‘Tis true – I finally did my taxes yesterday (nothing bad!), but it took forever and I had no brain left for Misadventuring. Time to check out some past Misadventures you might have missed? *smiles winningly*
Also, I don’t have any contests scheduled this week (altho one could always turn up), so stop back Friday for some Linkity!
“What?! No naughty boys today?! No need for me to hide??! Is this a trick?” -Mayhem
Picture taken by Jeanne while Mayhem was hiding/snuggling inside Jeanne’s felted knitting bag.
No new edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography today, alas. I’m still going to do the Misadventures a couple of Mondays each month, but I’m not going to stress over it every week anymore. Plus today’s my first migraine-free day since early last week – I’m not sure I have it in me to be witty today. Carry on!
“Why is it a problem that I’m sitting where your laptop needs to be so you can work?!” -Mayhem
“What May said!” -Chaos
I love how, if you embiggen this photo, you can see part of a Chaos Kitty eye and nose behind May.
Back on Christmas Eve, I did something to my hip – it felt like a pinched nerve and was getting better, but over the past week it’s gotten a lot worse. Friday I had an MRI – hopefully the results will be back today so they can figure out what’s up. I haven’t been able to focus very well, so no Misadventure today. (But hey, at least my foot’s a lot better…)
“I hope Mom feels better soon! She’s been very hurty.” -Mayhem
Today is my last day of training, fortunately – long days in front of the computer learning really complicated stuff (BizTalk Server 2013, in case you were curious) have left me in a hopefully not-permanent stupor. Sorry – I just can’t spend any more time in front of the computer today. 🙁 And I’m really jealous of Chaos right now!!
I’ll be in training classes for work all week, which is going to make for a looooong week for me. Especially with juggling car repairs in a completely different suburb. How’s everyone else doing? 🙂
“I’ve got my eye on you, Mom. Don’t try to sneak any naughty boys past me or anything!” -Mayhem
The Misadventures vacation continues! Should I resume next week, or go for an even eight weeks? Tune in next week to see what I decide! Since I’m suddenly going to a week of training for work next week… 🙂
Unpacked. Most things have been put away, although it’s likely quite a few things will be shifted about.
“Go away – can’t you see I’m busy basking here?” -Mayhem
The Misadventures vacation continues! Maybe next Monday…but mostly likely the following one. I’m at the point in unpacking where all of the boxes are empty, but heaps of stuff are strewn everywhere. Where did all this stuff come from?! Where is all of it going to go?!?!
Apologies to anyone who’s emailed me over the past few weeks – I’m really, really behind in my email. 🙁
At least the big front windows are a hit with the kitties. 🙂