Category Archives: Covers

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 42nd (YFIGTFLTG)

Congrats to Jane, who won Not Anymore by Em Woods! Not Anymore will be released by Total-E-Bound today.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet Your Face Is Going To Freeze Like That Guy (YFIGTFLTG).

Because he had a

, YFIGTFLTG left his

, where he’d been

, and

, while trying to avoid his ex-

, who was after

. Whew!

The end. For now. Because I’m sure I’ll hear about all sorts of other covers featuring YFIGTFLTG, now that I’ve done this post. 🙂

Many thanks to Mary Calmes, who found some of these covers!

“Naughty boys, I stick my tongue out at all of you!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 41st (Looking Away Guy)

Congrats to Leni and Sarah M, who each won copies of Wicked Cool by Val Kovalin! Wicked Cool is now available from Amber Quill Press.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet Looking Away Guy (LAG).

Since he’s starting from

, LAG likes to use

when he’s


mode. He kills them



because of his


And yet… some days he has more than a

about whether his life is real; instead, it seems merely a

“No!!!! Not more naughty boys!!!!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 40th (Firefighters: LTGNAFG)

Congrats to Courtney S, who won In the Crease by Stephani Hecht! In the Crease will be released by Total-E-Bound today.

 Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet Likes To Get Naked At Fires Guy (LTGNAFG), who is a busy, busy boy.

LTGNAFG had been praying to a

for years, hoping for his very own

– imagine his delight when he got the

! After he unwrapped his gift,

was to fan

and get rid of

. (I’m so treating that title as The Firefighter’s Woman, Too.)

With that done, even though he knew he was

, LTGNAFG was ready to ignite the

, ready to gaze

, ready to push

past its

and turn it into a

, so charged with

that he would


Whew! I always feel a bit breathless after I finish writing these posts. I wonder why? 😉

“Wake me up when you’ve gotten this whole naughty boy business out of your system, Mom.” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 39th (Crouching Guy, Erect?)

Congrats to arzu, who won Twice in a Lifetime by Shawn Lane! Twice in a Lifetime was released on September 5 by Amber Allure.

Congrats to Tara, who won What To Do With Lore by Jade Archer! What To Do With Lore was released by Total-E-Bound on September 6.

Congrats to kasjo_peja, who won Gay Day! Gay Day! (G-A-Y, Book 11) by Kim Dare! Gay Day! Gay Day! was released on September 6 by Total-E-Bound.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! A few of you may remember all the way back to Part the Ninth, when we met Crouching Guy. I’ll wait here whilst you go take a peek and refresh your memories. Back? All comfy? Ok then. I think that today’s cover model is actually Crouching Guy, now standing (more or less) erect. Thoughts?

And now, on with our story…

It all started with

after being

(nearly to

, poor thing!), who was trying to discover all of Rawley/Crouching Guy’s

while appealing to his

. Alas, poor Crouching Guy was too worried about potentially


to enjoy the delectable

that the sheik had provided.

Hmm. I’m not sure that makes any sense whatsoever! 🙂

“Surely you have found all the naughty boys there are to find by now, Mom?!” -Mayhem


Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 38th (Revisiting Candy Cane Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! I’m sure you’ve all been dying to find out what Candy Cane Guy’s been up to since the last time we visited him, right? Just nod and smile, everyone. 🙂

Candy Cane Guy fell

because his


had a bit of a temper tantrum while they were trying to find the

. This left him in



who kept insisting that

and that he should be

and putting himself

in order to experience a



I’m going to end the story here, so you can all gawk at that cover. Yes, that really is Candy Cane Guy’s body. See?

“Oh no, now there are mutant naughty boys?! Eeeeek!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 37th (MUMMCHG)

Congrats to Nikyta, who won Wild Thing by Mia Watts! Wild Thing will be released today by Total-E-Bound.


Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet My Underwear Matches My Cowboy Hat Guy (MUMMCHG).

, our brave

MUMMCHG was traveling

(please to ignore the massive geographic disconnect there), his mind completely

, with a

and a list of

, ready to face

for the

when he discovered that

is a non-stop diet of

in the form of

, even though they are

and must always

in a


Whew! I hope no one tried to read that run-on sentence aloud. If you did, you probably ran out of air and passed out a few photos back…

“Fine. If your readers want abs, Mom, I’ll give them abs. See???” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 36th (ITSFMSG)

Congrats to Amie, who won Enslaved by Blood (Drone Vampires, Book 10) by Stephani Hecht! Enslaved by Blood was  released by eXtasy Books on August 15.

Congrats to Paula, who won A Game of Skills (The Farmingdale Gentleman’s Club, Book 2) by TC Blue! A Game of Skills will be released by Total-E-Bound today.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll meet I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt Guy (ITSFMSG). Many thanks to Stephani Hecht for coming up with his name and for helping me find some of these covers. Unlike the Staring Contest Guys, poor ITSFMSG must deal with all sorts of Photoshop modifications – head and body switching, ab smoothing, hair lengthening, and more.

And now, on to our story…



to live in a

at the

. However,

had other plans for ITSFMSG and lured him into

by telling him there was a

in there. Alas, that wasn’t true, and poor ITSFMSG required facial reconstruction surgery, a wig, and a mask after the wicked panther lady had her way with him and then said, “You will

.” The end.

That last cover gives me the giggles. Your doctor enters the exam room, wearing a mask over his eyes, and rips open his shirt… O.O

“I can’t help but notice that there is a very handsome black kitty up there who is surrounded by naughty boys! You must rescue the kitty, Mom!!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 35th (The Return of the Staring Contest Guys)

If you read m/m romance, you should definitely join the M/M Romance Group on GoodReads. It’s a great source for reading recommendations, discussions, eye candy, author news, giveaways, and more. This week, the group is throwing a party (complete with hundreds of prizes) to celebrate its anniversary. If you decide to join and check it out this week, stop by this post and mention that I sent you. 😉

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’re revisiting the Staring Contest Guys, who are, unsurprisingly, still staring. First, let’s start with the original stock photo, titled “Rivalry.” Umm… I’m not thinking rivalry’s the reason they’re staring at each other like that…


Anyway. On to our story!


and shared their deepest, darkest, most

with each, speaking

and their

wish to twine around each other in

as they share

. I wonder if they ever blink?

I don’t see what the big deal is. I can stare better than any naughty boys, Mom!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 34th (The Return of the Return of the Return of SOBJG)

Congrats to Kaetrin, who won Priority One by Stephani Hecht! (Priority One was released on August 1 by eXtasy Books.)

Congrats to Jessica, who won Fugly by K. Z. Snow! (Fugly was released today by Liquid Silver.)

Congrats to Laura Reece, who won Loving Edits by Mickie B. Ashling!

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’re revisiting our old friend, Slouching Open Black Jacket Guy (SOBJG).

It was only

before SOBJG, tired of being

to the

, would follow the urges of his

and begin the

pattern of

that would lead him away from his

and into the arms of

for many long, sultry

. The end. For now. 🙂

Is anyone keeping track of which of these Misadventures posts contains the most preposterous run-on sentence?!

“Hmph. More naughty boys. I think I need a refund on my hypnosis class!” -Mayhem

Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 33rd (Pumkin Ravioli Boy)

Congrats to KC (SmokinHotBooks), who won Making Promises (sequel to Keeping Promise Rock) by Amy Lane! Making Promises is being released today (July 26) by Dreamspinner Press.

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today you’ll meet Pumkin Ravioli  Boy; after I saw that typoed book title, I was completely unable to think of a different name for him. O.o



by his old flame, a

. Pumkin Ravioli Boy and the

, both

at heart, were completely unprepared to deal with the bad case of

poisoning that they picked up during the rescue.

O noes! What will happen next?!?

P.S. I’m serious. Tell me. Your comments make the Misadventures ever so much fun for me and hopefully for the other readers! Thank you!

“Look deep into my eyes,. You are growing sleepy. Your eyes are growing heavy. You will not look at any more pictures of naughty boys!” -Mayhem