craig Campbell. Interesting book that spends a page or two on each year of the NHL’s history. I was most interested in the more recent years, so I read this back to front.

“Ewwww, Mayhem’s touching me, Mom!” -Chaos

“What?” -Mayhem

Lean linkity times ahead!

I am taking a couple of Thursday evening classes from now until November 16 at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, so expect Linkity to be spotty or nonexistent…


Make, Learn, Do, Think


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman. Excellent (and epic) book that spans the history of autism and autism research up through the present. Highly recommended if you’re autistic, know someone with autism (you do, even if you don’t know you do), or wonder how the hell that antivaccine nonsense got started. That said, at times this book felt a bit unfocused as the author got caught up in backstories – a couple of times I wished I’d jotted down a list of names as I read so I could keep everyone sorted out. Perhaps that was just me and my notoriously bad memory. The book still gets five stars because of being both groundbreaking and sensible. πŸ™‚

*long slow blinking* -Mayhem

Linkity has had better weeks.

Still waiting to hear whether it’s totaled or not (the rear axle is bent and the frame is not longer in its original shape). I am fine! Which is great! (I was stopped at a red light and was hit at speed by someone who apparently didn’t notice all the stopped cars, only swerving into the ditch at the last moment.) But dammit, I really like(d) this car.


Do, Make, Think, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
The Delirium Brief (Laundry Files #8) by Charles Stross. Holy crap. O.O This one was a rollercoaster ride. Very intense. And now I have to go see when book #9 is going to come out…

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

Linkity really needs this long [US] holiday weekend


Do, Think, Learn, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Handmade Hellos: Fresh Greeting Card Projects from First-Rate Crafters by Eunice Moyle & Sabrina Moyle. Ok book with 27 greeting card projects in it. Included templates. I’ll definitely use some of the templates and the directions for creating a library checkout card in Word.
Mail Me Art: Going Postal with the World’s Best Illustrators and Designers by Darren Di Lieto. Ok if you just want to look at pictures of mail art.

*very disappointed in my everything* -Chaos